
  • 网络华盛顿;初音岛(D.C.Da Capo);华盛顿特区




看看_绵阳吧_百度贴吧 ... 初始敏感率 %S 10 20 50 100 200 400 600 1000 资深专家,华盛顿 D.C. CARBAPENEMASE 碳青 …

初音岛(D.C.Da Capo)

GalGame_百度百科 ... ONE~ 光辉的季节~ D.C初音岛) IRIS 鸢尾花物语 ...


请问 华盛顿特区D.C)最新的人口数是多少?我来帮他解答 2009-12-18 22:17黍地人耕| 三级 91万赞同0|评论


介绍款seo查询工具_百度知道 ... D NO 编号,滚轮轴承,第...号 D.C 直流 NTPK 无压水箱 ...


美国共有50个州,请问是哪50州?? - 空虚城市 ... Delaware; 德拉瓦 D.C; 华盛顿 哥伦比亚特区 Florida; 佛罗里达 ...

The president of the convention telegraphed Wright in Washington, D. C. , to see if he would accept. 大会主席在华盛顿给Wright发电报,看他是否会接受。
She said scientists at the C. D. C. were preparing a "seed stock" from virus samples that could be used for a vaccine. 他说疾病预防控制中心的科学家们正在准备病毒样品的种苗,用此来制作疫苗。
I've been trying Google Wallet in Washington, D. C. , and Palo Alto, Calif. , and I find it delightfully easy to use. 我在华盛顿特区和加州的帕洛阿尔托测试了谷歌钱包,发现它用起来非常方便,令人身心愉快。
Chicago, Washington, D. C. , and famously car-centric Los Angeles are also "starting to think differently, " she said. 芝加哥、华盛顿特区、以及以汽车出名的洛杉矶也“开始改变想法,”她说。
A little research and I found a sports memorabilia shop in D. C. 只是查阅一些资料然后我在特区找到了一个体育纪念品商店。
You might have thought, given past experience, that D. C. insides would be on their guard against conservatives with grandiose plans. 有了过去的经验教训,人们可能以为华盛顿的内部人士对保守派提出的宏伟计划会保持警惕。
Dr. Abramson said he thought his C. D. C. advisory committee did the right thing in recommending Gardasil. 艾博拉姆博士说,他认为他的CDC咨询委员会推荐加德西的决定是对的。
A Washington D. C. artist is trying to spread a little goodwill on a street of the nation's capital. 一个华盛顿的艺术家试图在国家首都的街道上表达一个小小的善意。
A man in a suit pushes a case of water bottles into the kitchen of a hotel in Washington D. C. 在华盛顿的一个酒店,一个穿着西服的男人用推车推着一箱瓶装水走进了厨房。
American Red Cross will deploy a disaster management expert Sunday from Washington, D. C. , for a week-long mission. 美国红十字会将在周日派遣一个来自华盛顿特区的灾难管理专家去日本执行一周的使命。
It was a cold night in Washington, D. C. , and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me. 这是一个寒冷的夜晚,在华盛顿特区,和我回旅馆时,一名男子向我走来。
I was in Washington, D. C. , a week ago Thursday, when they were debating whether or not they should let the bill come onto the floor. 一周前的星期四,我在华盛顿,那时他正在争论是否让这个法案出现在议员席上。
He took the train from his home in Washington, D. C. , to Philadelphia and met Bill Swersky, a 59-year-old federal official . 他从华盛顿特区的家出发乘火车到费城去会见比尔-斯沃斯基,一位59岁的联邦官员。
March 3 - The Players "We the NFL players are in D. C. ready to get a deal done, just in case anyone wants to know. " 3月3日-球员“我们在哥伦比亚特区的NFL(美国橄榄球联盟)成员们都做好了促成一笔交易的准备,就是为了防范有人想窃取内幕。”
The Office of the U. S. Attorney in Washington, D. C. , is seeking forfeiture of $50 million generated in an alleged fraud by Ms. 位于华盛顿的美国检察官办公室正设法没收上述三人被称诈骗所谋得的5,000万美元。
Flanked by two stewardesses, Captain L. L. Treece makes his way to the crew lounge after a quick flight from Chicago to Washington, D. C. 在完成芝加哥至华盛顿的短途航线后,机长L.L.Treece挎着两名空姐去空乘休息室。
In the year before he applied to Georgetown, he started a D. C. branch of a nonprofit devoted to teaching children financial literacy. 之前一年他申请了乔治敦,从华盛顿的一个非盈利分支机构开始,投身于教授孩子们金融知识。
A Chinese Embassy spokesman in Washington, D. C. , said he was not informed of the specifics of the case, and wouldn't comment, for now. 中国驻美大使馆一位发言人称,他不清楚本案的详细情况,目前不予置评。
Over the next few weeks, with your help, I'll be exploring these issues in articles, and in a live event in Washington, D. C. , on March 10. 在未来的数个星期里,通过你们的帮助,我将在更多的文章中探讨此事,同时将于3月10日在华盛顿举行一个现场实况讨论。
I believe we've had enough of that in the United States, particularly with the present Administration in Washington, D. C. 我相信我们已经受够了这种做法,尤其是当前美国政府的做法。
Decided to hold the 2nd round of U. S. -China discussions on law of the sea and polar issues in Washington, D. C. in late May 2011. 决定于2011年5月末在华盛顿举行第二轮美中关于海洋法和南北极问题的讨论。
The results of her work are still visible in Lafayette Square, across from the White House in Washington, D. C. 她的工作成果仍然可以在华盛顿白宫对面的拉斐特广场看到。
Now, some of the colored glass windows from his buildings are being shown at a museum in Washington, D. C. 现在,他设计建筑里采用的一些彩色玻璃窗正在华盛顿的一家博物馆展出。
That may explain why, for a period around 1916, you could carry your cash to Washington, D. C. , to have it washed, ironed, and reissued. 这也许可以解释为什么在1916年左右的一段时间里,你可以把现金带到华盛顿,将它洗、熨并重新印发。
When you think of big urban centers like New York City, Washington, D. C. , or Chicago you probably don't think of gardens. 当您想到大型的市中心,如:纽约市、华盛顿特区或芝加哥,您也许不会想到公园;
Nikola Swann knew that he would be thrust into the firestorm raging in Washington D. C. over America's growing debt burden. 尼古拉•斯万知道他将不得不卷入发生在华盛顿的、围绕美国负债攀升的辩论激流。
Gadgets or not, Torres' bosses in Washington, D. C. , agree undercover agents have to be ready for anything. 高科技设备不是必需品,托雷斯在华盛顿特区的老板认为卧底要做好一切准备。
And still another view holds that it was the highly partisan politics of Washington, D. C. , that prevented the needed capital infusion. 还有一种观点认为,华盛顿高度的党派政治阻止了其所需资本的注入。
If you walk around Washington, D. C. , on a regular basis, you're likely to see some rather peculiar posters. 如果你经常漫步于美国首都华盛顿,很有可能会看到一些非常奇特的海报。
For a recent assignment to photograph "summer in D. C. , " I rode around the National Mall on a bicycle searching for images. 为了最近的任务去拍摄“华盛顿的夏天”,我骑着自行车在国家广场周围寻找摄影的对像。