pop out

  • na.(火,把火)突然灭掉;突然伸出;〔俚语〕(突然)死掉
  • 网络跳出;弹出;突出

第三人称单数:pops out 现在分词:popping out 过去式:popped out

pop outpop out

pop out


点区域的完整圆盘,而且看到圆盘立刻“跳出”(pop out)。这表明,被试者的注意立刻被圆盘所吸引,这和你睁开双眼观看黄 …


蜗牛_新浪博客 ... a.pulp n. 纸浆;果肉;黏浆状物质 b. pop out 弹出;瞪出 a.sideburns n. 鬓脚;连鬓胡子 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(P) ... pop off 突然离去 pop out 突出 pop test 突然的测验 ...


蜗牛_新浪博客 ... a.pulp n. 纸浆;果肉;黏浆状物质 b. pop out 弹出;瞪出 a.sideburns n. 鬓脚;连鬓胡子 ...


out - 在线词典_Online... ... peter out v.逐渐消失 pop out 砰地跳出来,喷出来,冒出来,脱口说出来 screen out v.筛选出 ...


out - 在线词典_Online... ... peter out v.逐渐消失 pop out 砰地跳出来,喷出来,冒出来,脱口说出来 screen out v.筛选出 ...


新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit10... ... fill with 充满,装满,盛满 pop out (使)突然出来,出来一会儿 get going (使) …


新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit10... ... fill with 充满,装满,盛满 pop out (使)突然出来,出来一会儿 get going (使) …

I know. I just wonder if I could get her eyes to pop out of her head. 我知道,我是看看我能不能让她的眼珠掉出来
Sometimes the image is actually a pretty good one but it just needs a bit of editing so that the text will pop out more. 很多时候图片的确非常好但是仍然需要一点编辑修饰以使得主题鲜明突出。
He wanted to pop out to the corner shop, but realised he would have to put on a smart shirt and trousers, despite the intense humidity. 他想出去到街角的店铺里买点东西,但是意识到尽管天气湿度极大,他还得穿上漂亮的衬衫和裤子才能出门。
Moles pop out of their holes and your task is to hit them as hard as you can, sending them back to where they came from. 摩尔流行出的洞和您的任务是打他们硬,可以送回他们来自何处。
Jin yells, as she climbs the unlit stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her. “我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。
When this worker spotted a mark on an apartment window, he just had to pop out to give the glass a quick wipe with a squeegee. 当这个工人发现公寓的窗户上有个斑点,他只能探身用橡皮滚子将玻璃快速擦拭一番。
Get the strategic plan down on paper and the right organization structure will pop out with ease, grace, and beauty. 只要把战略计划在纸上这么一写,正确的组织结构就会冒出来,轻而易举,又冠冕堂皇,又美观大方。
About a year from now, if all goes well, a box about the size of a loaf of bread will pop out of a rocket some 500 miles above the Earth. 大约一年之后,如果一切顺利,一个面包般大小的小方盒将会由火箭发射到距离地球500英里的太空中。
When mother hyenas want to call their infants up out of a den, they groan intothe den hole, and their cubs soon pop out on the surface. 当母鬣狗想呼唤它们的幼仔出窝时,它们会向巢穴发出呻吟般的叫声,幼仔于是很快就出窝来到地上。
He was almost screaming, his eyes seemed to pop out of his head and the veins stood out in his temples. 他几乎是声嘶力竭地大叫,瞪大两只眼珠,好象要弹了出来,太阳穴上青筋毕露。
At Betty's third birthday, Dad gave her an interesting box. Once you opened it, a lovely rabbit would pop out. 在贝蒂三岁生日的那天,爸爸送给她一只很有意思的盒子。只要你一打开它,一只可爱的免子便会突然蹦出来
As you navigate through the application you build a stack of activities that you can then pop out of by using the back button on the phone. 当您在应用程序中导航时,就创建了一个活动堆栈,使用手机上的后退按钮就就可从该堆栈中出来。
He's so surprised that his eyes almost pop out of his head when he sees that such a little girl wants to wrestle with him. 大安吨看到这个小女孩前来和他摔跤,惊讶得张大的眼睛里的眼珠子都快掉下来了。
At the precise moment you take off your shoe in a shoestore, your big toe will pop out of your sock to see what is goingon. 当你在鞋店里脱下鞋子的时候,你的大脚趾头会从袜子里探出头来看看外面发生了什么事。
I forget that he's not here sometimes . . . that maybe he's just hiding under the bed and is going to pop out like he used to do. 我忘了,他不在这里…有时,也许他只是躲在床底下,并会弹出像从前那样做的。
As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes. 客人到我家门前时,他就把点亮藏在树丛中的南瓜灯,在他们走到跟前突然伸出来。
A handful of us will pop out for tea at a place around the corner. 我们中的一小撮人会到街角的一个地方喝杯茶。
She feared her eyes might actually pop out of their sockets. 她害怕她的眼睛会真的从眼窝里瞪出来。
Actually, really sorry Li, I'm just going pop out for a minute. 事实上,很抱歉,丽,我正准备出去一会儿。
Bold horizontal bands of black, white, and yellow pop out on a well-lighted sweetlips (Plectorhinchus polytaenia) in Indonesia. 在印度尼西亚,这条被照亮的多纹石鲈(Plectorhinchuspolytaenia)身上大胆的黑、白、黄相间水平条纹蹦现了出来。
One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and --- POP ! --- out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar . 一个星期天的早晨,温暖的太阳升起来了——呯!——从卵里出来了一条又小又非常饥饿的毛毛虫。
It's conceivable to do a much larger simulation and see if these structures pop out at the surface. 布朗说,“可以想到,需要做一个大得多的仿真,来看这些结构是否会弹出到表面。”
Now segments of the garb pop out of the ring and snap into place as he moves. 现在,服装的各部分会从戒指中弹出并在他移动的瞬间自动就位。
I'm trying to pop out this dent, but it's not really working. 我正在试着让那个坑鼓起来,但这个办法似乎并不管用。
Bursts of positive energy will pop out of nowhere to remind you of your more important purpose. 突然迸发的正面能量将会提醒你你还有更重要的使命。
User must close the glass door to avoid the popcorn pop out of the machine or people scald by the popcorn. 同时些过程中必须关闭玻璃门,以防爆米花跳出机外造成浪费及被高温的爆米花烫伤。
I suppose this happens occasionally, and maybe it's worth asking the question just on the off chance that something yummy will pop out. 我估计这种情况时有发生,因此值得一问,万一会听到什么有意思的信息呢。
Finally, she flexes the muscles in her arms. Her veins pop out as her biceps rise to a peak. 最后,她绷起了手臂的肌肉。当她的二头肌鼓起成一个尖峰时她的手臂青筋暴突。
The slide on the left below is not horrible but the balance is off and the text does not pop out as much as it could. 左下图的胶片并不很差劲,但是文字与图的平衡不太好导致主题文字并没有很鲜明的突出出来。
The idea here is to make your breasts look like they are going to pop out of your clothes. 这样就能让你的胸看起来呼之欲出。