fit in with

  • v.符合
  • 网络适应;切合;适合

第三人称单数:fits in with 现在分词:fitting in with 过去式:fitted in with

fit in withfit in with

fit in with


关于英语中“动词加介词”的短语_百度知道 ... be fit to do 适合于….. fit in with 适应…… a nice fit 合身的衣服 ...


大千世界,因你我而不同 ... 4. clique: 派系;小圈子。 5. fit in with: 适应;符合。 7. identify: 认同。 ...


百度词典搜索_切 ... 切齿[ gnash one's teeth] 切合[ suit;fit in with] 切激[ impassioned] ...


苏教版高一英语课本必修三单词是什么?_百度知道 ... die out 消灭,死绝 fit in with 适应,适合 surrounding n. 周围的事物;环 …


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... fit into 刚好放入 fit in with 合适, 相配, 一致 focus on 集中在…上; • ...


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... fit into 刚好放入 fit in with 合适, 相配, 一致 focus on 集中在…上; • ...


2008高三复习学案 SBII Units15- ... ③ be fit for / to do 适合做 ④ fit in with 与……相适应 ⑤ fit...on... 给某人试穿…… ...


公共英语词组-DesktopVoc桌面背单词官方网站... ... find out 查明 fit in with 使适应 fit into 适合;符合 ...

Did you think about the exact nature of your role, and how your work will fit in with the larger picture of the organization? 你会考虑你所担任的职位究竟是做什么,而你的职位在公司的大环境里来说又是什么角色吗?
I think we're trying to get a sense of how well this person will fit in with our organisation. 我认为面试官都在尝试着得到一个信息——那就是这个人会不会很好地融入我们的组织。
Filming for the day would sort of be an audition to see how I would fit in with the show. 拍摄当天她作为一个观众看看我是否适合这个演出中的角色。
They do not find it easy to fit in with the old ways, and in fact they are with you to help change them. 他们发现它完全无法融合进旧方式中,所以事实是,他们和你们一起去帮助把它们(旧世界)改变。
If you are not prepared to fit in with your company's expected behaviour, I would argue that it is best for both of you if you ship out. 如果你不准备去适应公司预期的行为模式,我的观点是你最好退出,这对双方来说都最好。
In most cases, though, there's not going to be nearly as much pressure to fit in with the latest fashions as there was in high school. 不过,在大多数时候,你不必像在高中时候拼命地去追求潮流。
You may feel that you are unwelcome in this world, that you do not fit in with your kind of energy. 你或许感到自己不被这个世界欢迎,你所有的能量与这里格格不入。
It annoys me that she just assumes we'll all fit in with her plans. 她想当然地认为我们都适合她的计划,这使我非常恼怒。
Giving it up would be like saying goodbye to an old friend just because he or she doesn't fit in with my new, fashionable friends. 丢弃我的手机就如同仅仅因为老朋友与我的新朋友不相称就离开他们一样。
To 21 percent of employers, the trait they most want to see in a candidate is the ability to fit in with co-workers and the company. 21%的招聘者最希望应聘者具有的素质是能和同事相处融洽、融入公司。
At 25, he's at a good age to come to a big club like United and he would fit in with the structure of our football club in terms of age. 25岁,他处在一个很好的年龄去向曼联这么大的俱乐部。他也符合我们球队的年龄组合。
You cannot be all God wants you to be and fit in with everybody else. 你不能完全顺服神,同时又讨其他人的喜悦。
You feel a strong pulling to fit in with your peers and find yourself sluffing school and generally not caring. 你会感受到有一股强劲的牵引力拉你去适应你的伙伴的环境,然后你就会发现自己逃课却最终没有得到重视。
In my teens I tried to fit in with my straight friends and convince myself that I fancied boys. I even had a couple of short relationships. 在我的青春期,我试着变得和那些直男直女一样,并且说服自己我是喜欢男生的。
When he first came to this school, he found himself unable to fit in with his classmates. 当他初到这个新学校的时候,发现自己与其他同学格格不入。
I have arranged for you to meet Mr Smith on Thursday morning. Does it fit in with your schedule? 您和史密斯先生的会面安排在星期四上午,和您的时间表冲突吗?
Meanwhile Jay struggles to fit in with the other boys at school, and he isn't up for the physical challenge of being bullied. 小杰也努力试图在学校同其他男生打成一片,而当被人欺负时,他还没做好打架的准备。
His ideas did not quite fit in with your aims. 他的主意和我们的目标并不完全一致。这句话中,
Live your life as one who is moving into a new level of consciousness, and let go of the old ways that do not fit in with your aspirations. 作为一个“整体”去生活吧,你们在进入一个全新的意识水平,让旧的方式消散吧,它们不再迎合你渴望达成的目标。
and Pluto, which is now classed as a "dwarf planet" , also failed to fit in with Bode's neat pattern when it was found in 1930. 如今被降至“矮行星”的冥王星,在1930年发现之时也无法符合完全波德模式。
The hotel also recognised that it would need who would fit in with its new policites. 酒店也认识到根据新制度需要一些人。
A major reason for the second interview is so the employer can see how well you fit in with the company culture. 复试的一个主要目的在于让雇主判断你是否能适应企业文化。
Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in with the crowd. 儿子,有人想让你抽大麻或喝酒,不要理这群人。
And recently, thanks to how nicely Confucian bromides fit in with talk of a "harmonious society, " the sage has gotten official support. 最近则得益于孔夫子的观点对“和谐社会”恰到好处的迎合,使这位哲人得到官方支持。
Children can still arrive from 8am if the new regime does not fit in with parents' schedules, although lessons do not start until 10am. 虽然早上十点才开始上课,但如果新的制度和父母的时间表不协调,学生仍可在上午8点到校。
Your plan to take vacation seems to fit in with mine very nicely. 你的度假计划与我的十分吻合。
APPLICATION: say you feel that you fit in with the company. 用法:说你觉得自己很适应公司的工作环境。
Instead, the rejected creation pleads to be accepted, and cared for, by its creator and tries hard to fit in with society. 相反,在哥特式小说中,不被接受的再生人希望得到创作者的认可和照顾,并且努力去融入社会。
It isn't always easy to fit in with society. 适应社会并非总是容易。
This attribute makes it sometimes fit in with the building construction, sometimes deviate from the building construction. 这一属性,有时与建筑形式相契合,有时又与建筑形式相背离。