make the most of

  • na.充分使用;尽量使好[不好]看;极为重视;尽量称赞[贬损]
  • 网络充分利用;尽量利用;充分展示

make the most ofmake the most of

make the most of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at most 最多,至多,不超过 make the most of 充分利用;极为重视 move about 走来走去,总是搬家 ...


英语三级考试词组 ... at most 至多,不超过 make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用 just now 刚才,才不久;现在,眼下 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at most 最多,至多,不超过 make the most of 充分利用;极为重视 move about 走来走去,总是搬家 ...


常用英语词组._百度知道 ... make the bed 整理床铺 make the most of 充分利用;充分展示 make sure 确保,确认 ...


make the most of ... adj. 英汉航海大词典 make the most of n.充分利用,善于利用 I make the height 20 feet. 我估计有20英尺高 ...


make什么意思... ... ? make the grade1. 达到给定的标准 ? make the most of1. 最大限度地利用 ? make way1. 让路;走到一边 ...


金榜起名网 - 陈沁扬 ... (10)仰[ lift] (11)发扬,发挥[ develop;make the most of] (15)同本义[ raise;lift] ...

How you got to the VC is important, but once you're in the meeting it's obviously up to you to make the most of it. 你用什么方式接触VC是很重要的,但如果你已经在会谈中,那就看你怎么充分利用这次演示机会了。
We've got only one day in London, so let's make the most of it to see everything. 我们在伦敦只呆一天,因此,要抓紧时间看看这里的一切。
'This is an opportunity, ' he said. 'Make the most of it. ' It ended up being one of the best years of my life. 他说,这是一个机会,要充分利用。结果那一年成了我一生中最美好的回忆之一。
I treasure those I cherish, however, to treasure does not mean trying to occupy something forever but to make the most of it. 我珍视的,我必珍惜;珍惜不是妄图永远占有,而是尽全力使它值得。
Schoolwork was not the only obstacle Tang had to confront. His travel budget was limited, so Tang had to make the most of what he had. 唐人立必须面对的,不仅仅只有课业的障碍。由于旅行预算十分有限,所以他不得不最大限度地利用自己手头的资金。
YOU are responsible for your life and if you can't immediately change the job you are in, then it is up to you to make the most of it. 如果你现在不能立即更换现在你的工作,你得为你的生活负责,然后在于你如何充分利用它。
"To make the most of our energy strengths, producing oil from coal is of great strategic significance, " he said. “为了最大限度地利用我们的能源优势,从煤矿中生产出油具有重大的战略意义,”他说。
Imagine that you could go back in time and tell your younger self just one lesson to help them (you) make the most of your life. 想象一下你能够回到过去,并告诉那个年轻的你仅仅一件能够帮助你使你的人生发生巨大改变的教训。
I saw my life more as a card that had been dealt to me and I tried to make the most of it. 我把它当作发到自己手里的一张牌,我所做的努力是要让这张牌发挥出它最大的用处。
And that the only way to make the most of your one precious life is to discover what you want, and go get it. 那唯一的途径就是最大限度地利用你宝贵的一生,去发现你想要的,并去实现它。
Because on the contrary, multi-tasking can be a useful way to make the most of time that would have otherwise been used inefficiently. 因为与之相反,有时多重任务可以让你充分利用那些本来不能得到有效利用的时间。
But to make the most of it, the world needs more refineries of a certain design, and those do not spring up overnight. 然而要充分利用它,就需要更多经特殊设计的炼油厂,这显然不可能一蹴而就。
The happiest people do not need to have all the best thing on earth, And only need to make the most of the things to come along your life. 最快乐的人并没有需要拥有世上所有最好的事,而只需要令到大部份的事能沿着自己的人生而来。
We hope that this article inspires you to make the most of Lotus Sametime's location awareness feature. 衷心希望这篇文章能够激发您的灵感,使您充分利用LotusSametime的位置识别特性。
To make the most of each game , you can choose to place wagers in all three circles on the table and play up to three hands at a time . 要最大的利用每一局牌,您可以在一局牌内,把筹码放到牌桌上的三个下注圈,三手牌同时玩。
Friday will indeed be a magnificent day for those of you who have decided to make the most of the uplifting energies and ascend. 这周五对于那些已经决定扬升并带来令人振奋的能量的人来说将是伟大壮丽的一天。
He concluded: "We are a bit jaded physically, and we did not make the most of our opportunities. " 他总结说:“我们在体能方面有点疲劳,我们没有最大程度地利用我们的机会。”
A degree in this field prepares you to help gifted students and their families make the most of this experience. 取得这项学位的教师需要帮助这些学生和他们的家庭使得他们取得最佳成绩。
China is trying to seize every opportunity to make the most of the better-off life. 中国正努力抓住每一个机会,使大多数人的生活更加富裕美好。
The young lady has learned to make the most of every opportunity offered to her. 年轻的女士学会了充分利用提供给她的每一次机会。
But to make the most of the "upside" , it is necessary to remove as much of that risk as possible with planning and hard work. 但是,为了最大限度利用“上行”潜力,必须通过计划和努力工作,尽可能地排除风险。
While so many people are "beheaded, " executives at all levels are still determined to brave death by trying to make the most of corruption. 然而,这么多人被“斩首”的同时,处于不同官阶的领导们仍然冒着死刑的危险,尽力去从腐败中捞得好处。
Mr. Rayburn: You know you really should make the most of your natural talent. 你知道吗,你真的应该充分利用自己的天赋。
And of course, it helps to guide your child toward good grooming and clothing choices, to help them make the most of what they have. 当然,如果你能引导孩子学会良好的着装打扮选择,帮助他们尽可能地展现自己的优点,这肯定是件好事。
I've been given a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm determined to make the most of it. 我已经得到了一个千载难逢的机会,我一定要抓住。
I think so, every one of us want to make the most of this visit. Let me thank you on behalf of our delegation. 没问题,我们每个人都很想从这次访问中受益,让我代表我的代表团感谢您。
People said I didn't show any loyalty but you've got to make the most of your career in any job and [Liverpool] is a step up. 人们会说我不忠心,但你需要为自己大部分的足球生涯负责,去利物浦是个进步。
Make the most of the interview. See if the school is right for you. Both you and the interviewer are looking for a good fit. 从面试中得到最多的信息。看看学校是否适合你。你和你的面试官都在寻找是否相互合适。
Armed with the ability to both give and receive criticism well, you'll be able to make the most of it. 用给出和接受批评的能力武装自己,你将能充分利用它们。
Improved draft recommendations from your staff, allowing you to make the most of your all-important selections. 改进的建议草案,从你的员工,让您最充分地利用你的所有重要的选择。