long before

  • na.很久以前;老早以前
  • 网络在…以前很久;很早以前;早在…之前

long beforelong before

long before


since用法_百度文库 ... (=ever before 此后一直 ). =long before 很久以前 ). =never before 空前 ) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in the long run 从长远来看,最后 long before 在…以前很久 long for 渴望 ...


紧急.英语问题_百度知道 ... look at 看, 考虑, 着眼于 A.Long before 很早以前 B.Before long 不久以后 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... long jump 跳远 long before 很久以前,早在……之前 look after 照顾;照料 ...


英语四级技巧_百度知道 ... interest in 对……的兴趣 long before 早在┄之前,很久以前 look on 旁观,观看 ...


九年级英语教案(上) ... *soon after 在…之后不久 *long before 在…之前很久 *Tree Planting Day 植树节 ...


★高考英... ... catch /have a cold 感冒278. before long /long before 不久,很久以前289. be full of / be filledwith 充满303. ...

This was most blessedly perfect long before we had the slightest knowledge of him. 远在我们对祂有丝毫认识以前,祂就完完全全认识了我们。
Different from Engels, there had been a critical distance between Marx and Feuerbach long before he started to compose the Holy Family. 与恩格斯不同,马克思早在撰写《神圣家族》之前就与费尔巴哈思想有着批判性的距离。
As might have been expected, it was not long before John tried to break all his promises. 果然不出人们所料,隔不多久,约翰就想撕毁他的全部字据。
When Obama get up in the morning he borrows more than the cost of an entire aircraft carrier long before he goes to bed that night. 当白天奥巴马起床的时候,他就借走了远比一整艘航空母舰更多的钱,直到晚上睡觉之前才结束。
And he made a wonderful talking doll for his children, long before the days of the phonograph. 他还为孩子们制造了一个绝妙的、会说话的玩偶,而那时,留声机还远未问世。
It wasn't long before Corey started to struggle. I was holding on to his jacket, but he kept trying to jump off the boat. 不久科里便开始挣扎,我紧紧攥住他的救生衣,可他仍然试图跳下船去,结果他挣脱了我的手。
A woman in Bristol read about her in a newspaper and recognized her as a girl who had stayed at her lodging house not too long before. 一个布里斯托尔的女人从报纸上读到这条新闻,认出这原来是不久前还投宿在她家里的一个女孩。
He began to go down to the shore, but long before he reached it, the sun had set. 他开始往下走向岸边,但在他走到之前,太阳老早就下山了。
But it might have been much better if the epidemiologists had taken a look long before the FT got involved. 但如果流行病学家早在英国《金融时报》介入之前就阅读她的论文,那么情况可能会好得多。
"Monks can now practice and reside in monasteries, but we're talking about long before the establishment of any monastery, " he said. “现在僧侣们能在寺庙中静修并住在那儿,但我们所讲的事可发生在任何寺庙建立之前。”他说。
The inventor of the name appears to have done so long before the actuality of an independent nation was a possibility. 早在巴基斯坦的独立成为可能以前,乔杜里·拉赫马特·阿里就已经发明出这一名称了。
I won't be leaping like an international show jumper any time soon, but it might not be long before I get back in the saddle. 虽然我绝不可能在短时间内有国际马术师那样惊人的表演,至少理我能够落回马鞍的日子已经不远了。
It was not long before he saw me looking at him, and so he began to move. 不久之前,他看到我看着他,所以他开始行动了。
you can only fish for so long before you got to throw a stick of dynamite in the water? 你只能在把炸药扔进鱼塘之前钓那么一会儿鱼。
However the pattern of consumption began long before Terra exited the Great Central Sun as she was consumed until she fell therein. 其实肉食的图案模式早在Terra离开大中枢太阳前就开始,她被“食用”导致振动下跌。
"There is room, there is a cushion, " he said. "The question is, how long before everyone can get back up to 100 percent? " “目前还有一定的缓冲馀地,”他表示,“问题在于所有企业恢复全面生产会需要多长时间?”
Once upon a time, there lived a poor cowherd, Niulang, whose parents had died long before. He had to live together with his elder brother. 很久以前,有一个放牛娃名叫牛郎,父母早亡,只好跟着哥哥嫂嫂度日。
You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us. 你认为狗不会上天堂吗?我告诉你,牠们会远比我们之中任何人更早到那里。
Bryant was a hit with Lakers fans long before he reached this skill level, back when he was just a dazzling rookie. 在科比的球技还没达到现在的水平以前,他曾经打击了湖人球迷,那时他还是个爱表现的新秀。
Intelligent as she, I'm afraid it will not be long before insight into the truth - who would be willing to face the bloody truth? 聪明如她,只怕用不了多久就会洞悉真相——试问谁愿意面对这血淋淋的真相?
So said Paul Krugman, the Princeton economics professor and New York Times columnist, long before he took up journalism. 远在投身新闻业之前,普林斯顿经济学教授兼《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)专栏作家保罗-克鲁格曼(PaulKrugman)就说过这样的话。
A clumsy man not noticing it, had his foot on it for ever so long before he discovered it. 一个笨手笨脚的家伙开始没有注意,在上面踩了很久才发现它。
and long before I had come to a conclusion, surprise had taken entire possession of my mind, and I could do nothing but stare and wonder. 我还没有来得及做出决定,就被眼前的事情惊呆了,只能瞪大了眼睛傻坐在小筏子上。
No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave. . . if you leave. . . I just, I remember things better with you! 而且如果你离开,如果你离开的话,我只是,我记得跟你在一起更美好的时光!
To be sure, some of the changes were in the works long before the first stress fractures appeared and the economy began to crumble. 可以肯定的是,一些计划中的改变早在经济结构出现问题和经济开始下滑之前就已经有的。
It had not been long before it was made out the figure falling onto the ground was a woman, a grey-haired woman clad literally in rags. 跌倒的是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂。伊从马路边上突然向车前横截过来;
It may not be long before some of the ideological ruptures that seem to have healed burst. 无需多久,一些看似已经弥合的意识形态的裂痕将会爆发。
You can only go without adequate sleep for so long before your body and mind force you to catch up. 在你的身体和头脑强迫你入睡前,你失眠的时间也不会太长。
Joy has not been there long before Tao asks for her hand in marriage, Maoist style. 乔伊在那里呆了没多久,冯涛就以那个时代经典的方式向她求婚了。
When she asked Metson about surgery, he said most people with her degree of sinus problems would have had it long before. 于是,她向米特森医生询问做手术的事情,医生告诉她说,大多数像她那种程度的鼻窦问题的人,早就做手术了。