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爪哇2企业版(Java 2 Enterprise Edition)

...是“一次性代码编写,所有环境下运行”,但在推出了“J2EE”(Java 2 Enterprise Edition)和“J2ME”(Java 2 Micro Edition)后不得 …


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1. 2007年春季研究生课程 中间件第二部分(J2EE) chapter1_01 Middleware Overview chapter1_02 J2EE Overview chapter2_0…

The practice of sending all HTTP requests for a given session to a specific J2EE server is referred to as session affinity. 将给定会话的所有HTTP请求发送到特定J2EE服务器的实践称为会话关联。
If you use any of these unique classes in your J2EE assets, you will be unable to deploy those assets to any other application server. 如果在J2EE资产中使用任何唯一类,则无法将这些资产部署到任何其他应用服务器上。
One thing missing through all this, however, was an adequate demonstration of just how NIO might improve the scalability of a J2EE Web tier. 但它们所遗漏的一件事正是,没有充分地展示NIO如何可以提高J2EEWeb层的可伸缩性。
Overall, this framework provides a practical and easy-to-use solution to improve performance in a distributed J2EE environment. 总之,这个框架为改进分布式J2EE环境中的性能提供了一个实用且易用的解决方案。
As you can see, the J2EE environment is trying to provide all the possible services required in enterprise applications. 正如您可以看到的,J2EE环境正试图提供企业应用程序中所需的所有可能服务。
This driver has been used for the current J2EE certifications. 该驱动程序目前已被用于进行J2EE认证。
The system is designed as a two-tier system with an app tier running the J2EE application and a load-balancer tier. 这个系统设计成两层的系统,运行J2EE应用程序的应用程序层和负载平衡器层。
We got started on the topic of stateful application development way back in the beginning of the J2EE pathfinder series. 我们是在J2EE探索者系列的起始部分开始讨论有状态应用程序开发这一话题的。
After all, as we discussed earlier, a J2EE role is merely a name, a logical construct that can be bound to any set of principals. 正如我们前面所讨论的,J2EE角色终究只是一个名称,是可以绑定到任何一组主体的逻辑构造。
J2EE also provides a good mechanism with building a retractile , agile, easy to maintain commerce system. J2EE为搭建具有可伸缩性、灵活性、易维护性的商务系统提供了良好的机制。
This is a fine goal for the overall J2EE architecture but a very dangerous approach in building business applications. 这是整个J2EE体系结构的一个美好目标,但在构建商业应用程序中却是一种十分危险的方法。
The application includes an application server and a multipart J2EE application sitting on top of that server. 该应用程序包含一个应用服务器和位于该服务器上的包含多个部分的J2EE应用程序。
However, the JACC provider is not limited by the static nature of the standard J2EE security model. 不过,JACC提供程序并不仅限于标准J2EE安全模型的静态特性。
Although all the leading J2EE containers provide a mechanism to configure multiple realms, only one can be active at a time. 尽管所有优秀的J2EE容器提供了配置多个域的机制,但是一次只能有一个域是活动的。
The J2EE specification leaves some of the details of deployment up to the application server provider to define. J2EE规范将一些部署详细信息留给应用服务器提供商进行定义。
Loaded with both in- and out-of-container persistence options, JPA brings J2EE architects a number of new design choices. 由于具有容器内和容器外持久性选项,JPA为J2EE架构师带来一系列全新设计选择。
The problem is that when most J2EE developers think of the Business delegate pattern, they only think of it in terms of Remote EJB access. 问题是,当大多数J2EE开发人员考虑业务代表模式时,他们仅仅想到它的远程EJB访问方面。
After testing is completed, you can export the generated J2EE application project as an EAR file into a directory for production deployment. 测试完成后,可以将生成的J2EE应用程序项目作为一个EAR文件导出到生产部署目录中。
The JCA is part of the J2EE standard and specifies the system contracts to be implemented by a resource adapter. JCA是J2EE规范的一部分,它规定了由资源适配器执行的系统契约(systemcontract)。
On the whole, the application server has demonstrated robust support for J2EE standards and will definitely find its place in enterprise IT. 总之,Geronimo应用服务器具有已经演示的对J2EE标准的健壮支持,而且正在中小企业IT中寻找用武之地。
Although you can run Quartz on its own, its rich features make it an excellent candidate for inclusion in a J2EE application server stack. 虽然可以独立运行Quartz,但它的丰富特性使它成为J2EE应用服务器堆栈包含物的最佳候选项。
You could simply put it in your J2EE application code and wait until an application client request first comes in for your application. 您可以简单地把它放在J2EE应用程序代码中,一直等到应用程序客户机向您的应用程序发出第一次请求。
Figure 4 shows how the various archives (also referred to as modules in the J2EE documentation) are organized. 图4显示了各种档案文件(在J2EE文档中也引用为模块)如何组织在一起。
We are now ready to create a J2EE Web component that access our business process through its Web service proxy. 现在我们准备创建J2EEWeb组件,它可以通过它的Web服务代理访问我们的业务流程。
From there, we'll move into a more specific discussion of the Java Message Service (JMS), J2EE's messaging package. 然后,我们将针对Java消息服务(JavaMessageService,JMS)和J2EE的消息传递包展开更具体的讨论。
On the J2EE Settings page, click New and enter the name for the new enterprise application project, as shown in Figure 4. 在J2EESettings页上,单击New,并输入新的企业应用程序项目的名称,如图4所示。
Although it is not the purpose of this article to provide a tutorial on J2EE security, we will briefly summarize some of its major aspects. 尽管本文并不打算作为J2EE安全方面的教程,但我们将对其主要方面进行简单的总结。
For your plug-in code to find the J2EE and EJB client code at run time, it needs to be added to the run time classpath of the plug-in. 至于您查找J2EE和EJB客户端运行时代码的插件代码,它需要添加到插件的运行时类路径。
While most J2EE code should run without modification, code that does not strictly conform to the specification may not work as well. 虽然大部分J2EE代码可以不作任何修改就运行,但是那些不严格符合规范的代码将不能正常工作。
In the case of a J2EE bean-managed transaction, the bean is completely responsible for controlling transaction boundaries. 在J2EEbean管理事务的情况下,bean负责控制事务范围。