in shape

  • un.完全不;情况;模样
  • 网络处于良好状态;在外形上;在形状上

in shapein shape

in shape


大学英语四级常用词组 ... set out 制定,打算 in shape 处于良好(或固有)状态 share in 分享,分担 ...


check - 英汉词典 ... in good condition 状态良好 in shape 1. 在外形上 make the best of 善处(逆境); 尽量做好 ...


shape的用法 ... take shape (开始)成形;形成,体现 in shape 在外形上;在形状上 out of shape 变样,不成样 ...


SHAPE的解释... ... in any shape or form 以任何形式 in shape 1. 处于良好的健康状况 2. 身材健美 take shape 成形 ...


07版EEC初中英语二年级上册词汇表_百度文库 ... gain 获得 in shape 健康 coach 教练 ...


PET词汇精练(13)_英语网 ... C. in character 适合,相称 D. in shape 在外形上,处于良好状态。 n. 前进,进步; ...


六级考试技巧 词汇与听力... ... hold out for sth.( 坚持要某物) in shape有型) out of shape( 没型) ...


At the beach 在海边|无忧教育 ... beefcake 猛男 in shape 体能很好的;看起来健美的 out of shape 体能不好的 ...

Bubbles are usually asymmetric in shape: booms develop slowly but the bust tends to be sudden and devastating. 泡沫的形状通常不对称:繁荣缓慢地成长,但是破灭的趋势却是突然而且毁灭性的。
He had done a few days navvy work when he could get it, and he had run around the Domain in the early mornings to get his legs in shape. 他有时能找到几天卖苦力的差使干干。每天早晨他都要沿着都门公园跑上几圈,活动活动腿脚。
You know, moderate, progressive form of exercise to make you long-term stay in shape. 要知道,适度的、循序渐进的锻炼方式才能让你长期保持体型。
if you enjoy staying in shape and helping others , there has never been a better time to become a certified fitness trainer ( cft ) . 如果你仅仅保持自己的身体健壮来指导他们,将不会有时间或机会成为合格的健身私人教练。
I'm looking forward to it. My wife is trying to get back in shape after not exercising consistently for a little while. 我的妻子在一段时间没有锻炼过之后也希望能恢复体形。
The pieces of this type of stand collar are often curved in shape at the front so that the collar slopes in smoothly towards the upper neck. 这种类型的立领往往前面形状是弯曲的,所以领子的斜度平滑,能对上颈部
the series used to rationalize designed to simultaneously draw in shape, with the pack into the back end of a complete synchronization. 本系列采用合理化设计,以同步吸取成型,同进摺底与封底一次同步完成。
After New York, I went home for a week to rest my voice, start getting back in shape, and think about how to get out of the hole I was in. 纽约州初选结束之后,我返回家里,在一周的时间里,让嗓子得到休息,着手恢复体形,仔细考虑如何修补在竞选中被损害的形象。
The strength of the gravitational wave determines how much an object will change in shape. 引力波的强度决定了物体形变的程度。
But as of right now I'm still training and trying to stay in shape as if the season started tomorrow. 但是现在我仍然在坚持训练,保持体形,就像明天季赛就要开始一样。
Ranger: You girls sure you've in shape for the trail? The Sierra Club gives it a nine out of ten for difficulty. 护林员:两位小姐确定走这个步道身体受得了吗?山岳协会给这里难度九的评分。
She and her husband joined a gym a year ago looking to get in shape and get out of the house. 一年前,她和他的丈夫加入了健身房来寻找状态并搬出了家。
Keeping fit or maybe getting in shape is often high on the list of New Year's resolutions for Americans. 保持健美或者保持匀称的身材通常是美国人新年新计划中高居前面的一项。
Why do I do what I do? is there a deeper layer of meaning other than to stay in shape, to be healthy or to look good? 为何要去做我做的事情?是因为它有比保持健康和外表更深层的意义吗?。
She was fond of working with neutral colors and soft easy-to-wear jersey fabrics that were simple in shape and cut. 她是中性的颜色和柔软易于穿球衣的面料是在形状和切割喜欢简单的工作。
He was still as in shape as he was in high school, and Johannah liked that he took such good care of himself. 他仍然在形状,他在高中,约翰纳喜欢他花了这么好好照顾自己。
Q. You and the car look to be in shape. How are the mechanics, with all the pit stop simulations you've done? 你和车的情况看起来都很不错。那从模拟测试中完成进站的情况来看,机械师的状态如何?
As different in shape, suspension bridge cables tend to stretch all the points of the pillars of the bridge tends to squeeze everywhere. 由于在形状上的不同,悬索桥的缆绳的各点都趋向拉伸而拱桥的支柱的各处都趋于挤压。
Avoid the pitfalls of trying to do too much too soon when you get back in shape after a long layoff. 在长时间没有没有运动的情况下,恢复健康是要避免一次做得太多运动的陷阱。
I notice that when my stress level is high, then those things really come upon me, so I constantly keep in shape, you know, how I feel. 我注意到当我压力很大时,这些东西确实突袭我,因此我要保持好的心情,健康,你知道我的感受。
I needed to make sales and asked the customer if I could 'get in shape' and he told me to go for it. 我得促成这些交易,并问客户能否让我“减减肥”,他说可以。
The brain, just like the body, needs to be kept in shape to perform at its optimum level. 大脑,与人体一样,需要保持在好的状态才能使得其办事富于成效。
Roxanne is not the only fan of the diet. US pop star Katy Perry also admitted to using mushrooms to stay in shape. 热衷于生蘑菇减肥法的不止罗克妮一人。美国流行歌手凯蒂?佩里也承认通过食用蘑菇来保持体型。
As the basic form of ice crystals is a hexagonal prism, most ice crystals are six-sided in shape at the beginning. 由于冰晶的基本模式是六角棱体,大部份冰晶的雏形都是六角形的。
Using martial arts to get in shape is quite a good idea, don't you think? 利用练武术来锻炼身体,真是个不错的主意,你觉得呢?
At the time, people imagined that their two legs differed in shape and that 'normally' one was more becoming than the other. 在当时,人们想象他们的两条腿在形状上是不同的,“正常的”一条比另一条要更适宜。
I expect to be back in shape for February and my ambition this season is to win the Champions League. 我希望自己能在明年二月份重新回到球场,本赛季我的最高目标是夺取欧冠冠军。
cauline leaves with blade similar in shape and size to that of basal leaves, or smaller. 茎生叶具叶片相似的形状和大小的基生叶的,或者更小。
The two countries' forces are beginning to look remarkably similar in shape and size. 两国军力的格局和规模已开始看上去惊人地相似。
We drank without talking for a while, getting our nerves back in shape. 我们默默地喝了一会儿,慢慢平静下来。