much as

  • 网络虽然;多达;非常像

much asmuch as

much as


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... moustache n. (嘴上边的)胡子 much as 虽然 mucous a. 黏液的,似黏液的 ...


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... hang up 挂上电话 as many /much as 多达,……之多 hear of /about 听到……关于…… ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... ) slide (使)滑动,滑行。 ) much as 非常像,和……几乎一样,虽然,即使; ) only if 决不,除非; ...


英语问题 请详细解答 谢谢_百度知道 ... 2. one which, 非限定性定语从句. 3A. much as 尽管 1. advanced country 发达国家 ...


英英语固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... more than 不仅,不止;多于„ 320 much as (虽然,尽管)表让步; 321 on the contrary 相反 338 ...


完形词汇 - 豆丁网 ... more than 超过 much as 像…一样多 long before 很久以前 ...


语法复习专题2-----代词 - 舒城中学 -... ... ⑿ not so much…as… 与其说…倒不如说 ⒀ much as 虽然很 ⑴ anything but 根本不 ...


第二章 历年CET-4实考词汇 - 小泉的日志 ... ... As soon as 一……就 Much as 非常像,和……几乎一样 At a loss 困惑,不知所 …

lf he so much as suggests what she's suggesting, you give me a call and we'll sue the hell out of him. 若他真如她所暗示对你提出这种要求,你给我一通电话我们绝对告到他身败名裂。
These people love their life as much as you do and would probably never agree to leave their native village if they had a chance. 这些人们热爱他们的生活正如你我。就算给他们机会,他们也许也永远也不会离开他们的故乡。
They loved showbiz so much and I feel an extension of them. You know, this, this is honouring them as much as it is me. 他们太喜欢演艺事业了,我觉得自己是他们的延续。你知道,这座奖杯——这个荣誉是对我的肯定,更是对他们的赞赏。
In fact, it's to his advantage to see that your reputation suffers as much as possible before a plea or a trial. 事实上,在答辩或者审判之前,你的名誉被糟蹋得越厉害,事态就越对他有利。
But what this poll failed to ask was whether we fear governmental abuse of our online data as much as abuse from private companies. 但是民调却没有问,我们是否担心政府会像私人公司那样,滥用我们的网络数据。
"I wanted to call it a day and get home as much as anyone, " she recalls. 我本来也想和人一样放手不干算了,只想早点回家休息。
I don't think it was someone telling me, as much as seeing how much value you could get if people work together. 这不是别人告诉我的,而是我在工作中反反复复观察得到的结论,你会看到人们之间合作会带来多么神奇的结果。
And Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) flatly declared, "I never wanted to get out of a place as much as I did to get out of the presidency. " 格兰特(UlyssesS.Grant,1869-1877年)更是直言不讳地说:“我从来没有像希望离开总统职位那样希望离开任何一个地方。”
The result of this approach is a Responsibility Matrix defined as much as possible in terms of RUP roles and artifacts. 该方法的结果是尽可能多地确定了RUP角色和工件的职责矩阵。
It stays true to its original with the design of the rear and the front being rounded and avoiding the hard edges as much as possible. 它走忠于其与原设计的后排和前排正整数,避免生硬尽量避免。
He had stood as much as he could and when he couldn't take it anymore he showed them the door. 父亲已经尽可能忍受她们的所作所为,但终于还是忍无可忍,他还是赶了她们出门。
Also I highly recommend going to galleries to see as much as you can. You'll get a handle on what works for you. 此外,我极力推荐大家尽可能多去画廊转转,多看,你就能发现自己喜欢什么样的作品。
The idea really is to join them both together as much as possible, as you will be taking the little mind with you to your next journey. 这种概念其实是尽可能地将两种心智结合,因为你将带着这个小我心智进入你的下一旅程。
You're Worth It: You are worth as much as you think you are. 你值得拥有:你觉得自己有多少价值,你就有多少价值。
As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before Nine-Eleven. 随着时间的推移,大部分的美国人民能够从悲痛中解脱出来,并重归“9.11”之前正常的生活。
But a top company official tried to reassure the Germans that it would try to protect the company as much as possible. 但公司一位高层领导试图让德国人解除疑虑,称他们一定会尽力保护公司的。
I practiced with him a few times. I watched his match today, as much as I could. 我和他一起训练过好多次,并且今天尽量看了一些他的比赛。
The average shore employment requires as much as forty years to equip a man with this sort of an education. 干陆地上的工作,需要四十年之久,才能使人获得这种教育。
I used to love the sun as much as the next British traveller, but then, two years ago, I was diagnosed with skin cancer. 我曾经热爱阳光,像我身边的那个英国游客一样。但是两年前我被诊断出皮肤癌,一块发痒的肿块被确诊为恶性的黑色素瘤。
The problem is, you don't have as much as you think, so be careful. You could go over your budget and into your savings in no time. 你的问题在于误以为自己拥有很多,要谨慎一点,你可能会立刻透支预算,动用到存款。
"You should sleep as much as you need to feel awake, alert and attentive the next day, " Buysse added. “你的睡眠要足够使你第二天保持清醒、警觉和专注,”Buysse补充道。
Give them positive feedback as much as you can, even if it's just a good word. 尽你最大的可能给他们积极的反馈,哪怕只是一句表扬的话语。
Yes, that trial the big bear felt ready to stand; and as he knew in his heart he had never so much as tasted the butter. 是的,审判的大熊觉得准备的立场,以及他在他心里知道,他从来没有这么多的尝到了黄油。
Under the terms of the merger agreement, HP might have to pay Compaq as much as $675m if it backed out. 依据合并协议条款,如果惠普公司打退堂鼓的话,它就得支付康柏公司高达6.75亿美元的补偿。
Reading as much as you can will help you to consolidate what you know and increase your vocabulary. 尽量多地阅读能有助于你巩固已掌握的词汇,并能增加你的词汇量。
We were able to convince them that they weren't interested in a completion milestone so much as a confidence milestone. 我们说服了他们,他们不会对完成的里程碑甚至是自信的里程碑感兴趣。
As much as he derides the limits of Weibo, Mr Han warns people not to expect too much from him in 2012. 尽管他嘲笑了微博的局限性,韩寒并不想大家对于2012的他报太多希望。
If my words make you drunk, then drink them as much as you can; be a drunkard, because this champagne is going to transform you totally. 如果我的话语让你产生醉意,那么,开怀畅饮吧;成为一个醉汉,因为这香槟将令你脱胎换骨。
Not a soul, my dear. The house is empty half the day, so come and drum away as much as you like, and I shall be obliged to you. 一个人也没有,屋子里每天有半天的时间没人,所以您尽管来好了,我保证。
His heart was right, and in her own heart she appreciated his intention as much as if the gift had gone with it. 他的心是好的,她打心眼里欣赏这番好意,仿佛礼物已随着许诺送到她手里。