make for

  • na.有利于;对…有益;倾向于;支持
  • 网络走向;向…前进;有助于

第三人称单数:makes for 现在分词:making for 过去式:made for

make formake for

make for


英语三级短语_百度文库 ... long for 渴望,极想 make for 走向,冲向 make out 开列,书写;看出,辨 认出 ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... be made up of 由……构成,由……组成 make for 走向,驶向;有利于 mak…


考博英语词汇 ... major in 主修;专攻 make for 往...走去;向...前进;有助于;促进 make good 成功;兑现诺言;实现;补偿; …


高中英语_百度知道 ... put up with 容忍 忍受 make for 走向 有利于 倾向于 make off 很快的离开 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 make for 走向,驶向;有助于 occur to 被想到,被想起 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make down 改小(衣服) make for 走向,向…前进;冲向 make fun of 嘲笑;开…玩笑 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 make for 走向,驶向;有助于 occur to 被想到,被想起 ...


大学英语4级英语词组 ... make an attempt 试图 make for 走向,朝…前进;有助于,促进 make fun of 取笑,拿…开玩笑 ...

The mayor of Sansha City, the new Chinese city in the Paracel Islands, said the disputed waters would make for an ideal holiday destination. 中国在西沙群岛新设立的城市——三沙市的市长表示,有争议的南海将是理想的度假目的地。
I made a full-blown documentary, just like those I make for the BBC and saw that other families might like the same sort of record. 于是,我制作了一个完整的纪录片,就像我为BBC制作的一样。我想其它家庭可能同样喜欢这样的记录。
The sky was quite gray, as some precipitation happened overnight, which did not make for the greatest conditions. 天空相当灰暗,像头天晚上发生了一些沉淀,它并没有为我们准备最好的拍摄条件。
Weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how much money they make for the firm. 剔除道德破产的人,不管多少钱为他们公司。
How much do you really make for each hour that you spend devoted to your job? 你投入到工作中的每小时真正的收入是多少?
She must have been fond of him. It's not the sort of sacrifice you make for just anybody. 她对他一定情有独钟。那可不是你为任何人都能作出的牺牲。
This was one compromise that Conservative colleagues were happy to make for the sake of coalition unity. 这是保守党同事很愿意做的妥协,这有助于联合政府的团结。
Thanks for trusting me to edit you all into the song in a way that would make for a positive union of all of the talent represented. 感谢信任我的歌曲编辑成的方式,将让所有的积极联盟人才的代表。
Thanks to this uneven geometry, the planet spends more time closer to its star, which tends to make for warmer planets. 拜这种偏心几何曲线所赐,行星有更多时间接近其母星,从而使得行星更加温暖。
Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing. 它的情节读起来像是出自于计算机朋客的中篇小说,这可能会激发技术控的阅读欲。
It has taught us that sleeping with one of your husband's employees doesn't make for the best marital relations (or PR). 它告诉我们,跟丈夫手下某个员工上床并不能成就最好的婚姻关系(或者公关)。
How much risk you're willing to accept for a given potential return is a determination you'll have to make for yourself. 对于一个潜在收益,你将承受多大的风险这取决于你自己的决定。
He anxiously desired to have his niece married, to make for her a suitable match. 他亟想把他内侄女嫁出去,给他找个门当户对的配偶。
Just as good fences made good neighbors, arms close to the body make for good table manners. 正如好邻居之间应该保持距离,将手臂收拢也是构成好的餐桌礼节最基本的一点。
Letters of any size and color make for great additions in the children's room or in aliving room with a playful style. 字母的大小和颜色可以很好地为孩子的房间或起居室增添好玩的风格。
Folding Morgan Stanley or Goldman into a large commercial bank could make for a safer company, but a less nimble one. 对摩根士丹利或高盛而言,并入一家大型商业银行可能会是条较安全的生存之道,但这也会降低公司的灵活性。
It is one of the first choices that you have to make for your children and they will live with your decision for the rest of their days. 这是你必须要为孩子们做的第一批选择中的一个,而且你这个决定会伴随他们一生。
Often , the items that they sell are indistinguishable in terms of quality from those they used to make for the foreign brand emporiums . 通常情况下,它们所销售产品的质量与它们过去为外国大牌制造的产品并没有什么差别。
Belief does not make for good science, however. And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play. 然而,仅仅是信念,对科学研究并无帮助。尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。
The important thing was to think about an ethical code which would make for happy families and well-run countries without too much fighting. 重要的是要考虑道德守则,为了幸福的家庭和良好的运行,使国家而没有太多的战争。
We have got some improvements to make for sure and some work to do to be able to beat these guys on a more regular basis. 当然我们已经取得了一些进步,但还要做一些工作才能一直击败那些家伙。
It's impossible to miss the fact that stocks, real estate and bonds all make for decent investments (at least most of the time). 股票、房地产和债券都是不错的投资项目(至少大多时候是这样),这是一个不争的事实。
The best way to come up with startup ideas is to ask yourself the question: what do you wish someone would make for you? 如何寻找创业点子呢?最好的办法就是问自己这样一个问题:你想让别人为你做什么?
Taking the shape of a spiral, not only does the form make for a compelling aesthetic, but it is able to capture wind from any direction. 设计成螺旋状,不仅在美学上引人注目,还能够捕获来自各个方向的风。
This does not mean that there may not be rules in the collective. I mean the small personal decisions that you make for yourself. 这并不是说集体中不应该有规则,我指的是你自己做的小小的个人决定。
Too much bad loans make for the financial institution to be very difficult in management . 过多的不良贷款造成金融机构在经营上十分艰难。
All this impedes the efficient exit and entry of institutions that make for a vibrant local banking sector. 诸如此类的事情阻碍建立一个有活力的地方银行部门机构的高效进出。
The mother has been old, what my this is the daughter to be able to make for her? 母亲老了,我这个做女儿的能为她做什么呢?
Trust me, you'll see more enthusiasm on her end, which will make for an engaging date for the both of you. 相信我,你可以看到她的热情,对你们两来说都是有意义的约会。
We're starting to see a virtuous cycle. The more money we make for our content partners, the more engaging content they upload. 我们已经看到了正在进入良性的循环轨道,当让我们的内容合作伙伴赚更多的钱,同样就会有促进更多的好内容上传到Youtube。