in contrast

  • adv.相反
  • 网络相比之下;对比;成对比

in contrastin contrast

in contrast


英语图表作文范例50篇_英语网 ... in the case of adv. 在……的情况下 in contrast 相反,大不相同 government policy 政府政策 ...


作文范例 - 免费文档下载 ... 2. devote to 致力于… 3. In contrast 相比之下,和…形成对比/对照 4. Thanks to 多亏了,由于 ...


english-27_clownfish_新浪博客 ... idle 游手好闲 in contrast 对比 strong zeal 强烈的热情 ...


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... unrelated a. 无关的,不相关的 in contrast 成对比 look up 在字典、参考书中查找 ...


表转折的英语句型_百度知道 ... unlike…… 不像…… in contrast 与此相反;比较起来 by way of contrast 通过对照 ...


反观(In contrast)也曾哗闹着我一私人就能击败他们一概的替补的特里即日的再现可能用暗澹来说,奇特一再,小牛的替补席(Be…


英语词汇... ... Feel free to do sth 随便做……,任意做…… In contrast 相反的,形成对比 To work overtime 加班加点工作 ...


英语四... ... 举例方面 For example; One of the; Another is; For instance; Like 比较,对比方面 As a comparison;In contr

In contrast, the mummy of Irtyersenu contains organs, but the whole body seems to be coated in a mysterious waxy substance. 不同的是,Irtyersenu木乃伊的器官被保留了下来,但是整具木乃伊似乎被一种神秘的蜡物质所包裹。
In contrast, up to June, America's production continued to fall. 与此相反,截止到六月,美国的生产依旧在走下坡路。
She suddenly noticed that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. 她忽然注意到她妈妈有几根白发从满头的棕色头发中显露出来。
In contrast, Royal Bank of Scotland =, rescued by the British taxpayer, was able to suspend interest payments on only some of its hybrids. 但相反的是,被英国纳税人拯救的苏格兰皇家银行只因某些混合债券而暂停了利息支出。
In contrast, the drug with higher molecular weight tends to accumulate and maintain an effective concentration in tumor for a longer period. 分子量较大的药物较易在肿瘤内部积聚,从而能在较长时间内保持一定的有效药物浓度。
In contrast, the previous nine months in her mother's womb were a neurodevelopmental drama of epic proportions. 相反,在她出生之前的九个月里,在她母亲子宫里的戏剧化的神经发育才是一场史诗。
They are always going to be with you no matter how rough life gets (in contrast to many humans unfortunately). 不管生活多么艰苦,它们都会跟随你左右(与之相比,很多人很不幸地没有做到这一点)。
In contrast to the universal nature of the DNA code, the histone language and its decoding machinery differ among animals, plants and fungi. 与此相反的普遍性的DNA代码,组的语言和其解码机制不同的动物,植物和真菌。
One of its selling points was that in contrast with many other projects, it had a fairly clear idea about what was needed. 其不同于以往的卖点之一,就是该计划对于需要采取那些措施有着较为清晰的认识。
In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions. 相比之下,使用正则表达式可以更精练地描述同类规则。
In contrast, organizations that build in quality from the beginning are able to look forward, innovate, and pursue new opportunities. 相反,从一开始就注重质量的组织就可以向前看,创新,并追求新的机会。
She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. 她突然注意到她妈妈头上伸出几缕白头发,与周围的浅黑色形成对照。
In many American states, in contrast to Britain and Spain, a lender has no recourse to a defaulting homeowner's income or other assets. 与英国和西班牙不同的是,在美国很多州,放贷者对于违约房主的收入或其他资产没有追索权。
He fought this election as the champion of the poor and a man of the people, in contrast to his more cerebral predecessor, Thabo Mbeki. 同南非前任总统塔博-姆贝基截然不同的地方是,祖马是以贫民救星和人民之子的身份参加了此次选举。
In contrast, Keri Elwell of Vero Beach, Florida, was unwavering in her support for Wakefield and said the doctor was unfairly targeted. 与盖恩相反的是,佛罗里达维罗海滩的克里艾尔维尔毫不动摇的支持维克菲尔德的观点,认为对这些医生的批评是不公平的。
In contrast, only a small proportion of business schools seem to agree that this is the case. 然而,仅仅有一小部分商业学校同意这个观点。
In contrast, the male tassels of maize are a foot or more away from the female cob and are easily blown by the wind to other plants. 相反,玉米的雄穗离它的雌须有一英尺或更远的距离,它的花粉更容易被风吹到其他植株上。
In contrast, retroflex consonants do not appear in any other Indo-European language, not even Iranian ones which are closest to Indic. 与之相反,代表卷舌音的子音并不出现在任何其他印欧语言里面,甚至在伊朗语那里也没有任何一处是与印度语相近。
In contrast to Head Match, which can be used to match every page in a subdirectory, Exact Match can only be used to match one single page. 与此相反,以标题匹配,可用于比赛的每一个网页放在一个子目录中,完全匹配只能用来匹配一个单一的网页。
In contrast, the U. S. government has managed its financials very poorly over the years and is flirting with a Greece-like catastrophe. 相比之下,美国政府多年来财务管理不力,目前有陷入希腊式灾难的危险。
In contrast, sarcomas (which affect connective tissues) did not undergo apoptosis but went into a state of senescence, or no growth. 相反,肉瘤(影响结缔组织)没有凋亡但是呈老化状态或停止生长。
The realist, in contrast, estimates exactly what is possible (sometimes a little less, just to be safe). 现实主义者则与其相反,仅会对事情的可能性作出非常精确(有时过于保守,以期安全)的估计。
In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate in her treatment of others. 和她哥哥完全不一样,她对别人总是很体贴。
"There's no harm that we know of at all, in contrast to many antidepressants, " he said. "And it might be of some help. " “和我们所知道的抗抑郁药相比,没有害处,”他说。“而且它还有很多帮助。”
In contrast to many speakers, he said he was not concerned about over-regulation but about a return to business as usual. 不过和其它许多演讲者的看法不同,鲁比尼表示他更担心的不是监管过度,而是企业业务何时能恢复正常.(完)
art. is nothing but art. which rises from dirty, ugly reality and displays all its sanctity in contrast with reality. 艺术就是艺术,它在卑污丑恶的现实中升腾起来,并在与现实的对照中才展露其全部神圣性。
In contrast, he said, the Western model of government guarantees representation only to candidates who are chosen by the majority. 他对比说,西方政体只对那些获得多数选票的候选人负责。
A computer, in contrast, "could at best be programmed to try out a series of hypotheses to see which best fit the fixed data. " 相反的,一台电脑“最多也只能通过程序设计来尝试一系列假设,找出哪一种最符合固定的数据”。
In contrast, there seems to be a consensus that the poorest countries, mainly in Africa and Asia, shouldn't have to make emissions cuts. 相比之下,似乎有一种共识,即最穷的国家,大多在非洲和亚洲,不必进行减排。
In contrast to the clumsiness of many XML toolkits I encounter, ElementTree should take you just a few minutes to install and begin to use. 与我使用过的许多笨拙的XML工具包相比,ElementTree只需几分钟即可安装好并开始使用。