paid off

  • na.偿清(债务等);付清;发清(工钱);发清工钱解雇
  • 网络还清;见成效;得到报偿

第三人称单数:pays off 现在分词:paying off 过去式:paid off

paid offpaid off

paid off


会计词汇D ... paid debt 已还清的债务 paid off 付清 Paid-in 已缴的,已收到的 ...


360教... ... The week following Christmas Day: 现在分词的独立成分做后面句子的状语 paid off还清,付清 pay back: 归 …


BBC新闻词汇 第8期:Eating 64-year-old food... ... edibility n. 可食性 paid off 见成效 fit for consumption 适合消费 ...


CSI 单字笔记 Case Set 01 | 吠。 | jazzdog... ... bleach 漂白剂 paid off 得到报偿 steal sth from sb 偷走某人某物 ...


英语单项选择_百度知道 ... 3.B.calls for 需要,要求 4.B.paid off 过去分词做状语。 1.A.left out 遗漏,省去。 ...


...失败而被并购(failure mergers) 和资不抵债而破产paid off)引起总量的下降。

By the end of this year I'll have paid off all the money I borrowed from the bank. 到今年年底,我将还清所有我向银行借的钱。
He said he also tried to encourage engineers to take more risks and shorten development times, which he said has paid off. 他说,他还力图鼓励工程师更多地冒险,并缩短开发周期,并说这种努力取得了成效。
The attack on BP seems to have paid off for the administration, in that the firm has caved in to most of its demands. 对行政管理部门而言,联合攻击BP似乎已经奏效,因为BP公司已经屈服于所提出的大部分要求。
The effort paid off a week ago when he achieved the Olympic qualifying standard at a competition in Bialy Bor, Poland. 当他在波兰BialyBor的比赛中赢得奥运会参加资格时,他的努力有了回报。
You know, my album sales is quite good, I'm very happy. At least my efforts are paid off. 你们都知道,我专辑的销售量相当地好,我非常高兴。
She had retired because she got sick, but she'd saved her money, so she had enough in the bank and the mortgage had been paid off. 她因病退休,但是攒了很多钱,有一笔可观的存款,抵押贷款也都还清了。
The gamble paid off, and within a couple of years, the company moved to a real office in Seattle. 最终他们投下的赌注带来了回报,就在几年内,公司搬进了位于西雅图的正式办公室。
The Eurozone authorities seem to have finally got the hang of an effective communications strategy, and this has paid off. 欧元区当局看来已最终掌握了沟通策略,而这已见效。
It may surprise you, but I paid off all the debts in a year. 你也许不信,我一年内还清了所有债务。
You smile as you realize your own modest investment strategy over the last forty years has paid off handsomely. 当意识到在过去的40年中自己的少量投资的策略现在终于有了可观的收益时,你不禁喜上眉头。
paid off the company's debts, and went on with the business in my own name, advertising that the partnership was dissolved. 在还清了共同的债务,再用我自己的名字进行业务,登报声明两个合伙是取消了。
When he had paid off his debts, he felt he could hold his head up again. 他付清欠债后觉得自己又可以抬起头了。
So far it's working well for my teams, and although it's hard for business to swallow, sticking to my guns on this seems to have paid off. 目前来看,这些做法在我的团队内效果还不错,虽然业务人员很难接受,但是我对它们的坚持还是有所收获。
Among the few who did not give up were two Japanese researchers and eventually their persistence paid off. 在那些并没有放弃的科学家中有两个日本的研究者,他们的耐心最终获得回报。
Andrew Jackson's proudest moment was that unique one in American history when he paid off the national debt. 安德鲁·杰克逊最引以为傲的时刻就是他偿还了国家债务,这在美国历史上是绝无仅有的。
I found a good job after college, paid off my loan, and won another scholarship for a master's degree. 从大学毕业后我找到了一个好工作,还清了我的贷款,还赢得了另一份供我攻读硕士的奖学金。
All those campaign stops on the factory floor, posing beside muscular men in overalls and hard hats, seem to have paid off. 所有竞选活动在工厂地板上进行,身穿罩袍头戴安全帽的肌肉发达的汉子站在旁边,看来他们已经发完工资了。
If the company is wound up the equity capital is the last to be paid off. 当公司停业时,股本资本亦在最后偿清。
I had a lot of fun this afternoon and I'm so pleased to see the hard work of our guys paid off this weekend. 看到全队在这个周末的辛勤付出得到了回报我非常开心。
There would be price discovery if the government's loan had to be repaid whether or not the asset paid off in full. 只有在不论问题资产能否全部收回,都须偿还政府贷款的情况下才会有价格发现。
Obviouslyit's a risky decision but it seems to have paid off from most of the comments I've heard from the album. 显然这是个冒险的决定,但就我听到的评论来看,还是值得的。
when mr liu refused to hand over the land despite having been paid off , the businessman reported the vice - mayor to the authorities. 但在被支付贿款后,刘拒绝履行诺言交付土地,于是这名商人向官方检举告发了刘志华。
some of us had understood that a wet basement could never be made dry , and were amazed to see that these efforts paid off. 一些原本认为潮湿的地下室根本无法修补的同修,很惊讶地看到这些努力终于有了成果。
Her efforts have finally paid off because her stepdaughter is now willing to call her "Mom" . 她的努力有了最终的回报,因为她的继女将向她叫“妈妈”了。
All the debts have to be paid off by the end of that month. 截止到本月最后一天必需将钱全部付清。
With some help from Kareem Abdul Jabbar, his hard work paid off as he has emerged as one of the top young centers in the league. 在贾巴尔的帮助下,他的刻苦训练终于收到了成效,让他在本赛季成为NBA最好的年轻中锋之一。
President Obama boldly greenlighted a high-risk operation, a decision surely not easy to make, and the gamble paid off. 奥巴马总统艰难的决定要进行这场豪堵,因为血赌必须血偿。
It's safe to say it has paid off, with Bynum, 22, looking at a possible All-Star appearance in two months. 看看这两个月准全明星的表现,现在可以很有把握的说,这些在22岁的拜纳姆身上起到作用了。
Even if you had given him much more money: he might not haudio-videos paid off the debt. 就算你给了他更多的钱,他也还不清债权。相比看电视棒能收多少台。
Even if you had given him much more money and he might not haudio-videoe paid off the debt. 就算你给了他更多的钱,英语。他也还不清债权。