shut out

  • na.不让进来;遮得看不见;【棒球】不让得分
  • 网络退关;排除;把…排斥在外

第三人称单数:shuts out 现在分词:shutting out

shut outshut out

shut out


航空 - 水宝贝的日志 - 网易博客 ... STUFFING 装柜 SHUT OUT 退关 Teminal Handling Charge 码头操作费 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... shrug off 耸肩表示对…不屑理睬 shut out 排除(可能性等) on the side 作为兼职;另外 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... show up 显露,暴露;露面,来到 shut out 把...排斥在外 sit in on 列席(会议),旁听 ...


高考英语56个高频动词短语(五) - 豆丁网 ... shut one's teeth 要紧牙关 shut out 关在外面,排除(可能性) shut up 关闭,密封 ...


飞镖_百度百科 ... SHANGHAI 上海 SHUT OUT 关在门外 SKUNKED 惨败 ...


高频动词词组(配例句) - 英语 考研论坛 ... 349. show off 炫耀,卖弄 351. shut out 排除,不让…进来 355. sit up 迟睡,熬夜 ...


托福词组4_百度文库 ... shut down 关闭 shut out 遮住;把...挡在外面, 排斥 side with 站在...一边;支持 ...


英文排球术语 - 豆丁网 ... Shove 推球 Shut out 拦网成功 Side-arm service 侧身发球 ...

I tried to cover my head with a pillow to shut out the sound. It was no use. 我用枕头盖住脑袋,试图隔绝声响,却一点用都没有。
I made for her a bed of flowers and I closed the doors to shut out the rude light from her eyes. 我替她铺一个花床,我关上门不让凶猛的光射在她眼上。
Mr Zuckerberg will have to weigh the damage all of this will do to the brand against the long-term risk of being shut out of China. 扎克伯格将不得不权衡这一切对品牌的损害以及被关在中国大门之外的长期风险。
However, motion picture actors were still shut out of residuals and did not receive any compensation when their studio films aired on TV. 但是电影演员仍然没有剩余工资,并且当制片厂在电视上播放电影时,也得不到任何补偿。
"The U. S. has got to be careful it's not shut out, " said Keeler, now with the law firm of Mayer Brown LLP. 现在美亚博法律事务所(MayerBrownLLP)任职的基勒说:“美国必须谨慎行事,不要被排除在外。”
'The introvert may shut out the extravert, perhaps while silently nodding, or stop trying to contribute, ' she says. 她说,“内向者也许会沉默地点头或不再多说什么话,其实内心已经在排斥外向者的讲话了。”
She was child and mad with fright and she wanted to bury her head in her mother's lap and shut out this sight. 她仿佛还是一个小孩子,现在吓慌了,想躲到母亲怀里,避开这种可怕的景象。
The bank was sold for a fraction of its book value after it was shut out of lending markets. 一个银行在它的借贷市场被关闭之后,只能以帐面价值很小比例的价格被售出。
s Full of young people see the lower a woman, if he do not want to be shut out, so it is best not to get married. 富有的青年人看中一个下层女子,他若不想被逐出家门,那么最好是不要提结婚的事。
An actor after all, obviously able to shut out her husband and child waiting for her back at home. 毕竟一个演员,显然能够关闭了她的丈夫和她的孩子回家的等待。
US oil groups were all but shut out of Iraq as the country completed the biggest oil field auction in history at the weekend. 伊拉克在周末完成了该国历史上规模最大的油田开发招标活动,美国石油集团几乎全部出局。
That frugal business model has helped it deal with the fact that it has been shut out of some of the most lucrative routes in the nation. 这个节俭的商业模式帮助它面对已被全国最盈利的航线排斥在外的事实。
How much happiness we turn a blind eye to , but we are shut out by the minimal pain. 多少幸福,我们视而不见,但我们关闭了最低限度的痛苦。
If I can turn my back on that and shut out the remembrance, I think, I might be just as desirable as any other girl. 如果我能不去理这点,把它逐出脑海,我想我应可以变得跟其它女孩一样可爱。
Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising. 卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。
She saw his mouth move, but she shut out the sound of his voice. 她看到他的嘴在动,但她在脑子里屏蔽了他的声音。
When you work shut out as much distractions as possible. Shut off the phone, internet and shut the door. 当你工作时尽可能的避免那些分散注意力的事物。
Investors seem to be assuming the worst, which is that Google will be shut out of one of the world's largest search markets. 投资者看来是在假定会发生最糟糕的情况,也就是谷歌将被关在全球最大的搜索市场之一的大门外。
This means the US is neither likely to be shut out of those markets nor pressed to close its military bases in the region. 这意味着,他们不太可能将美国拒之门外,也不会要求美国关闭其在中东的军事基地。
Italy, Europe's leaders told him, was close to being shut out of bond markets. 欧洲领导人对他说,意大利就快无法从债券市场融资了。
to add to his distress , the bright blue sky became overcast with little fleecy clouds which shut out the sun. 刚才还是灿烂的晴空,现在布满了小片小片的白云,把太阳遮住了,这使得他的情绪更为低落。
Much of the demand for this credit comes from property developers starved of funds by the banks and shut out of public bond markets. 从银行告贷无门、又被挡在公开债券市场门外的房地产开发商,成为地下信贷的主要需求来源。
What they do not realize is soon they will be shut out of the Chinese market and will have no home market either to sustain them. 他们没有意识到的是,他们很快就会被驱逐出中国市场,并且本土市场也无法保证经济持续发展。
The point was clear: people somehow feel shut out of the world of courts and lawyers where justice is supposedly done. 其含意很清楚:人们不知怎么地感到被据说能伸张正义的由法庭和律师主宰的世界拒之门外。
The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop. 场院必须彻底迁走,还要多种些树把铁匠铺子遮开。
Is the fashion magazine shut out, Rebecca resume was little, he was with the company's financial magazines as a journalist. 被梦想中的时尚杂志社拒之门外后,丽贝卡在简历上撒了小谎,结果被同公司旗下的财经杂志聘为专栏记者。
The young journalists had been tempting fate in a region then shut out of communication. 年轻的记者们正在某地冒险拍摄,其与外界的联系不久就被切断了。
Chain groceries shut out the independent stores. Chain groceries put the independent stores out of the market. 连锁店把独立经营的小商店挤出市场。
After some of the safest companies were shut out of the market in the last months of 2008, debt issuance this year has soared. 2008年最后几个月,一些最安全的公司也被挡在市场之外,在此之后,今年债券发行大幅飙升。
The shipper told us, one of his containers should be shut out. So we are looking for it. 发货人告诉我们,他的一个集装箱必须退关。因此,我们正在寻找该集装箱。