be exposed to

  • 网络暴露于;面临;暴露在

be exposed tobe exposed to

be exposed to


SAT 强化班语法讲义 李侃 - 小马过河 ... be dedicated to doing 致力于 be exposed to 暴露于 consist of 由……组成 ...


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... exert…on… 对…施加… be exposed to面临…, 受到…. • to …extent 在…程度上 • ...


... 34. retrospect 回顾,回忆 36. be exposed to 暴露在;接触到 3. causal 随意的;不经心的; ...


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... exert…on… 对…施加… be exposed to… 面临…, 受到…. • to …extent 在…程度上 • ...


... 34. retrospect 回顾,回忆 36. be exposed to 暴露在;接触到 3. causal 随意的;不经心的; ...


介词(主要是to)的用法_爱问知识人 ... be equal to 有…的力量, be exposed to 暴露;遭受, be fair to 对…公平, ...

In order for an MBean to be exposed to a JMX client, it must be registered with an MBean server running inside of a JMX agent. 为了让MBean呈现给JMX客户机,必须使用一个内部运行有JMX代理的MBean服务器注册它。
So you know this lecture's series as I said, is an opportunity for students to be exposed to leaders in the technological world. 所以大家知道我说的这个讲座系列,为学生创造了机会去接触,技术世界的领导者们。
In a nuclear power plant accident, the general population is not likely to be exposed to doses high enough to cause such effects. 在核电厂事故中,一般民众不太可能暴露在足以造成这样的影响的高剂量辐射下。
The furniture has a strong graphic aesthetics which gives it a solid identity in any context it might be exposed to. 家具具有很强的图形美学这给了它一个坚实的身份在任何情况下它可能会接触到。
The team said the phosphorescent substance did not need to be exposed to direct sunlight. 科研小组表示,这种磷光性的物质不需要放在阳光下直射。
With the consideration that Bruce may be exposed to adverse influences, his parents sent him to US for education at the age of 18. 由于害怕李小龙学坏,在他18岁那年,李小龙的父母送李小龙到美国留学。
Even if you only listen for five or ten minutes each day, you'll still be exposed to the language, and that's what you are trying to do. 就算每天只听四到五分钟,只要你持续接触这种语言,你也会有所收获的。
During the course of a transaction, the intermediate (possibly inconsistent) state of the data should not be exposed to other transactions. 在事务的执行过程中,数据的中间(可能不一致)状态不应对其他事务公开。
As it is, the public has continued to be exposed to the potential, though extremely rare, hazard of HIV in donor blood. 由此,人们还要继续面对在供体血液中尽管极其稀少,但仍然存在潜在HIV病毒的危机。
This experience provided me with the opportunity to be exposed to lots of new ideas of modern fashion design and professional training. 我不仅有机会接触现代服装设计的新观念.而且还因此接受了职业训练。
This could be exposed to you to simply compound the equivalent interest and say that you'll be willing to pay 1 over 1+r squared dollars. 这可能对你们来说是简单的复利,相同利润,你们愿意,花1元而不是1+r元。
When things got bad, all kinds of strategies turned out to be exposed to the market, and went down with it. 当形势转差时,各种策略都会受到市场的影响,并随之沉沦。
Mr Trapani listed Bulgari's shares in 1995, even though he knew he would be exposed to outside pressure as the boss of a public company. 1995年,Trapani带宝格丽上市,他很清楚:作为一家公开募股公司,他必须承受来自外界的压力。但他并不后悔。
In the HelloWorldSessionBean class, but do not promote it to the remote interface since it does not need to be exposed to the client. 方法,但是不把它提升为远程接口,因为它不必向客户机公开。
Limit Value Air concentration of chemical substances to which workers may be exposed to daily without adverse effect. 工人每天接触不至于产生不良反应化学介质的空气浓度的极限值。
Still another parent complained: "There is too much graphic violence in these books and I won't allow my son to be exposed to it. " 仍然还有一位家长抱怨道:“这些书中有太多暴力性的插图,我不会允许我的儿子接触它的。”
To obtain an image with enough contrast, the sensor needs to be exposed to a sufficient amount of light during a short amount of time. 为了获得有充分对比的影像,元件需要在短时间内有充足的光线进行曝光。
If water in the pools evaporates, the spent rods would be exposed to the air and radioactive material would be released into the atmosphere. 如果池中的水全部蒸发掉,那么乏燃料棒将凸现于空气中,放射性物质将释放到大气中。
It is recommended that at least three replicates of each material be exposed to allow for statistical evaluation of results. 建议对每种材料至少重复老化试验三次以便获得统计评估结果。
We don't want to be exposed to any of these large borrowers. 我们不希望对这些举债大国中的任何一个存在风险敞口。
Therefore, the study of human culture, it is bound to be at different levels, the top level will be exposed to this problem. 所以人体文化的研究,势必会在不同层次、层面上面会接触到这个问题。
When you use multithreading of any sort, your code can be exposed to very serious and complex bugs. 使用任何一种多线程时,代码都容易产生非常严重而复杂的bug。
Participants were then told that they would be exposed to random types of erotic stimuli to determine pornography's effect on response time. 实验对象被告知会随机接触不同类型的性爱刺激以决定情色图像的效果和反应时间。
In any case, with at least four major film projects in the works, a broad audience will be exposed to the history of the incident. 无论怎样,目前至少有四部大型电影制作已经或即将出炉,届时将会有大批观众直面这一历史事件。
In 1976, Pierre began to be exposed to furniture design and indoor design, opened one's own franchise shop. 1976年,皮尔开始接触家具设计和室内设计,并开设了自己的专营商店。
In contrast, drug users with less education and wealth are more likely to be exposed to negative consequences of drug use. 相反,拥有较少的知识和财富的吸毒者,更容易展现使用毒品的消极后果。
But whenever there happened a great social revolution, this core thought would be exposed to suspicion or even subjected to being discarded. 但当社会发生重大变革时,这种思想又每每受到强烈的质疑甚至毁弃。
Planned economy, most people living in the old public room, objectively likely to be exposed to domestic violence in full view. 计划经济年代,人们大多居住在老式公房里,客观上使家庭暴力行为容易暴露在众目睽睽之下。
Only those services that have to be exposed to the consumers of a provider need have a service proxy or a request handler. 只有那些不得不向提供者的使用者公开的服务才需要有服务代理或请求处理程序。
However, unless and until the Treaty enjoyed universal adherence, States parties would continue to be exposed to risks. 然而,除非并直到条约得到普遍遵守,否则各州党派将会继续面临危险。