
美 [ˈmaʊntəd]英 [ˈmaʊntɪd]
  • adj.骑马的;装裱好的;安装好的;安装在…上的
  • v.“mount”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络载的;挂载;安在马上的



1.骑马的riding a horse

2.装裱好的;安装好的placed on sth or attached to sth for display or support

3.安装在…上的attached to the thing mentioned for support


《Friends》词汇表B ... panting adj. 喘气的v.脉动, 波动, 晃动, 振动 mounted adj. 安在马上的, 裱好的 graceful adj. 优美的 ...


汽车维修用语 - Peter Jiang的日志 - 网易博客 ... M Minute 分 M. Mounted (车)载的 M.. Mark 记号 ...


显示已挂载mounted)NFS 系统的特征 mknfsexp 报告 RPC 服务器的状态 rstatd ypupdated 更新网络信息服务(NIS)映象 …


《Friends》词汇表B ... panting adj. 喘气的v.脉动, 波动, 晃动, 振动 mounted adj. 安在马上的, 裱好的 graceful adj. 优美的 ...


电气专业常用英语词汇1_百度文库 ... 安培表,电流表 amperemeter 安装 mounted 安装方式 mounting type ...


汽车专业英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 内装式烟度计 built-in 外装式烟度计 mounted 全流式烟度计 full-flow smokemeter ...


b pillar trim cover@b柱内饰板\4 -... ... mount 支座\4 MOUNTED 安装在\4 MOUNTED smokemeter 外装式烟度计\4 ...


中世纪2 修改大全~~~ 自己动手~~~... ... frighten_foot 惊吓步兵 frighten_mounted 惊吓骑兵 can_run_amok 容易失去控制 ...

The bicycle wheel includes an air valve stem and a magnet mounted to the air valve stem. 自行车车轮包括气阀杆和安装于气阀杆上的磁铁。
The Ext2 filesystem (and for that matter, any filesystem) can be created and mounted onto an embedded device using the concept of Ramdisk. 通过使用Ramdisk的概念,可以在嵌入式设备中创建并挂装Ext2文件系统(以及用于这一目的的任何文件系统)。
An ovenized oscillator package including at least a heater and a crystal package mounted on opposite sides of a circuit board. 一种振荡器组件,至少包括:限定相对的顶部和底部表面的电路板;
Also, for accurate force measurements, the force sensors need to be mounted as close to the point of cutting as possible. 并且,为准确力量测量,力量传感器需要登上一样紧密到问题的切口尽可能。
Side splint is easily mounted to the business card printing and membership card production unit, and easy-to-be adequately supported. 不正夹不活出格易于装载到制卡和会员卡制息安装上,也易于卸去。
The Hawk 4 Gyroplane is supported in the air by a horizontally mounted airfoil similar to that of a helicopter but unpowered . 鹰4旋翼机利用类似直升机的旋翼提供升力,但机顶的水平旋翼无需动力推动。
My proof-of-concept server was an off-the-shelf wireless access point (WAP) mounted in a waterproof Pelican case. 这个示范性的服务器是一个现有的无线访问点(WAP),它安装在一个防水的Pelican箱子中。
This program was one of the first to use helmet-mounted displays, or HMDs, and head-steered infrared devices on a tactical aircraft. 这个项目也是在一架战术飞机上最早使用头盔内嵌显示器(即HMD)和头瞄红外设备的项目之一。
Durable enough to with withstand years of student use this cast-metal wheel is mounted in a heavy wire frame and supported by a sturdy base. 一金属轮装在坚固的圆环上并且有很坚固的底座,因此可有有很长的使用年限。
All this has meant costs have mounted, and the Nano will have to be a loss-leader for a long time. 这一切带来了成本的增加,并将使Nano不得不长时间赔本卖吆喝。
It uses radar sensors mounted behind the front grille to sense the car in front of you and maintain a set following distance. 它使用雷达传感器安装前格栅后面,感觉你前面的车和维护一套下列的距离。
Mounted on the front around the middle of a long cross-shaped star, a symbol of dignity and solemnity. 镶嵌在车头正中长形围绕的十字星,象征着尊严和庄重。
He laid a pair of fine silver-mounted pistols on the table, and I saw that he was belted with a great sword. 他把一对镶银的漂亮的手枪放在桌子上时,我看见他身上还佩带一柄巨大宝剑。
Plan a route for the wiring from the point of the vehicle where the winch will be mounted or used to the battery. 计划路线为从车辆点布线其中绞车将被安装或使用的电池。
Very small monitors are mounted on a mechanical arm, and users look into the monitors like they would look into a pair of binoculars. 机械臂上固定着非常小的监视器,就象使用双目望远镜一样,用户使用监视器观察。
When trying to keep a wall-mounted surround sound system discreet and hidden, it's sometimes difficult, but it is possible. 想把固定在墙上的环绕扬声器隐藏起来可不容易,但是并不是完全不可能。
Mini explained that to have mounted the door on the left-hand side would have required an expensive relocation of the fuel filler system. 宝马公司解释称,如果要将这扇小门装在车身左边,就得让汽车的加油系统搬家,耗资必将十分巨大。
The Tyson Turbine is mounted on a floating pontoon platform and is usually moored in mid-stream of a flowing river or creek. 该泰森汽轮机安装在一个浮动平台,浮桥通常是在停泊中的一个流动的河流或小溪流。
On account of his long delay he started in a flying-run down the lane westward, and had soon passed the hollow and mounted the next rise. 因为他已经耽搁很久了,他就开始在通向西边的小路上飞跑起来,很快就跑过了一片洼地,到了前面的山坡上。
The bike has built-in, battery-powered LED lights at the front and rear, which can be recharged using roof-mounted solar cells. 自行车有内置的,电池供电的LED灯在车头和车尾,可以充电使用屋顶安装太阳能电池。
I've always wondered why at the entrance of many old Chinese houses a wooden bar is mounted at floor level across the length of the door. 我常纳闷,为什么中国许多老式房屋进门处的地面上都会有一条木块,横在整个门前。
The hard-line confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States rentier horn mounted on the reunification of the war. 美俄之间的强硬对抗,是美国食利者统一战争的总攻号角。
For your safety, the electrical appliance can only operate when it has been correctly mounted on a dry and cool base. 为了安全起见,本电器装置只有正确安装在干燥阴凉的基座上才能运行。
I joked with Doctor Zhao Xiao who invited me that if I was mounted so high in order not to look short. 我对请我去的赵晓博士开玩笑说,你是不是嫌我个子矮,垫这么高。
The actor sits inside the device, and a light source, mounted on an arm, is moved around his face over the course of a minute. 演员坐在此设备中,光线从一个臂状物中射出,在一分钟之内来回扫过他的脸。
Had destiny not placed him on these particular barricades he would almost surely not have mounted them on his own. 若不是命运使他置身于这些特定的障碍之中,他几乎肯定不会主动地去越过这些障碍的。
With him came four mounted men-at-arms, a huntsman, and a pack of dogs, sniffing after Lady Alys as if she were a deer. 他带着四名骑兵,一个猎人和一群猎狗,嗅探追踪着艾丽丝女士,简直把她当成一只鹿了。
The only machinery apparent was an air conditioner and a very good table saw with a fine slitting blade mounted on it. 唯一很明显被看到的机器是一台空调和一张很棒的桌子,上面放着一把不错的美工刀。
Speculation mounted ahead of a summit of European Union leaders that Greece would be offered some sort of financial rescue package. 在欧盟领导人即将举行峰会之际,越来越多的人预测欧盟将向希腊提供某种财政援助计划。
The conformal array is usually mounted on the surface of aircrafts and some other high-speed mobile platforms. 在高速运行的飞行器或其他移动平台载体表面,常需要安装共形阵列天线。