pacific ocean

  • n.太平洋
  • 网络保太平洋海域险;太平洋太平洋;太平洋航线

pacific oceanpacific ocean

pacific ocean


太平洋(pacific Ocean)第二大是:大西洋(Atlantic Ocean)第三大是:印度洋(Indian Oceam)第四大是:北冰洋(Arctic Ocean)发表你 …


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1.太平洋航线PACIFIC OCEAN) (1)远东--北美西海岸航线 (FAR EAST-WCNA) 该航线包括从中国,朝鲜,日本,苏 …


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He said though the two countries are thousands of miles apart, the vast Pacific Ocean can't separate the friendship between both peoples. 他指出,中美两国远隔万里,但浩瀚的太平洋没有阻隔两国人民友谊。
Taiwan is but one of many places situated along the "Ring of Fire" encircling nearly half the globe around the Pacific Ocean. 台湾是诸多太平洋边缘环绕近半个地球的“火环”地区之一。
Third, throws in Pacific Ocean spatially models the glass jar, how much time within do 10 years float in the water surface? 一只扔在太平洋的空塑料瓶,10年之内浮在水面多少时间?
The hydraulic lift raises a great white shark, which had been caught with tuna bait, out of the Pacific Ocean off Mexico in 2008. 2008年,在远离墨西哥的太平洋海域,这台液压电梯把一条已经被金枪鱼诱饵钓上钩的大白鲨提了起来。
If I were to unload all the water from the Pacific Ocean, and still could not safe the love of fire that I have for you. 如果我可以倒出整个太平洋的海水,却仍然不能浇灭我对你红火的爱。
There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean but it wasn't too bad. 就是经过太平洋的时候有气流但是不是很糟糕。
British explorer Captain James Cook made the first mention of surfing in print in his account of his journey through the Pacific Ocean. 最先将冲浪述诸文字的是英国探险家库克船长,他在穿越太平洋的旅程记录内曾提过冲浪这项活动。
When he moved out to California he found out there was a bigger river than the Floyd River. It was called the Pacific Ocean. 后来移居加州,他发现了比费洛河更大的河,那就是太平洋了。
El Ni? o is when some of the Pacific Ocean's waters become warmer than normal, affecting the wind currents. 当承平洋的海水比凡是暖和的时辰,厄尔尼诺现象就影响风海流。
Then the Dreamtime of Divine Union connects to the heart dreamtime that lies over the Hawaiian Islands and Pacific Ocean. 然后,神性联盟的梦想层连接到覆盖夏威夷群岛和太平洋的心脏梦想层。
Vacationers to the Southwest can count on sunny days without end and a Pacific Ocean that's finally warm enough to swim in. 度假者到西南部可以享受一个又一个阳光明媚的日子。
You are about to see events unfolding from the pacific ocean as we said previously and from there, the cascading of geological events. 正如我们之前所说的你将看到事件将从太平洋区域展开,以及由此而由此而引起一连串地质事件的连锁反应。
The military said the target missile was shot down Tuesday over the Pacific Ocean. 军方称,这个目标导弹击落星期二对太平洋。
From there it passed to southern Japan and across the Pacific Ocean, where it would reach its maximum length of six minutes and 29 seconds. 日食后来还经过日本并穿过太平洋,它在太平洋的持续时间达到了最长的6分29秒。
The corals were discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, near the Hawaiian Islands. 珊瑚礁是在夏威夷群岛附近的太平洋洋底发现的。
They were raised in an era of Internet heroes. They want the latest scoop from that magical Silicon Valley across the Pacific Ocean. 他们处于一个网络英雄的时代,渴望第一时间获得大洋彼岸的硅谷传出的任何消息。
It used to seem very far away when I was a small girl traveling with my parents by steamship across the Pacific Ocean long ago. 很久以前,我还在孩提时代就和父母乘汽船跨越过太平洋,那时它好像远在天边。
The area known as the Golden Gate is the channel formed where the mouth of the San Francisco Bay meets the Pacific Ocean. 这片被称之为「金门」(GoldenGate)的土地是旧金山湾与太平洋交界地。
Scientists around the world have been studying the warning of waters in the Pacific Ocean known as EI Nino. 世界各地的科学家一直在研究在被称为“厄尔尼诺”现象的太平洋海域的警告。
The name of the park means "to view from the beach" and is a testament to it's location near the Pacific Ocean. 这座公园名字的意义为“从海边远眺”,这个名字也是对于它临近太平洋的见证。
Antarctica is visible at the bottom of the image, and dawn is rising over the Pacific Ocean. 可以看到照片下面的南极洲,太平洋上正迎来黎明。
We'd cancelled a few times earlier in the week, so we were pretty excited, because the weather was clear all over the Pacific Ocean. 为了这个,那个星期早些时候我们还取消了几次任务,所以这次任务终于成行,我们还有点兴奋,整个西太平洋地区都是晴空万里。
East is close to the Pacific Ocean. west meets the Baltic Sea Gulf of Finland. north is near Arctic Ocean. stretches across the Eurasia. 东濒太平洋。西接波罗的海芬兰湾。北临北冰洋。横跨欧亚大陆。
The long prevailing China-oriented costume has pervaded every industry, even flying over the east coast of Pacific Ocean. 盛行已久的中国风,刮过各个行业,也早已刮过大洋彼岸。
Even the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench, which plunges 11 km below the surface of the Pacific Ocean near Guam, is inhabited. 甚至海洋的最深处,太平洋关岛海面下11公里处的玛丽亚娜海沟,也存在着生命。
The US and South Korea, however, said the payload had dropped into the Pacific Ocean. 然而美国和韩国称卫星以坠入太平洋。
Two hours later , midnight will reach the West Coast. In Southern California , some people will be out on boats in the Pacific Ocean . 两小时后,南部的加里福尼亚将会是午夜时间,一些人将乘船外出到太平洋。
China recently completed its branch of Russia's Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipeline , which will supply 15m tonnes of crude a year . 中国近日完成了俄罗斯东西伯利亚-太平洋石油管线,其原油输送能力达到了每年1.5亿吨。
The National Hurricane Center anticipated that Celia would continue to weaken as it tracked north and west across the Pacific Ocean. 国家飓风中心预计西莉亚将在向北面和西面穿越太平洋过程中继续减弱。
The Garden of Eden was not in Asia but on a now sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. 现在伊甸园并不是在亚洲,而是在一块太平洋的沉没大陆上。