
美 [fer]英 [feə(r)]
  • n.展销会;商品交易会;露天游乐场;(评比农畜产品的)集市;商品展览会;庙会;爱人;美好的事物;商品展览会;爱人;美好的事物;〈英〉定期集市
  • adv.公正地;公平合理地;按照规则;正直;光明正大;漂亮;明白;正直;光明正大;漂亮;好
  • adj.正当的;合理的;女性的;(水等)清澈的;正当的;正派的;女性的;清洁的;合理的;恰当的;适当的;秉公办事的
  • v.誊清;使表面平顺;把…作成流线型;〈英方〉(天气)好转;誊清;使表面平顺;把…作成流线型;〈英方〉(天气)好转;誊清;使表面平顺;整流;〈英方〉(天气)好转
  • 网络更公平

比较级:fairer 最高级:fairest 复数:fairs

fair share,fair price,fair distribution,fair trial,fair weather



1.合理的;恰当的;适当的acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation

一视同仁treating people equally

2.(按法律、规定)平等待人的,秉公办事的,公正的treating everyone equally and according to the rules or law

相当大quite large

3.[obn](数量、大小)相当大的quite large in number, size or amount

相当好quite good

4.相当好的;不错的quite good


5.浅色的;白的pale in colour


6.晴朗的bright and not raining

7.顺风的not too strong and blowing in the right direction




alls fair in love and war

在情场和战场上可以不择手段in some situations any type of behaviour is acceptable to get what you want

be fair!

要讲道理used to tell sb to be reasonable in their judgement of sb/sth

by fair means or foul

不择手段using dishonest methods if honest ones do not work

a fair crack of the whip

(做某事的)适当机会a reasonable opportunity to show that you can do sth

fair enough

(指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable

fairs fair

(尤用作感叹词,表示认为行动、决定等可以接受)彼此都要公平,应该公正才是used, especially as an exclamation, to say that you think that an action, decision, etc. is acceptable and appropriate because it means that everyone will be treated fairly

(give sb) a fair hearing

(给某人)申辩机会;(让某人接受)公平审讯(to allow sb) the opportunity to give their opinion of sth before deciding if they have done sth wrong, often in court

(give sb/get) a fair shake

(给某人╱得到)公平待遇(to give sb/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as sb else

(more than) your fair share of sth

(超过)合理的数量,恰当的数量(more than) an amount of sth that is considered to be reasonable or acceptable

fair to middling

一般水平;不过不失not particularly good or bad

its a fair cop

(当场被抓获时说)这是罪有应得,抓得有理used by sb who is caught doing sth wrong, to say that they admit that they are wrong



So instead of saying "this is what she said, " it would be fairer for me to say, "this is what I got, or at least what I remember. " 因此,与其说“这就是她所说的”,还不如说,“这就是我能记得的,或者至少我只能记住这么多了。”
It may be fairer to say that, dealt a rotten hand, Mr Wagoner tried to do many of the right things, but ran out of luck and time. 也许更为公平地说,对付一只已经腐烂的手,瓦格纳先生设法做了很多正确的事,但运气不佳,时机不对。
The king of France bade Cordelia to go with him, and be queen of him and of fair France, and reign over fairer possessions than her sisters. 法兰西国王叫考狄娅跟他走,作他的王后,也作锦绣的法兰西的王后,她统治的王国将要比她姐姐们的更灿烂。
Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. 你比世人更美,在你嘴里满有恩惠。所以神赐福给你,直到永远。
The kings in Morocco and Jordan are groping towards a fairer constitutional order. Kuwait's parliament has flexed a bit of muscle. 摩洛哥国王与约旦国王都在探索更加公平的宪政秩序,科威特议会已经稍作让步了。
"Well, if I had a son of my own, " said the nobleman, "I would want no fairer wife for him than this. " “嗨,如果我有儿子,”那位贵族说:“我就给他娶这位姑娘,别的姑娘再好也不要。”
The plan would be fairer if such disputes were referred to a neutral forum in which "equivalent measures" could be defined. 如果由一个中立机构来决定“对等措施”的标准从而解决此类争端的话,这样的做法还算公平。
And after ten days their faces appeared fairer and fatter than all the children that ate of the king's meat. 十天以后,他们的容貌比那些吃君王食品的青年显得更为美丽,肌肉更为丰满。
Efforts to stimulate growth will also be a priority. And Mr Monti said that in all the reforms to come, he'd work for a fairer society. 刺激发展也是首要问题,蒙蒂表示,在未来的改革中,他将致力于创造更公平的社会。
They would not vote to lose their land wealth , even if it resulted in a fairer society . 他们是不会投票赞成让出土地和财产的,即使这样做的结果能导致一个较为公平的社会。
They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it resulted in a fairer society. 他们是不会投票赞成使自己失去土地和财富的事的,即使这样做的结果会产生一个较为平等的社会。
Today, it's easy to find goals for those who want a fairer world for all children, regardless of race or religion or nationality. 现在,对于那些想为所有孩子营造一个更加公平,不分种族、宗教和民族的世界的人来说,很容易便可以找到目标。
Include migrant laborers living in Shanghai, perhaps a fairer comparison, and the rate climbs to a bit higher than in New York. 如果要做一个更公平地比较,把上海的外来务工人员囊括进去的话,这个比率也只比纽约高出一点儿。
He began to think about making the world a fairer place and letting farmers have a say. 他开始去考虑让这个世界更公平一些,而且可以让农民有发言权。
But we would like to see regulations on resource sharing to improve efficiency and fairer price competition . . . 但我们希望看到有关资源共享的规定能提高效率,促进更为公平的价格竞争……
One of these women was younger than her companions and had a much fairer skin. 其中的一位女子比其他的更年轻,皮肤也白很多。
Both Massoud and Abdullah hinted yesterday that he would consider re-entering the race if conditions for a runoff vote were made fairer. 马苏德和阿卜杜拉两人在昨天都暗示,如果在终选时拥有更加公正的竞选环境,阿卜杜拉也许会考虑重新参加竞选。
Our wages would never come down to a level close to China's, even if the yuan had a fairer value. 即使人民币汇率提升,我国的工资永远不可能降到同中国接近的水平。
As well as being fairer, it says this would benefit China's economy as it would free up more labour and create more domestic demand. 该篇社论说,由于更加公正,这会有利于中国的经济,因为这会使劳动力更加自由,并会创造出更多的国内需求。
A richer, fairer Latin America is within reach, but a lot of things have to be put right first, says Michael Reid. 一个更加富裕公正的拉丁美洲指日可待,但首先许多事情还需匡正,迈克尔•里德如是说。
A "fairer and more open trading system" would encourage developing country farmers to expand production, he said. 一个“更公平、更开放的贸易体系”将会鼓励发展中国家农民扩大生产,他说。
That would be fairer to savers; setting a limit might also encourage insurers to develop products that would cover individuals' liabilities. 这对储蓄者来说更公平;设置上限也鼓励保险公司开发更多能够填补个人负债的产品。
I feel it would be fairer to have a select group of finalists, each of whom receives the same award and status. 我觉得,挑选一群参赛者进入决赛,让他们每一个都获得同样的奖励和地位,这样更公平。
The fiddly verities concern the ways in which finance can indeed be made a bit more efficient or fairer. 那些细节上的真相是考虑了以何种方式运作可以真正让金融系统编的更加有效以及公平一点。
The stripes on her blanket were green. Her skin and hair seemed fairer. She looked more like me. 她身上的小毯子是绿条纹的,肤色跟发色都要浅一些,看起来更像我。
Abdullah hinted he would consider re-entering the race if conditions for a runoff were made fairer. 阿卜杜拉曾暗示说,如果第二轮的选举环境更为公平,他会考虑重回竞选。
On his nearer approach I saw a little moustache made all the fairer by a good many white hairs. 等他再走近一些,我看到他的小胡子里已经掺了许多白须,显得比皮肤还白。
s how we'll make this country a little fairer, a little more just, and a whole lot stronger. Thank you. 这是我们让国家更加公平,更加公正、更加强大的正途。谢谢大家。
He's no firebrand, but the rightwing press knows the Lib Dems would introduce proportional representation and a fairer party funding system. 尼克•克莱格不是一个煽动者,但右翼媒体知道,自由民主党要引入比例代表制和更公平的政党拨款制度。
But the fundamental call for a fairer distribution of wealth cannot be ignored. 但他们要求更公平地分配财富的基本诉求不容忽视。