
美 [deɪt]英 [deɪt]
  • n.日期;约会;日子;年代
  • v.过时;注明日期;写上日期;确定年代
  • 网络时间;日期型;年月日

复数:dates 现在分词:dating 过去式:dated

set date,fix date,change date,confirm date,arrange date
early date,same date,actual date,definite date,final date


n. v.

日期particular day

1.[c]日期;日子a particular day of the month, sometimes in a particular year, given in numbers and words

过去;将来past time/future

2.[sing][u]年代;时期;时候a time in the past or future that is not a particular day

约见arrangement to meet

3.[c]会晤时间;约见时间an arrangement to meet sb at a particular time

异性约会romantic meeting

4.[c]约会;幽会a meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with sb who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend

5.[c]约会对象a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom you have arranged a date


to date

迄今为止;到目前为止;直到现在until now


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... thirtieth num. 第三十 date n. 日期 happy adj. 愉快的;高兴的;满意的 ...


我的博客 - marryqixia - 网易博客 ... 2008年04月08日 Apr 08th,2008 时 间 DATE 编 号 NO. ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dark n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮 date n. 日期;约会 daughter n. 女儿 ...




授权书样本 ... 被委托人身份证复印件: ID copy of the trustee: 年 月 日 Date: 委托方签字盖章: Chop of the trustor: ...

水果英文单词_百度文库 ... peanut 花生 date chestnut 粟 ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... intend 想要,打算 date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 ...

Yes, i think we could bring the date forward by a week or so. But i'd have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise. 是的。我想我们可以将日期推迟两个星期左右。但我要向总部请示后才能给你一个正式答复。
and that I got sort of a date later on tonight, so I'm going out. 晚上我有个约会所以我会出去一会
If you specify the AllowMerge parameter, the name of the subfolder to which content is exported will not include a date-time stamp. 如果指定AllowMerge参数,将内容导出到的子文件夹的名称将不会包含日期时间戳。
Users can subscribe to your Delicious bookmarks and Twitter updates so they are always up-to-date with your latest offerings. 用户可以订阅您的Delicious书签和Twitter更新,以便及时了解您最新提供的内容。
Even though he'd had a bad time on the date, John told a white lie and said he'd had fun. 即使那次约会并不愉快,约翰还是撒了善意的谎言说他玩得很开心。
Within a week he made the 245-mile round trip from his home in Perth up to me in the Highlands for our first date. 为了赶赴我们的第一次约会,他从佩思的家出发,花了不到一周的时间,历经245英里的行程来到我住的高地。
The ideal time to ask a woman for a date is when she has said something relevant to her personality. 理想的提出约会的时间是,当她已经说过一些关于她的个性的事情之后。
But be sure to write down how much money you withdrew so that you can keep your records up to date. 但一定要记下了多少钱,你退出,让您可以保留您的记录更新。
When he got to the corner store he telephoned back to ask me on a date. 他到街上打回来一个电话,请我约会。
You don't have to call it a date, but just schedule time with them on a regular basis to do something together. 你不必称之为约会,仅仅是安排一个时间和他们一起定期做些事情。
I wasn't trying to create a story, salvage a scene or use him as an understudy to my failed date. 我不是在创造另一个爱情故事,或挽救什么,或拿他做我这次失败的约会的替代品。
Normally, I put the price and availability date, but I don't seem to have it. 通常,我会看一下价格和发行日期,但是我没有找到。
I use my birth date as the secret number of my account, and my husband uses his birth date as the secret number of his account . 我使用我的出生日期作为我的帐户密码。我丈夫使用它的出生日期作为他的帐户密码。
Making small talk doesn't have to be painful, even if it's with a boss you want to impress or blind date you want to see a lot more of! 其实,和别人聊天不一定是件痛苦的事,即便对方是你期待能对你留下好印象的老板,抑或是你希望能多见面的相亲对象。
The ancient masterpiece of erotic literature, brought up to date by an acclaimed sex therapist. 古代的色情文学的杰作,带来了最新的由著名的性治疗师。
To this notion, I give a heartfelt disagreement for the general education, a broad range of knowledge will never be out of date. 对于这种观念,我完全同意适用于通识教育,即广泛的知识永远不过时。
ITA then keeps an up-to-date database of all this flight information for analysis and comparison shopping. ITA拥有实时更新的航班信息数据库,以便进行分析和对比选择。
Ross points out that Phoebe's never been in a long term relationship, which freaks her out just as she leaves on a date with Mike. 罗斯说菲比从未全心投入一段稳定长期的感情,正要出门跟迈克约会的菲比闻听此言,大惊失色。
It seems safe to conclude that couples with relatively normal semen parameters should have sex daily for up to a week before ovulation date. 断定相对正常精液参数夫妇排卵期之前,应该每天有性jiaozhi一个星期,似乎是安全的。
The old Behemoth-class battlecruiser has proven to be an enduring design when kept up to date with periodic upgrades. 旧的比蒙级巡洋舰通过定期升级来跟上时代,这验证了他设计上的持久性。
After trying to move the start date to a later date, you review the Task Drivers pane to see what is causing the scheduling conflict. 在尝试将开始日期移到稍晚的日期之后,您查看“任务驱动因素”窗格,以了解何种因素造成了日期安排上的冲突。
I look forward to receiving weekly magazines that keep me up to date with words, pictures, and stories form around the globe. 我也期待邮差送来各样当期的周刊,以便看到关于世界各地的故事、文章及图片。
And when we first met, one of the things that I remember is that he took me out on a date. 在我们最初相识的时候我记得,他带我出去约会。
She'll be impressed that you took the effort for her and your chivalry will increase your chances of a second date. 你的行为会给她留下个好印象并增加促成下次约会的可能性哦。
His ideas are really out of date, and he sounds sort of silly to me. 他的想法太过时了,而且他看上去有点傻似的。
"This [date] is not just a little bit wrong, but far out ofany order of magnitude, " he said. “这(日期)不是个小错误,而是远远超过任何数量级的错误。”他说。
So dump your boyfriend and find a rogue. Date him for a year. 既然如此,就甩掉你的男友,另外找个花花公子交往一年看看。
Obviously, there was no pressure to deliver on a certain date, and the requirements were entirely up to me. 显然,没有交付期限的压力,而且,需求也完全取决于我。
When you set up a simple call to this function with a date that you know will retrieve some events, you get the results shown in Listing 4. 当您使用您知道将检索到一些事件的日期设置对这个函数的一个简单调用时,您将得到如清单4所示的结果。
Corresponds to the expiration date of a contract. The last day on which an option may be exercised into the underlying futures contract. 合约的有效期限。期权在原生期货合约执行的最后交易日。