for sure

  • adv.确实
  • 网络肯定地;确切地;毫无疑问

for surefor sure

for sure


成-vae ... (=in the event of) 如果发生…万一­ (=for sure ) 肯定地,有把握地­ (=accidentally, by accident) 偶然­ ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be sure of oneself 有自信心 for sure 确实,毫无疑问地 make sure 查明,确信,开确实 ...


金威语言学校 - kingwayschool - 网易博客 ... (tone up 动词词组,增强;使更健康) (for sure 确切地) (genetic code 基因代码) ...


GCT联考英语高频介词短语和搭配4-1 ... For short 简称,缩写 for sure 当然,一定,肯定,毫无疑问 For the benefit of 为了—…


GCT联考英语高频介词短语和搭配4-1 ... For short 简称,缩写 for sure 当然,一定,肯定,毫无疑问 For the benefit of 为了—…


新东方... ... (=in the event of) 如果发生…万一 5. (=for sure ) 肯定地,有把握地 11. (=accidentally, by accident) 偶然 12. ...


God Bless The | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... miracle: 奇迹 for sure: 确定,毫无疑问 clean up: 收拾干净 ...

The intelligence professionals said they did not know for sure that bin Laden was in the compound. 情报专家们表示他们并不能确定本拉登是否就在那所住宅里。
Don't use traveler's checks unless you know for sure you will be able to cash them at your destination. 不要使用旅行支票,除非你确定能够在旅游目的地兑换成现金。
If I had to lose one of my senses, I am not sure which one would be, but I now for sure that I would keep my sight. 如果我不得不失去我的一个感官,我不知道会选择哪一个,但现在我可以肯定,我要保持我的视觉。
DC and LA seem to send messages too, but I haven't spent long enough in either to say for sure what they are. 华盛顿和洛杉矶似乎也在说点什么,不过我在那里都只是短暂停留,甄别不出他们的呢喃。
"Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq, and that is not what our troops need to hear today, that's for sure, " she said. 你们的计划等于是在伊拉克举起白旗投降。这绝不是我们的部队现在希望听到的。
One thing for sure: I knew that I would not need to worry about arranging wake-up calls during the rest of that visit. 有一点可以肯定:我不用再费心安排剩下几天的叫醒服务了。
If he wins the world championship without even the grace of an F1 apprenticeship, for sure some feel that this somehow demeans the sport. 如果他赢得了世界冠军,却没有表现出一个学徒的态度,当然会有一些人觉得他贬低了这项运动。
Finally they found a compromise in the conflict between FIA and FOTA which for sure is the best solution for everybody involved. 最后他们为FIA和FOTA之间的冲突找到了能达成协议的东西并达成了协议,这对于每个相关的人来说是最好的解决方案。
She was still alive, and the one thingBaur knew for sure that day was that he had to get her to safety. 她还活着,而且那天有一点鲍尔很清楚,他肯定要让她到个安全的地方。
KR: For sure everybody has been working hard. They have been trying to find the reasons for the problems, but we only had a few days. 肯定的是大家都很卖力地工作,他们试图找到问题的原因,但是我们只有短短的几天。
For sure, there could have been a slightly easier way to let me pass, but it is the way it is now and it doesn't interest me anymore. 当然本来应该有更简单的方式让我通过,但现在事情已经这样了,我没有兴趣再谈论此事。
We may have to wait for the business school case study in a year or two's time to know for sure. 我们可能得等上一两年,等待商学院的案例研究,才能获得确切的答案。
Yet no one is ready to say for sure that we've dodged the bullet -- and no one is calling off the massive vaccination campaign. Why? 不过,没有人能信心十足地说,我们已经逃过一劫――也没有人在号召发起大规模的免疫运动。为什么会这样?
For sure, we're headed for a time of abundance, at least in quantity. 毫无疑问,我们正迈向一个信息丰富(至少在数量上是这样)的时代。
For sure, the US authorities are absolutely right to try to let the private sector work out its own problems as far as possible. 的确,美国政府试图让私人部门尽可能自己解决问题的做法是十分正确的。
If you fail this test then you know for sure that you are not gradient field so you might as well do that. 如果通不过检验,那么可以肯定,它不是梯度场,你可能也会那样做。
His wounds have mostly healed, he said, but 'it's uncomfortable for sure, ' and sleeping is now problematic. 他说,伤口已基本愈合,但“不舒服是一定的”。
One thing for sure The number of people that suffered from sudden death is increasing. Maybe there is some sort of relation between them. 突发死亡的人数处于上升趋势,这也许与气候变化有千丝万缕的联系。
Oliver has always been a bad apple. Wherever he goes, there's going to be trouble for sure. 奥利弗历来就是一个不可救药的坏蛋,无论他到哪里,哪里就必定有麻烦。
If you satisfy the test but you are not defined everywhere then there is still a bit of ambiguity and you don't know for sure. 如果满足检验条件,但是不是处处都有定义,那就不确定了,你不能肯定,是不是梯度场。
So much happens under the surface that it is difficult to say for sure. But there are tantalizing suggestions that the answer is yes. 表象之下发生着太多的事,所以很难肯定地说“是”或“不是”。但有一些初步迹象显示,答案为“是”。
It begins to become plausible that we could detect it. A million times would be for sure, and 10, 000 times we might have a chance. 这似乎越来越可信了,一百万次我们就一定能够探测到外星人,一万次的话也说不定能行。
I cannot say for sure how much she spends on clothes in a year. 我实在说不清楚她一年到头花多少钱买衣服。
Well, if your partner gives you lies, and you know for sure that it is such, well, try to ask yourself. 那样的话,如果伴侣说话,而且你确信这一点的话,尝试先问问自己。
The lap was good, as I said, but for sure, if you get ten sets of tyres you are always going to go quicker on one of them. 就向我说的,那一圈跑的很好,但是如果你能有十套轮胎肯定能用其中的一套跑的更快。
That's fine if you know, for sure, that the only processes that will ever write or read the XML are the same language. 当然,如果您知道XML只有两种处理方式,即读和写,而且都使用的是同一种语言,那就最好。
How I wish there will be a day like this and I am sure our feelings will be very different. . . I will love it for sure! 我多么希望有一天这样的,我相信我们的感情会非常不同…我一定会喜欢上它肯定!
I don't know for sure. But I think at this point it's sort of almost embarrassing not to at least try. 我不确定。但是我觉得现在不去尝试的话真的是令人羞愧的。
I'll have to make a few more inquires into the matter before I can tell you anything for sure. 此事我还得再做几次调研才能肯定地告诉你任何东西。
He's always been a great guy and a great driver to talk about racing and sports with but for sure, that's life. 他一直都是一个可以与他谈论赛车和运动的好人以及好车手。但能肯定的是,这就是生活。