


He had looked into Amelia's bedroom when he entered; she lay quite, and her eyes seemed closed, and he was glad that she was asleep. 他向艾米莉的卧室看进去,她平静地躺着,看起来眼睛闭着,看到艾米莉睡着了,他觉得很高兴。
I entered, and beheld my stray lamb seated on the hearth, rocking herself in a little chair that had been her mother's when a child. 我进去了,看见我的迷途的羔羊坐在火炉边,坐在她母亲小时候的一把椅子上摇来摇去。
When the family entered Ty's room, they found him wrapped in bandages with a tube protruding from his head. 一家人走进泰的病房,只现他浑身裹满了绷带,头部插着管子。
After two years of medical school and a brief period as a photographer, he entered the fashion world as a purchaser for a department store. 他曾在医学院修业两年,并当过短期的摄影师,在一家百货公司担任采购的职务。
On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 正当那日,挪亚和他三个儿子闪、含、雅弗,并挪亚的妻子和三个儿妇,都进入方舟。
In this paper, however, the image differentiated by means of a filter is entered into a computer using a CCD camera and then integrated. 本文件中,但是,有区别的图像通过一个过滤器是进入了一个电脑使用的是CCD相机,然后综合。
Owens Illinois was given no advance warning of the measure, and new management entered the factory just a few days after it was announced. OwensIllinois并没有得到关于那项措施的进一步通告,新的管理层在公告后的几天里就入住了该工厂。
The cost of the truck is. entered in an asset account, which in essence represents the advance purchase of these transportation services. 这辆卡车的成本记入资产账户,事实上代表了对这些运输服务的预购。
It pleased her to see that he was so captivated by her, and it never entered her head that there could be anything amiss in it. 她看见他已经被她迷住,觉得很高兴,并没有想到这有什么异乎寻常的地方。
Oneself knows to put to depend to open of Be just a person, but don't know oneself drive oneself the lock entered an in the mind. 自己知道放靠开的只是一个人,但却不知自己却被自己锁进了心里。
This example validates that the user has entered at least eight characters into a TextBox control. 此示例验证用户已至少将8个字符输入到TextBox控件中。
Mr. Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and fixed them on her face with a calm unconcern. 班纳特先生见她走进来,便从书本上抬起眼睛,安然自得,漠不关心地望着她的脸。
And that's what you see in the last Rose Bowl, you know, when we entered one of the floats. 你看到的就是上次玫瑰花球(roseball),我们的火星车上了彩车。
Gusty entered her boldly and made love to her rhythmically while she filmed him, because she was a keen amateur pornographer. 贾斯帝放胆进入她的身体,与她有节奏地做着爱,她则掌镜拍着他,因为她是一位狂热的业余情色摄影师。
Looking nervously and irritably about him, he walked in as though he were afraid of everything in the great room he had entered. 他一边走进房间,一边心神不宁地忿忿地四处张望,好像他害怕他走进的那一大间房中的一切似的。
Third bad idea: You could have entered the amounts in chronological order. At the end of each month you could have made a sum. 第三个糟糕想法:你按时间顺序输入了数据,在每个月末你还做了累计。
Data is often entered with literal expressions. 资料通常是以常值运算式输入的。
Registration Card information will be entered into the Public Security Bureau computer during the overnight shift by the Front Desk Agent. 登记卡信息应由前台接待在夜班期间输入到公安局电脑系统。
Looking at the text message entered in previous step, the keyword used in this scenario, the word "patient" , is contained in the message. 看一下前一步中输入的文本消息,消息中包含这个场景使用的关键词“patient”。
When I entered her apartment, Marguerite ran towards me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with all her might. 当我走进玛格丽特家里的时候,她忙向我跑来,搂住我的脖子,使劲地吻我。
There was a knock on the door of his hotel room, and a nervous engineering graduate student entered. 我去看望他时,旅馆房间的门敲响了,一位神情紧张的工程专业的大学生走了进来。
They entered the castle, and in the hall there stood a platter on which lay the wedding shirt that appeared to be made of gold and silver. 当他们来到王宫,看见有间房子的靠椅上放着一套漂亮的礼服,礼服闪烁着金色和银色的光芒。更详细。
I fix him with a cheeky look and realise I've just entered into a staring competition. 我纠正道,厚着脸皮看着他,意识到我们开始进入针锋相对的状态了。
Longfellow entered the beautiful old elm-encircled house as a lodger, not knowing that this was to be his home for the rest of his life. 朗费罗以寄宿者的身份住进了这座老榆树环绕的漂亮的旧家大院,从没想到这里会成为他的后生归宿。
Already entered high three me as if to walk into a strange circle, how should manage? 已经进入高三的我似乎走入了一个怪圈,该怎么办呢?
Then went I up in the night by the brook, and viewed the wall, and turned back, and entered by the gate of the valley, and so returned. 于是夜间沿溪而上,察看城墙,又转身进入谷门,就回来了。
"I'm just so happy to be here, " she said ebulliently as she entered the rocket Monday, watched by about a dozen relatives. 周一,安萨里登上火箭时兴奋的说:“我太开心了。”她的很多亲戚朋友前来为她送行。
The police found a rag steeped in petrol as they entered the building, and the arrested man's cap was found close to other firing material. 当警察进入大厦时,他们发现了浸有汽油的衣物残片,在其他的引火物附近发现了该男子的帽子。
He expected it in the least that he would suffer a heavier blow the moment he entered the wholesale market. 吴宇怎么也没料到,刚进入批发市场就遭遇了一次更为沉重的打击。
He then trotted over to a man getting out of a taxi. After a few minutes of discussion, they entered the office together. Rafiq很快就瞄准了一位从出租车走出的男人,几分钟的交谈之后,他们一起走进了办公室。