by mistake

  • na.因错误
  • 网络错误地;错误的;错拿某物

by mistakeby mistake

by mistake


大学英语四级常用词组 ... never mind 不要紧,没关系 by mistake 错误地 mistake for 把…错认为 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... sour 酸的;酸味的 by mistake 错误的 chef 大厨 ...


英语 动作短语 干什么 短语_百度知道 ... take pride in 以……自豪 take sth. by mistake 错拿某物 take the place of 代替,代理 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... by means of 用,依靠 124. by mistake 错误地,无意地 125. by no means 决不,并没有 126. ...


英语介词归纳 - 逍遥士的日志 - 网易博客 ... abide by 遵守 by mistake 弄错,失误 by virtue of 靠,由于 ...


中考常考短语 - 豆丁网 ... in a minute 一会儿 by mistake 由于差错 at once 立刻,马上 ...


英语短语5.... ... knock sb. off 撞到某人 438. do sth. by mistake 误做某事 447. judge sb. by the clothes 以貌取人 466. ...


外研版英语八年级上复习提纲. - 豆丁网 ... fall off 摔下来 by mistake 不小心 have nothing to do 没有做什么= ...

Cathy was in such a hurry that she took her mother's bag by mistake. 凯希太急忙了,误拿了她母亲的包。
She wrote down some notes on a piece of paper, but her mother tore it up by mistake. 她在一张纸上记了一些内容,但被她母亲不小心撕碎了。
The pretty young blonde thinks " I bet the Frenchman tried to fondle me in the dark, got the old lady by mistake, and she hit him. " 老妇人想,“我敢说那个法国人趁黑摸那个金发女郎,结果她扇了他一耳光。”
When she pulled it out, she told me that I had an ear infection, and that she'd popped a pimple in there by mistake. 把耳镜取出来之后,她说我耳朵里感染了,而她刚刚不小心挤破了里面的一个脓包。
He said it looked like his phone and he took it by mistake. 他说的是象他的手机所以他误拿了。
The hero is a lion. He was brought up with a mother sheep as a "lamb" by mistake. And he was as " sheepish " as a sheep. 故事的主角儿是一头狮子。他阴差阳错地被一只母羊当作“羊羔”养大。所以,他也一般无二地具有羊类的怯懦。
As for the downed plane, word had begun to circulate that it was the rebels' only remaining fighter, shot down by mistake. 至于那家坠落的飞机,有传言说,那是叛军唯一一架战斗机,被友军误击。
Convinced that the letter had been delivered to her by mistake, Ellie put the note on her desk and forgot about it. 她相信一定是有人搞错了,于是就把纸条扔在桌子上,很快就忘记了这件事。
Take all that is given whether wealth, love or language, nothing comes by mistake and with good digestion all can be turned to health. 接受被赐予的一切,无论那是财富、关爱或言语,事出必有因,只要融会贯通,一切皆可转化为健康。
In an interview on the ABC network, Obama referred to "my Muslim faith" by mistake. 在ABC网采访他的时候,他口误说成了“我的穆斯林信仰”。
Bernard : What happened to it? Had somebody collected it by mistake or stolen it? 伯纳:那箱子怎样了?是被人误领了或偷了吗?
Once my sister saw me looking in her underwear drawer and I pretended that mum had put my boxer shorts in there by mistake. 一次我妹妹看见我在翻她的内衣抽屉,我就借口说妈妈把我的男式短内裤错放在那里了。
a street skateboard and a combination of games, each number corresponds to a skateboard action, if the wrestling happen by mistake Oh! 一款街头滑板和跳舞机相结合的游戏,每个数字都对应一个滑板动作,若按错可要摔跤哦!
Maggie: No, it had been sent on to London by mistake. 玛吉:不是,而是误送了去伦敦。
12And take with you double money, and carry back what you found in your sacks, lest perhaps it was done by mistake. 手中多带一倍银钱,将那放在你们粮袋口的银钱,也一并带上,这或者是出于一时的错误。
Mike: Well, we all had a recipe for some kind of so ap, but myl ab partner and I ended up making some kind of stink bomb by mistake. 嗯,我们都得到了一份做肥皂的配方,但是我和我的搭档意外的在最后做成了臭气弹。
Sometimes I think we were meant to be one person who got split by mistake, our heart a globed fruit pulled in two, my half gone rotten. 有时候我认为我们天生该是一个人,由于错误而分离了,我们的心脏是一只被扯成两半的球形水果,我这一半腐烂了。
Results The door prevent people from entering the radiation room by mistake, has controlled X-ray revealing effectively. 结果防止人员误入正在曝光的机房,有效控制了X射线泄漏,使原有手动推拉防辐射门成为全自动可控式。
The utility model does not take up the limited space of the passenger vehicle and can avoid false alarms by mistake. 它不占用客车车厢的有限空间,且避免多种误报警的情况。
You have the air of a pretty face upon which some one has sat down by mistake. 你那神气好象是被谁在你脸上无意中坐了一下子似的。
Whether on purpose or by mistake, Andrew was exchanged for the baby who came to be known as Steve. 不管是故意的还是由于差错,安德鲁换成了后来叫史蒂夫的那个男孩。
If procedures are lax enough to allow jumpy commanders to launch a major attack by mistake, this sharply raises the longer-term risk of war. 如果朝方相关程序如此异常宽松,使脾气火爆的指挥官可能会错误发动一场大袭击,这会大幅加剧爆发战争的较长期风险。
Kept at normal temperature in dark cool place. Never expose to direct sunshine. Kept out of reach of children to avoid eating by mistake . 常温下阴凉处保存,避免阳光直射,请置于宝宝接触不到地方,避免宝宝误食。
"I gave one more dollar change to a customer by mistake and he disappeared immediately, " she told me anxiously. “我多找给顾客一美元,他立刻就不见了。”她焦急地对我说。
He took the umbrella by mistake . 他错拿了这把伞。
Oh, no. This is not our suitcase. The old lady must have taken ours by mistake. She was sitting next to us at the restaurant. 呀,这不是我们的箱子。那个老太太一定是错拿了我们的箱子。在旅馆里,她就坐在我们旁边。
Firewall can temporarily disable or provide an access to a network for a keylogger by mistake. 防火墙可以暂时停用或提供一个获取一个网络为键盘记录程序,由错误的。
If the paste becomes too fluid by mistake, it cannot be used, and a new preparation is initiated. 如果由于差错导致糊剂的流动性太强,它将不能使用,必须重新制备一份新的。
e. g. He took my schoolbag by mistake. 他拿错了我的书包。
Ruth put a small blue spot on her notebook so her sister wouldn't take it by mistake . 鲁思在她的笔记本上点了个蓝色的点,这样她妹妹就不会拿错了。