pass away

  • na.消失;Vi. 经过;去;终止
  • 网络去世;逝世;过世

第三人称单数:passes away 现在分词:passing away 过去式:passed away

pass awaypass away

pass away


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in particular 特别,尤其;详细地 pass away 消失;去世;终止 pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... mix up 混淆,混合,搞糊涂 pass away 去世,逝世 pass off 中止,停止 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in particular 特别,尤其;详细地 pass away 消失;去世;终止 pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 ...


有关pass的短语谁能告诉我_百度知道 ... pass out 昏死,失去知觉 pass away 过世 pass by 经过,经过,迂回 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in particular 特别,尤其;详细地 pass away 消失;去世;终止 pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 ...

字典中 归 字的解释 ... (9) 辞官回家[ resign] (11) [ pass away] (14) 合并;归依;归属;归到一处[ put together] ...


过去_百度百科 ... [Wear] 消逝 [Pass away] 婉辞,死亡(后面要加“了”) ...


高中英语常用动词搭配 - 豆丁网 ... pass pass by 经过 pass away 消失,去世,过去 pass down 往下传递 ...

Most people do not realize how much they appreciated someone until they pass away. 大多数人不了解他们感激多少某人,直到他们过世。
"'Tis nothing, nothing; it will soon pass away" --and as he said so the old man's strength failed him, and he fell backwards. “没什么,没什么,就会好的。”老人说着,终因年老体衰,力不从心,倒在了椅子里。
Steve Jobs' products have touched so many lives. So sad to see such an innovator pass away at such a young age. Yet, he will live on. 史蒂夫-乔布斯的产品感动了如此之多的生命。非常悲哀地看到如此的发明家如此年轻就离世了。然而,他会一直活着。
x : good . if i had been a doctor years ago , my parents would not have got the diarrhea and pass away. 许仙:好。要是早年我学会治病,那爹娘就不会因为得了痢疾的小毛病就双双归天了。
The office of president be hold by harold m. armstrong , who pass away a little over a year ago . 至于总经理一职,以前由阿姆士丹先生担任,但他已去世一年多。
When I pass away, this song's lyrics are of what I wish to be remembered. An Ocean Soul. 当我离去,这首歌的歌词就是我希望被记住的。一颗海洋的灵魂。
If something happen, you know, important elderly for the Hmong community who pass away in Salt Lake City, nobody know, right? 如果事情发生,你知道,重要的苗族社会绕道走,没有人知道,在盐湖城的权利老人呢?
My last name is, you know, it's a part of my identity. Having my dad pass away and having his name. . . 我的姓,你是知道的,是我身份的一部分。在我父亲去世后,保留他的名字…
When it had been raining, thou didst float bits of straw on the gutters , and watch them pass away. 下雨的时候,你把草茎放在水沟里看着它们漂去。
Says bulk of his wealth will go to the Buffett Foundation when he and his wife pass away. 巴菲特表示在他与其妻子死后,将会把他们大部份的财产捐给巴菲特基金会。
He also established them forever and ever; He made a decree which shall not pass away. 他将这些立定,直到永永远远;他定了命,不能废去(或译:越过)。
My soul will fly up the sky when I pass away and will fall down to the earth when it reaches the cloud and turn into the snow. 当我走后,灵魂会飞向天空,碰到云的一刹那,就会变成雪落下来。
Why do people with an extraordinary excellence in their field, often pass away way too early. . . Steve Jobs was absolutely one of them. 为什么那些能在自己的领域里超凡卓越的人们,往往总是过早离开人间…史蒂夫乔布斯绝对是其中之一。
He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away. 他将这些立定,直到永永远远。他定了命,不能废去(废去或作越过)。
All this is likely to pass away, under the pressure of the Japanese, and of European and American financiers. 所有这些古代文明可能在侵华的日本、欧洲和美国金融资本家的压迫下丧失殆尽。
So your leadership, no matter to her despair, and despair when she was a you, your fate is being pass away. 所以对于你的领导,对她绝望没什么事,而当她对你绝望了,你的命运就是被pass掉。
It was but a momentary agitation, Catherine said to herself; it would presently pass away. 凯瑟琳对自己说,这只不过是暂时的骚扰与激动,很快就会过去的。
It smiles to be alive, waiting patiently for ages of ignorance and sorrow to pass away like a mirage. 它因活着而微笑,耐心地等待着无知和悲伤的岁月如海市蜃楼般消逝。
My friends, the teachers warn us not to be too attached to the place we live, for all things pass away. 各位,圣人们提醒我们不要留恋住处和流逝的所有事物。
Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary and will pass away. 悲伤基本都源自所关心的人的逝去、失败和绝望,但是这些都是暂时的,终究会过去。
and let the rich one boast in being humbled, because he will pass away like the flower of the field. 富有的,却要因自卑而夸耀,因为他要过去,如同草上的花一样。
Notice, "Until heaven and earth pass away, " that's what he's talking about the fulfillment of it. 请注意是“就是到天地都废去了”,那是他所说的成全。
Time is speeding up in your perceptions to help you realize that even this shall pass away. 你感知里的时间在加速,来帮助你认识到它甚至会消失。
We hope -- and we pray -- that this terrible war may pass away quickly. But God may wish it otherwise. 我们满怀希望,热忱地祈祷,希望这可怕的战争可以很快地过去。
This text analyzed the thought of his economy from five aspects, and the conduct and actions pass away to him 35 anniversary of memorial. 本文从五个方面分析了他的经济思想,作为对他逝世35周年的纪念。
The cold weather will pass away within a few days. 寒冷的天气在近几天之内就会过去。
Estates of persons who pass away on or after the commencement date of the Ordinance will not be subject to estate duty . 若一名人士在法案生效日期当日零时零分或之后去世,他的遗产将无须缴付遗产税。
With us today readjust oneself to a certain extent receiving this crystal apple lining , not let it pass away. 我用中文帮你翻译。一定准确哦把我们的今天放进这个水晶苹果里,别让它逝去。
Though the six week vacation will pass away at lightning speed, its influence is bound to last long. 虽然这六个星期的假期将会以闪电般的速率流逝,但它的影响必将继续很永劫间。
Analysts say the 63-year old is likely to be a caretaker leader should Mr. Kim suddenly pass away. 分析人士说,如果金正日突然去世,63岁的张成泽很可能暂时接替最高领导人的职位。