fill in

  • na.填充;填写;同“fill”
  • 网络填满;填入;过门

第三人称单数:fills in 现在分词:filling in 过去式:filled in

fill infill in

fill in


大学英语四级常用词组 ... figure up 计算…,把…总加起来 fill in 填充,填写,临时代替 fill out 填好,填写;使长大 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... figure up 计算…,把…总加起来 fill in 填充,填写,临时代替 fill out 填好,填写;使长大 ...


高一英语短语总结 ... (13)乘船观光 take a river cruise (14)填满 fill in (15)轮流做 take turns to do ...


初中英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... far away from 远离 · fill in 填入 find out 找出,查明 ...


七.何谓过门:所谓过门(Fill in)就是演唱者或演奏者在歌曲进行到一个段落空间,或想喘口气时,由鼓手过门来装饰这些空间。 …


大学英语精品课程网站 ... face a charge 面临控告 fill in 填入;填上 fill in for sb. 临时替代 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 210. feel tired 感到疲劳 211. fill in 填写,填空 213. first of all 首先 ...

Manche: I got a message from your cellie, bro. He says he's okay and he's trying to fill in the blanks. 兄弟,你的室友有个口信给你。他说他很好,他正在试图填补空白。
Please fill in the total number of employees undergoing training . This includes trainees receiving any form of training . 请填写正在接受训练的雇员总数。这包括正在接受各种形式训练的受训者。
If I were to die soon, he would fill in magnificently for a short period. 如果我于近期去世,在之后的短期内,他可以极好地填补我的空缺。
He said a colleague told him the wreckage was needed to fill in a muddy ditch to make rescue efforts easier. 他说他同事告诉他为了让援救工作更加容易进行。需要用车厢残骸填泥泞的壕沟。
A common attitude was that all diseases were known, and all that remained for scientists was to fill in the blanks. 一种常见的看法是,所有的疾病都是已知的,科学家所要做的就是填补空白。
You hand God a blank sheet with your name signed at the bottom and tell him to fill in the details. 你交给神一张已签署的白纸,请他写上内容。
At first, I had my dog in Spain. I had to fill in papers to get him, it was very strict, and I missed him for the year. 最初我在西班牙有自己的狗,我必须填满各种文件才能得到它,这种事儿非常严格,现在我很想念它。
Sally's off sick. . Can you fill in for her for a few days? 萨莉生病请假了。你能临时替她几天吗?
So, the air hole which your factory fill in with powder of iron and bond to be appear at the surface of good. 因此,你的工厂以铁的粉填写的通气孔和束缚是出现在那表面善行。
Miyoko clicked on the screen and a form appeared for her to fill in her personal information. 美代子在屏幕上点击了一下,一份表格出现了,供她填写个人信息。
It's not complicated, the only thing for you to do is to fill in a form and sign it. 这并不复杂,您唯一要做的就是填张(委托)表并签上字。
Please fill in how much your things are worth. 请填上你的东西价值多少。
Fill in the blanks with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make your own sentence with each word. 用所给的单词填空,如有必要可以改变单词的形式,然后用这些单词造句。
When information is left out of a conversation, the theory states, people attempt to fill in the blanks to smooth the communication process. 这一理论指出,当对话省去了某些信息时,人们愿意去填补这一空白,使交流过程更为顺畅。
The effect would be that users would be able to fill in the form, but not to make any other changes to the document. 这个效果将会是用户将能够填写窗体,但不能对文档进行任何其他更改。
4 you have evidence to prove that by seven professors of the academic committee voted unanimously for her to fill in this application form? 你有证据证明由七名教授组成的学术委员会一致表决通过了她填写的申请吗?
Because Brad Miller was still out with an ankle injury, Jordan Hill was given the opportunity to show he was ready to fill in. 由于布拉德·米勒由于脚踝受伤而无法登场,所以乔丹·希尔就有了机会来展示他为这一空缺所做的准备。
"Markets have stabilized and companies have more confidence. Large companies see this as a chance to fill in their portfolios, " he said. 他表示:“市场已经趋稳,企业信心也已增强,大公司认为现在是充实其业务组合的时机了。”
I turned to him and glared at him for a moment and told time how to fill in it. 当时我转过身看了他一眼,然后告诉他怎样填。
As you fill in the gaps in your knowledge, you'll feel the kind of excitement that comes from real possibility, not just happy talk. 当你填补了知识的空白,你会感到那种发自真实可能而不是发自快乐谈论中的兴奋。
If you fill in all the Quantity and Price fields, you see that the subtotals and the total price are calculated correctly (see figure 16). 如果填写所有Quantity和Price字段,则会看到正确计算出的小计和总价(参见图16)。
When her father asked her to fill in for a reporter who was on leave, she discovered the work she loved doing: writing. 当她的父亲让她替一个正在休假的记者填表的时候,她找到了自己喜爱的工作:写东西。
The company will have to look for acquisitions to fill in gaps in its international distribution system, and to add new products. 公司将不得不寻找新的“猎物”以填满国际零售体系中的空缺,也为了增加新的产品。
However, traditional small-screen input methods, such as the keyboard and stylus, don't always make it easy to navigate and fill in a form. 但是在小屏幕设备上使用按键、手写笔等传统的输入方式使得填写表单变得不是那么容易。
Then you can fill in the gaps, clear up misinformation, and, if necessary and appropriate, explain what you know from your own experience. 然后,你就可以填补空白,把他们误解的厘清,而且,如果必要和合适,解释从你自己经验中你所获知的东西。
When your character is new to a place, or things alter around them, that's the point to step back and fill in the details of their world. 当你的角色初来乍到,或者其周围有所改变,这就是时候退后,然后书写一些那个时代的细节。
If it's not too much trouble I'd like to ask you to tell me how to fill in the form. 如果不太麻烦的话,我想请您告诉我怎样填写这张表格。
In fact, you may find it useful to set up the outline for your business plan and fill in the details as they become apparent to you. 实际上,你可能会发现提前制定商业计划大纲,在事情发生后再补上细节问题的方法是很有效的。
You only fill in one data value; after all, you want a computer to do this conversion for you instead of figuring it out. 只需要填入一个数据,毕竟,我们希望计算机来完成这个转换而不是手工计算。
One of Malaysia's fastest-growing banks is RHB's Easy, which is open seven days a week and has no forms for customers to fill in. 拉昔胡申银行(RHB)的Easy银行是马来西亚发展最快的银行之一,该行每周开放七天,客户无需填写任何表格。