
美 [dʒeɪ]英 [dʒeɪ]
  • abbr.(=Journal)(=Judge)(=Justice)




1.英语字母表的第 10 个字母the 10th letter of the English alphabet

Bear Stearns's "shotgun marriage" to J. P. Morgan "is not the sort of thing we set out to do, " he told the audience. 他告诉听众,贝尔斯登与JP摩根的“强迫婚姻”不是“我们安排的计划”。
In 1847 in Germany, Werner siemens and J. Halske founded what was to be known as siemens to manufacture and install telegraphic systems. 1847年,华纳西门子和哈尔斯克在德国创立了如今被人们所熟知的西门子,其主要业务为制造和安装电信系统。
And it's also become a very , very valuable sort of advertising revenue for J & J as well . 这俨然是一个非常,非常有效的营销方式,对强生公司也是如此。
One of his backbenchers Ernest Smith called for J-FLAG to be outlawed, and gave warning that gays were infiltrating the police. 他的支持者欧内斯特•史密斯呼吁取缔牙买加同志论坛的合法资格,并且发出警告说,同性恋势力正在向警队渗透。
GEORGE PEARSON: As you know. J. K. Toys has a strong presence in Europe. 乔治.皮尔森:正如你所知道的,J.K.玩具公司在欧洲具有很强的市场地位……
For more from J. D. Roth, check out his excellent personal finance blog, Get Rich Slowly (or subscribe to his feed). 想对J.D.鲁斯有更多的了解,请访问他优秀的个人财经博客,“慢慢阅读”(或订阅)。
That means J. P. Morgan is a stronger company than it was just a few years ago. 这使摩根大通的实力较仅仅几年前更为强大。
She told him Lehman would have to turn over the $5 billion in collateral that J. P. Morgan had asked for days earlier. 她告诉托鲁西说,雷曼兄弟必须提供摩根大通几天前要求的50亿美元的担保。
Mr. J: Now get out of that thing and help me get ready for cross-examination. 现在给我从那东西里滚出来,帮我准备询问辩方证人事宜。
They were fun, smart and looked like they fell out of a J. Crew catalogue. 他们风趣、聪明,而且看起来像杰克鲁服饰上的模特一样。
Our traveller, Mr. J. , Will be in London shortly, when he will submit you some of our newest goods. 先生近日将前往伦敦,届时将携带若干最新产品供你参考。
Miss Havisham asked me to send, 'said Joe, as if trying to remember the exact words, 'her-best wishes, was it, Pip? to Mrs J. Gargery. . . ' “郝薇香小姐让我捎给她,”乔说着好像努力地去记住这句准确的话,“她最好的祝福,不是吗?匹普。对乔·葛吉瑞夫人说……。”
Can I have Mr. J. Smith paged? He said he'd be in the main dining room. I'm Mr. J. B. White. 你能不能利用广播替我叫一下史密斯先生?他说他会在大餐厅里。我是怀特先生。
"I worked for him for seven years and I had no clue, " said Jack Sala, now the engineering manager for Truckee Precision, a B&J competitor. “我为他工作了7年,从不知此事,”杰克·撒拉说,他现在是特拉基精密(B&J公司的竞争对手)的工程经理。
B. J. Fogg, editor of a book called "The Psychology of Facebook, " says that you get out of these sites what you're looking for in them. 在B.J.Fogg主编的新书《Facebook的心理学》中,他说到,你从那些网站里你会得到你要找的东西。
A person familiar with the matter said MF Global still hasn't had a full accounting of its holdings at J. P. Morgan. 知情人士说,全球曼氏金融对于自己在摩根大通持有的资金仍没有做全面的核算。
"Every time you do these scenarios, one of the first objectives is trying to find out what's going on inside North Korea. " 布什政府前亚洲顾问迈克尔J•格林表示,“每当你想分析一下当前情况,最先要做的是搞清楚朝鲜内部正在发生什么。”
Prof. WIENER: You know, I've always been fascinated by that sentence. This is in J. Edgar Hoover's letter to H. R. Haldeman. 维纳:你知道吗,我一直着迷于那句话,乐死我了。
Bill Winters, J. P. Morgan's former co-head of investment banking, once said the bank's shares would fall 20% if Dimon left. 曾任摩根大通投资银行部联席主管的温特斯(BillWinters)说过,如果戴蒙离任,摩根大通的股价将下跌20%。
Justin: At first it felt like someone's shoving a broom up there. But, I told him to go slow and he did. 小J,一开始像是有人在把扫帚向上推来,但是,我让他慢一些,他照做了。
But to regain his business now, Mr. Mandel says, J. & J. would have to demonstrate that it had better manufacturing standards. 曼德尔先生说,现在强生公司想恢复业务,他们应该证明他们的药物确实有更高的制造标准。
J listened to voices and raised his head, In front of him was his first sight of young girl, ah, how happiness his mood becomes! J听着声音抬起了头,他的面前正是他一见钟情的人啊,他的心情变得多么的愉快啊!
My heaviest debt for problems remains to Aaron Director and George J. Stigler, but I have continued to borrow from other colleagues as well. 在习题上使我受惠最多的仍然是阿伦。戴维德和乔治。史德拉,但我还不断得到其他同事的帮助。
The Home Depot in Watchung, N. J. , sold every snow blower and shovel it had in stock after customers lined up out the door. 在店门外排队等候的消费者使新泽西州家得宝(HomeDepot)卖光了所有库存的吹雪机和铲雪机。
For a brief time Friday, it seemed as if MF Global might have uncovered the funds at J. P. Morgan, which housed the firm's client balances. 上周五,曾经一度看起来全球曼氏金融可能已在保管着其客户资金余额的摩根大通那里找到了这笔资金。
Not to be excluded are at least two other private equity firms that have requested J Crew's financial records. 不排除还有至少两家私人股权公司要求得到JCrew公司的财务记录。
J. It's a good time to find a bargain, considering how much casinos are hurting these days. 考虑到如今博彩业遭到重创,这个时候去哪里拣点便宜倒是不错。
Several options, including -f (full), -j (jobs), and -l (long) give control of how much information is displayed. 可以通过几个选项控制所显示的信息,包括-f(full),-j(jobs)和-l(long)。
Louis Allen Worldwide CEO J. P. Miller said he knows companies might be scared to spend money on surveys during a recession. 路易全球首席执行官艾伦太平绅士米勒说,他知道公司可能害怕把钱花在调查过程中时陷入衰退。
But people familiar with the matter said that the Bear acquisition doesn't preclude J. P. Morgan from pursuing that strategy. 不过,据知情人士透露,收购贝尔斯登并不会使摩根大通放弃以前的战略。