


Philadelphia has been a great representative of American architecture since the 18th Century. 费城从十八世纪起就是美国建筑的绝佳代表。
The mid-18th century, the British ambassador to Constantinople in his letter that his wife has described. 18世纪中期,英国驻君士坦丁堡大使的夫人在信中对此做了描述。
In the 18th century the British took Gibraltar, established colonies along the Atlantic seacoast, and began to ADD territory in India. 18世纪时,英国夺得直布罗陀,建立沿大西洋海岸的殖民地,也开始在印度扩张领土。
England was a late comer to the tea trade, as the East India Company did not capitalize on tea's popularity until the mid-18th century. 由于英国东印度公司直到18世纪中叶,才开始充分利用茶叶盛行的机会,赚取利润,所以英国进行茶叶贸易比较晚。
So when Barack Obama meets Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House on May 18th, he must be tough with him. 因此,5月18日奥巴马在白宫会见内塔尼亚胡(BinyaminNetanyahu)时应采取强硬态度。
A worried easterner describes the alliance as "like an 18th-century Polish parliament, hostage to its most irresponsible member" . 忧心忡忡的东欧人将北约形容为“18世纪的波兰议会,任由其大多不负责任的成员操作”。
Until the 18th century Scotland was an independent country, with a parliament of its own. 在18世纪以前,苏格兰一直是一个独立的国家,有自己的国会。
Crafted by an Italian priest in the 18th century, they were part of a clock fountain that was said to be a favorite of the emperor. 这些头像有18世纪意大利神父制作,是时钟喷泉的部件,而时钟喷泉据说是皇帝的最爱。
New Jersey gained its nickname of the "Garden State" in the 18th century, because it had so much rich and fertile soil. 在18世纪时,纽泽西因为拥有许多肥沃的土壤,而得到「花园之州」的昵称。
Father had not got back home yet and I thought he must have forgotten it was my 18th birthday today. 爸爸还没有回来,但我想他一定忘了今天是我的18岁生日。
And they, if you try to produce a different wall with this 18th one, it will have to have the same symmetries as one of these 17. 而且他们,如果你尝试研制出第18面不同的墙壁,这面墙肯定与17种对称中的一种对称是相同的。
Campaigning for the general election in Pakistan to be held on February 18th continued to be scarred by violence. 为巴基斯坦的普选竞选活动在二月18日被举行继续被暴力结疤。
The word "lobbying" as a name for these campaigns dates back at least to 18th-century Britain. 这些活动又称为“院外活动”,此一词至少可以追溯到18世纪的英国。
The great 18th-century painter Canaletto did not always sign or date his works but people bought his views of Venice regardless. 18世纪的伟大画家卡纳莱托不常在自己的作品上署名或写上日期,但人们还是不顾一切买了他的威尼斯风景画。
It did not take long for them to fully embrace European portrait painting, and by the 18th century it had become an 'imperial tradition'. 他们很快便完全接受了欧洲肖像画,到了18世纪,它已经成了一种“皇家传统”。
Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯·库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地。
On April 18th thousands of demonstrators sat down in Homs's main square, which they renamed Tahrir (Liberation) Square, after the Cairo one. 四月十八日,数千示威者在胡姆斯解放广场静坐,该广场曾仿效开罗解放广场而重新命名。
On her 18th birthday, her mother gave her a red BMW Mini Cooper as a birthday present. 在18岁生日时,妈妈送了她一辆红色的宝马MiniCooper作为生日礼物。
Early 18th century, Fool's Day customs reached the United Kingdom, followed by the British in the early immigrants into the United States. 18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。
The pin and cap type insulators have been used since the last quarter of the 18th century. 针和帽式绝缘子已用于自18世纪的最后一个季度。
From the moment we crossed the single-track railway line and glimpsed the 18th hole, it was obvious this was a very special place indeed. 从我们越过单轨铁路线瞥见第18洞的那刻起,我就能明显感到,这的确是个非常特别的地方。
I hear there's likely to be a bit of a hold-up at the 18th, and it won't just be the usual duffer refusing to give up on a lost ball. 听说第18号球道可能会有点堵,而且不是因为技艺欠佳的高球爱好者拒绝放弃“遗失球”之类的稀松平常的原因。
Smith was the 18th century economist who said the invisible hand of competition would reduce excess profits in business to normal levels. 这位18世纪的经济学家曾经说过,竞争这只“看不见的手”(invisiblehand)会把企业过高的利润降至正常水平。
The transformation began in Britain in the 18th century, spreading across the world to become the public goal of every nation. 巨变开始于18世纪的英国,接着传遍整个世界,变革成为每个国家共同的目标。
At the beginning of the 18th century, Manchester was a pretty market town, its population living in a handful of streets. 18世纪初的曼彻斯特是一座美丽的集镇,人们生活在这个只有几条街道的小镇上。
The concept of trade in tasks can be traced to Adam Smith's description of the division of labour in a pin factory in 18th-century Britain. 任务贸易的概念由来已久,可以追溯到亚当•斯密(AdamSmith)对十八世纪英国别针工厂劳动分工的描述。
The alluring celestial scene would also have been a rewarding one for the influential 18th century comet hunter Charles Messier . 这幅迷人的天空景象同时也将纪念18世纪具有影响力的彗星追逐者查尔斯。梅西耶。
Next week's pow-wow, which takes place in the serene 18th-century resort of Heiligendamm on Germany's Baltic coast, is no exception. 将于下周在德国18世纪宁静度假胜地,波罗的海沿岸小城海利根达姆举行的峰会也不例外。
It was as beautiful and distinctive as a mole on an 18th-century belle. 这个小黑点美丽又独特,好比十八世纪名媛淑女脸上的美人痣;
"Israel will contact us today (18th) to confirm whether to hold a meeting tonight or tomorrow, " said the Palestinian official. 这名巴勒斯坦官员说:「以色列今天(十八日)将会与我们连络,确认是否于今晚或明天举行会晤。」