lead up to

  • na.渐渐诱入;【牌戏】设法引出
  • 网络导致;引起;把…一直带领到

第三人称单数:leads up to 现在分词:leading up to 过去式:led up to

lead up tolead up to

lead up to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lead to 通向,导致;引起 lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致 take the lead 为首,领先 ...


★口译常用词组英汉对照★_英语吧_百度贴吧 ... 引路,带路;示范 lead to || 通向,导致;引起 lead up to || 记住,背诵 learn fr…


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lead to 通向,导致;引起 lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致 take the lead 为首,领先 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lead off 开始,开头,率先 lead up to 逐渐导致 let sb. into 让…知道 ...


高二英语Units15&16复习 -... ... lead to 通向,导致 lead up to 把话题渐渐引到…… lead on 领头,走在前面 ...


科学家对发现希格斯玻色子很乐观_恒星英语 ... link to 与…连接; 联系 lead up to 作为…的准备; 导致 search for 搜索, 搜寻 ...


高三英语第十单元The Trick ... ... 8. turn round / about 转身,转向 9. lead up to 向上通到…… 10. be curious about 对……好奇 ...


tammy's wonderland:... ... * content to: 甘愿留在家里 *lead up to成寒网路字典上有 *shifting glow: 光闪过去,再闪回 …

Extensive regional consultations that took place in the lead-up to GCARD will bring some of their views to the fore. 在GCARD之前进行的广泛的区域磋商将为会议带来它们的一些见解。
City Hall chiefs have called on top phone companies to help crack down on prostitution and trafficking in the lead up to the sporting event. 市政厅官员呼吁国内几大手机运营商在奥运会筹备期间帮助打击卖淫和性掮客。
The inability of banks to understand their risks in the lead-up to the financial crisis is one example. 银行没能了解自身的风险而导致的金融危机便是一例。
"In the lead-up to the IPO, " he said, "there is little indication that this contradiction is diminishing in a significant way. " “在首次公开发行(IPO)筹备过程中,”他表示。“没有什么迹象表明,这种矛盾正明显消失。”
These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact! 这些教育计划将只是事件的开端,并导致第一次接触的发生!
Assuming that you want to measure this steady-state performance, you need to understand all the factors that lead up to it. 假设希望度量稳定状态下的性能,就需要了解影响这个过程的所有因素。
i'd like to know, as accurately as possible, how close to stasis are we and what, exactly are the series of events that will lead up to it? 我希望尽可能精确地知道,我们离停滞期有多近,这一系列事件会如何将我们引导向停滞期?
Could we possibly get more information about the kind of events that will finally lead up to the actual pole shift? 我们可能得到更多关于最终导致进入实际的极移的事件信息吗?
Rovers boss Mark Hughes was disappointed the officials did not give a hand ball in the lead-up to Kalou's goal. 布莱克本流浪者足球俱乐部梅克·休斯对导致卡卢进球的传球未被裁判判为手球而感到不满。
As to what kind of events lead up to the pole shift, we have detailed the last weeks, thoroughly. 至于是什么时间导致进入了极移,我们已经在“最后几周”里彻底详细叙述过了。
Instead the visit is more of a nice photo opportunity, burnishing the presidential image in the lead-up to a tough election campaign. 相反这次访问更像是一次塑造好形象的机会,为即将到来的激烈大选再次擦亮一下总统形象。
Major economies -- including the U. S. , China, the European Union and Brazil -- made such pledges in the lead-up to Copenhagen. 哥本哈根会议召开前,美国、中国、欧盟和巴西等主要经济体已经做出了这种自愿承诺。
While he was drinking his moderate allowance, he said, with nothing to lead up to it. 他喝了一小杯酒,突然没头没脑地说起这件事来。
Chinese cities are known for tightening security and hammering down on political dissent in the lead-up to major events. 中国的城市一向有在举行重大活动前强化安全措施并打击政治异议人士的习惯。
These concerns led me to suggest a different course in the lead-up to the implementation of the no-fly zone. 这些关心,让我想起一条与实施禁飞区的不同的路。
Check the Application log and the System log for related events to determine the exact sequence of events that lead up to ESE event 101. 在应用程序日志和系统日志中查看相关事件,以确定导致ESE事件101的事件的准确顺序。
That's one reason why the pace of government response may be faster today than in the lead up to the Great Depression. 这也是要求政府应对速度必须比大萧条时期迅速的一个原因。
Of most concern, many students say that websites provide better resources and support in the lead-up to exams than their weaker teachers. 最受人关注的是,许多学生说,在准备考试时网络能比那些不太称职的教师提供更好的资源和支持。
Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door. 四层精美的石阶引至前门。
THE PROBLEM: You may be experiencing the menopause, perimenopause (the lead-up to the menopause) or pre-menstrual tension. 问题所在:你可能到了更年期,遇到了停经期前症候,或者是经前焦虑。
Those three issues lead up to the ultimate question: Given all the complex considerations, does it make sense to acquire Kobe? 有三个问题带来了这样的大疑问:假设所有的问题都考虑在内,得到科比有意义吗?
But the plan backfired, with modern-day historians claiming that Versailles was a key factor in the lead-up to World War II. 但这一计划事与愿违,按照当代历史学家们的观点,《凡尔赛条约》是引发二战的重要因素的关键。
In the lead up to a new year, he makes his mind to work harder. 为了迎接新的一年,他下定决心更加努力工作。
Twice in the lead-up to the Olympics they sealed up the area and searched revellers for drugs. 在奥运前夕,警察已经两次封闭该地区搜查吸毒者。
In the lead-up to the financial crisis, certain banks piled on too much debt and exposed themselves to excessive risk. 在金融危机前奏阶段,一些银行积累了太多债务,风险敞口过高。
The finding comes from an analysis of the seismic record from the lead-up to a devastating earthquake that hit Turkey in 1999. 此项发现源于对1999年土耳其破坏性大地震发生前的记录的分析。
In the lead-up to the Games and after, separatist groups allegedly staged several fatal attacks on Chinese security forces. 在筹备阶段和奥运会后,分裂主义集团据称上演一些致命的攻击对我国的安全部队。
The lead-up to this shot started on the other side of the pond, at a local park. 这张照片是在当地公园的另一端开始的。
Tang Hao, you have displayed firm and innovative leadership during the lead up to IBPC launch and during the few days of intensive delivery. 唐昊,无论是在为IBPC准备期间,还是在开课期间,你都展示了坚定且有创意的领导能力。
No well-known figure is spared, and right now, political candidates are being lampooned in the lead-up to next week's election. 没有知名人士能够幸免,而现在,即将参加下周选举的政治候选人也受到讽刺。