


He took a portable electric drill, a coil of wire and a bucket of accessories, and went to the 17th floor to perform his job. 该名工人接获指示后进入储物房,在拿取一部手提电钻、一卷电线及一桶配件工具后便到十七楼工作。
On March 17th he had his wish, or most of it: a state funeral for all the poilus at Les Invalides, and then a simple family burial. 在3月17日,他实现了他的希望,或者基本实现了:在巴黎荣军院,为所有步兵们举行国葬,然后再搞一个简单的家庭葬礼。
He turns then to France, which, out of a growing sense of Gallic identity, rejected the Italian influence in the early 17th century. 之后他转到法国,出于高卢人的自我感觉日渐良好,法国拒绝17世纪早期意大利带来的影响。
The southern shoreline of Manhattan, known as the Battery, has been a popular promenade since the 17th century. 以巴特雷公园闻名的曼哈顿南部海岸线自17世纪起就是一处绝好的漫步长廊。
A 17th-century French naval commander was shocked to see a Dutch captain sweeping out his own quarters. 如果一位17世纪的法国海军司令看到一位荷兰船长正在打扫自己的宿舍一定会目瞪口呆。
And on my 17th birthday, my parents, knowing how much I loved speed, gave me one driving lesson for my 17th birthday. 在我17岁生日时,我父母,他们知道我有多爱速度,送给我一个驾校课程作为我17岁生日礼物。
Early in the 17th century the banking industry was no longer a leader in Europe; that role had been acquired by Antwerp. 十七世纪早期,佛洛伦萨的银行业不再拥有欧洲的主导地位,这一地位被安特卫普所取代。
Speaking to pilgrims on March 17th, he said he hoped it would help "repentance, healing and renewal" of a "severely shaken" church. 教皇于3月17日对朝圣者说,他希望这封信能够有助于“摇摇欲坠的教会进行忏悔,进而得到复原和新生。”
Now, whenever I see a book concerning anything to do with the last half of 17th Century England, I feel nothing but a sense of repulsion. 现在,每当看到任何有关十七世纪英格兰的书,我都会很抵触,反正我对那段历史一向不大感兴趣。
The bridge of the 17th century seems to be tiny from such a distance but. . . 远远看去,这座17世纪建造的桥是那么小,但是……
From April 14th through the 17th, the sun steps into the place where Mercury was a week ago. 从四月十四号到十七号,太阳移动到了水星一周以前的位置。
Hillary Clinton, just back from Iraq, said on January 17th that she supported legislation to put a cap on the number of troops there. 刚从伊拉克回来的希拉里•克林顿,在1月17日说道,她赞同通过立法给军队数目设定上限。
Hanging in his office in Berkeley is a 17th-century Dutch map on which California appears as an island off the west coast of America. 悬挂在他伯克利办公室里的是一幅17世纪荷兰人绘制的地图,上面的加利福尼亚是一座脱离美国西海岸的岛屿。
It's got to be serious if the New York Times puts a cover story of their February 17th Sunday magazine about play. 如果纽约时报在2月17号星期天的报纸上用封面故事报道玩耍,那一定是很严肃了。
With an economy in its 17th year of uninterrupted growth, Australia's skills shortage has never been worse. 虽然已经迎来了经济持续增长的第17个年头,澳大利亚的技工短缺却达到的最坏程度。
All of it appeared to be handmade, probably by a 17th century artisan. 这里的一切似乎都是手工制作的,很可能出自一位17世纪工匠之手。
In Europe silver shortages led to a sudden massive expansion of the money supply and the hyperinflation of the mid-17th century. 在欧洲,白银短缺导致货币供给突然激增,最终造成17世纪中叶的恶性通货膨胀。
On Jan. 1, Estonia became the 17th country to adopt the euro, but it might be a while before it has company. 今年元月1日,爱沙尼亚成为接受欧元的第17个国家,但是它要找到同伴可能还需要一段时间。
The fascinating array of lotions is chronicled in The Path-Way To Health, a sort of 17th century version of Men's Health magazine. 这些怪异有趣的涂剂,记载在类似17世纪男性健康杂志的「健康之路」上。
At the beginning of the 17th century, tea was spread to Western Europe, and became one of the favourite drinks of European people. 大约17世纪初,茶叶流传到西欧,也成为欧洲人民喜爱的饮料之一。
Argentina and Great Britain have been at loggerheads over the sovereignty of the Malvinas (Falklands) Islands since the 17th century. 自17世纪以来阿根廷和英国围绕马尔维纳斯(福克兰)群岛主权问题一直争执不下。
India's economic history can be broadly divided into three eras, beginning with the pre-colonial period lasting up to the 17th century. 印度经济的发展历史大致可分为三个阶段:第一阶段从前殖民时期至17世纪;
But before you think less of Newton, consider that most experimental scientists of the 17th century believed in it too. 但在你深入思考牛顿之前,你会认为大部分17世纪以实验为依据的科学家都相信它。
That's where her path crossed that of Michael LaSane, who, police say, wanted just such a car to celebrate his 17th birthday. 在那里,她碰到了迈克尔·拉森,警察说,拉森正想要一部那样的车庆祝他的17岁生日。
THERE was a time in the late 17th century when no respectable monarch would be seen without a guitar. 17世纪末期曾有段时间,受人尊敬的君王人手一把吉他。
Over the past 25 years, in terms of GDP per head at current exchange rates, the French have dropped from seventh place in the world to 17th. 过去的25年里,以现行汇率计算人均GDP,法国在全球的排名从第7名跌落到第17名。
Why should whist, the name of a card game that has been known only since the 17th century, be spelled with wh-? 为什么这个从17世纪才为人所知的纸牌游戏的名字会叫whist,拼写为wh-呢?
During the 17th and 18th centuries, the same painting is described in other collectors' catalogs as The Garden of the Hesperides. 到了17和18世纪,在其他收藏家的目录中,又被称作《金苹果园》。
The Torres family has made wine at least since the 17th century in the Penedes region, south of Barcelona. 桃乐丝家族早在17世纪就开始在巴塞罗那南部宾纳戴斯地区古老的加泰朗镇酿造葡萄酒。
MORE than a week after Kosovo declared its independence on February 17th the dust has not settled. 在科索沃于2008年2月17日宣布国家独立一周多以后,民怨还没有被平息。