


The statement followed a report on the Engadget blog Saturday that said the faulty batch of PlayBooks were shipped to Staples (SPLS). RIM公司的声明发布前,著名科技博客Engadget报道说,这批存在问题的PlayBook被发运到了办公用品零售商史泰博(Staples)的连锁店。
There was no room in the container. One carton of goods had to be shipped unpacked. 集装箱里没有地方了,一箱货物不得不散装运输。
As your cargoes are shipped all year around to you, we make it a rule to cover insurance under open cover. 由于给贵方的货物是全年运送的,我方规定以预约保险为之投保。
To help with this, IBM has shipped a few basic ARE templates that can be used without requiring you to have the ARE product on your system. 为此,IBM提供了几个基本ARE模板,无需在系统上安装ARE产品即可使用它们。
April , informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing. 信中说到我们所发货给您的缝纫机破损情况是由于我们的包装问题所引起的。
Although the cartons are light and easy to handle, we think it is not strong enough to be shipped. 虽然这些纸箱轻便、易拿,但我们认为它们在运输中不太结实。
So the Gulf oil will have to be shipped to Asia's newer refineries, which are designed to deal with a wide variety of grades of oil. 所以海湾的石油必须先运送至亚洲较新的炼油厂,这些炼油厂正是建以处理各种各类的石油。
When you modify one of the style sheets or templates shipped with HATS, copy that file into a new file specifically for your own use. 当您修改一个由HATS提供的样式表或模板时,请复制该文件,创建一个专门供您使用的新文件。
The bulk of your goods are to go, as long as you notice it shipped directly to the factory's warehouse can be specified. 由于你的货是散货走,出货时只要你通知那家工厂直接送到指定的仓库即可。
The quality of the goods you shipped last week is much interior to that of the goods of our last order. 你方上周发运的货物质量与我方上次所订的货物质量相比,要低劣得多。
On our daily runs, I often carried on conversations with him as if he understood every word. " I almost shipped you out27 as a pup. " 每天跑步时,我常常和“小淘气”说点什么,好像它能听懂我说的一切。
Before I retired, I helped another three groups get ready to be shipped overseas. 在我退役前,我又帮助了3个战队做好海外航行准备。
our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage. 我们团队收到一份关于哪些我们可以带上飞机,和哪些我们得当做行李托运在大部分主要航线上的协议。
As for the pliers to be shipped to us, we would like you to have them packed in boxes of 2 dozens each, 100 boxes to a wooden case. 关于即将发给我们的钳子,我们希望每两打装一盒,一百盒装一木箱。
The war resources stocked for as long as two years were to be shipped out overnight. 储备了两年之久的作战物资,现在要连夜运出。
In the last month, China shipped $25 billion in goods to the U. S. and bought only $7 billion in return, he said. 上个月,中国向美国运送了250亿美元的货品,相应地却只从美国购买了70亿美元货物。
Concern Management - Suppliers shall immediately notify TRW upon discovery that they might have shipped non- conforming or suspect product . 关注问题管理-供应商应立即通知TRW关于可能已发运不合格或可疑的产品的发现。
We make it a dollar cheaper to ship the sweaters, and then increase the tariff by two dollars to prevent the sweaters from being shipped. 我们降低羊毛衫运输成本1美元,却又增加了2美元的关税而阻止了它的运输。
On the night that his wife shipped out to Iraq, Henry agreed to let his daughters sleep in bed with him. 妻子坐船前往伊拉克的当天晚上,亨利答应女儿们和他一起睡。
Kyle Zink, Square's marketing manager, added the system is been used widely and said the company has shipped half a million readers. Square的市场总监凯尔•辛克补充道,这套系统已经颇为普及,公司已经发了50万件读卡器的货了。
Yet, at least for now, China implicitly relies on the U. S. Navy to guarantee the sea-lanes along which that oil is shipped. 但至少目前为止,中国还完全依靠美国海军来保证该国进口石油所经航道的安全。
But I made him feel like a piece of baggage being shipped back and forth between his mother and me. . . 但是我让他觉得自己像个行李一样在他妈妈和我之间被来来回回地运送。
It stocked the shelves with food shipped in from America's East Coast and people were told it was just a film set. 它货架上摆的食品是从美国东海岸运来的,而告诉人们的是这是电影拍摄现场。
These shipped patterns provide out-of-the-box value because they are ready to be deployed to a private cloud. 这些模式提供了开箱即用的价值,因为它们随时可以部署到私有云。
Barge freight prices have soared on the Ohio River, one of the few waterways in the region on which grain is still being shipped. 作为该地区少数几条仍能运输谷物的水道之一,俄亥俄河的驳船运输价格已大幅飙升。
For over a year, Gorbunova collected deceased rodents from around the world and had them shipped to her lab in chilled containers. 大约用了一年时间,Gorbunova在全球范围内集齐了死亡的啮齿类的标本,并运到实验室冷藏起来。
A chief of the local Ada Narcotics Unit said the drugs had been mixed into the chocolate which was then said to be shipped to Mexico. 当地禁毒科的主要负责人说,这些毒品被混制在巧克力中并意欲运送往墨西哥。
Because cacao beans had to be shipped such a long distance, chocolate was an expensive drink and only the rich could afford it. 由于可可豆必须以船运送这麽远的一段距离,于是巧克力成了一种昂贵的饮料,只有有钱人才负担的起;
Thanks for your payment. Your item will be shipped out on Monday, then I will confirm shipping information with you again. 谢谢你的付款。你的物品将于周一发货,届时我会再次跟你确认运送信息。
InfoQ: Rubinius seems to be shipped with a wealth of concurrency ideas and tools - threads, actors, multivm + message passing IPC, etc. Rubinius好像有了很丰富的并发概念和工具——线程、actor、多虚拟机+消息传递IPC等等。