lie in

  • na.存在于;(分娩后)坐月子
  • 网络位于;睡懒觉;躺在

第三人称单数:lies in 现在分词:lying in 过去式:lay in 过去分词:lain in

lie inlie in

lie in


字典中 惟 字的解释 ... (8) 愿,希望[ hope] (10) 在于[ lie in] (4) 相当于“犹”、“还”[ still] ...


仁爱英语九年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... introduce 介绍,引见 lie in 位于 province 省,省份 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lie down 躺下;(故意)躺下不干 lie in 在于;分娩;睡懒觉 lie on 依赖;压迫;折磨(人) ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... 4get in 进入;收进;请来 5lie in 位于;存在于 6watch over 看守;照顾;守卫;监视 ...


请帮我解释下列英语词组。满意加分。_百度知道 ... have a rest 休息一下/省省吧(另一种解释) lie in 躺在 wants sth 想要某东 …


lie in\on\to的区别?_百度知道 ... lie to 向...撒谎。 lie in 睡懒觉, 待产 lie on v. 取决于, 依赖, 压迫, 折磨 ...


dream_nimin131_wordpress_blog ... 再一次 再一次/ again/ 在於 在于/ lie in/consist in/depend on/ 再者 再者/ furthermore/ ...


计算机专业英语4 - 人人听力网( ... keep straight: 行为正常的 lie in: 取决于 foreign key: 外键 ...

He used to do nothing but lie in bed, listening to the radio -- a static life that left him bored, listless and suffering from bed sores. 曾经的他整天什么也不能干,只是躺在床上,听着收音机——如此单调乏味的生活让他觉得无精打采、百无聊赖,同时他还遭受着褥疮之苦。
A Darwinian analysis of the matter cannot say where the equilibrium would lie in a world free from discrimination. 对此问题的达尔文派的分析并不能告诉你,存在于一个消除了歧视的世界里的平衡在哪里。
Do not want to lie in bed all day, and give ourselves a glass of red tea, keep to the "Water Margin" the beginning of my house female life. 不想整天躺在床上,给自己冲了一杯浓茶,抱着《水浒传》开始我的宅女生活。
The only way to catch our chairman is to lie in wait for him as he leaves one of his interminable meetings. 找到我们主席的唯一办法是,等着他从漫长的会议结束出来。
It may well be that the truth about him really does lie in something exterior, something in the shell rather than the kernel of the nut. 事实很可能是他在一些表面化的、外在的东西上说谎,而不是在核心的方面。
In Britain, at least, the explanation might lie in something more local: the traditional British sense of fair play. 至少就英国而言,问题的答案也许更多的在于地方层面,即,传统英国人的公正意识。
How much oil might actually lie in Cuba's sector of the Gulf of Mexico is a matter of dispute. 到底在古巴段墨西哥湾的实际石油储量到底有多少目前还存在争议。
The irony that the roots of the crisis lie in housing markets, where turnover costs are high, is often lost on the tax's proponents. 具有讽刺意味的是,托宾税的支持者往往没有意识到此次金融危机正是始于交易成本较高的房产市场。
The roots of Friday as an unlucky day lie in early Christianity; it was the day on which Christ was crucified. 有关黑色星期五的说法最早来自于基督教,耶稣就是在这一天被钉十字架的。
A person's value, should lie in how much he contributes but not in how much he obtains. 一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。
You can choose to lie in bed all day and think negative thoughts, and some days, that really is all you can do. 可以整天躺在床上,让负面想法充斥着大脑,直到实现的那一天。
You step out upon the balcony , and lie in the very bosom of the cool , dewy night as if you folded her garment about you . 你漫步在阳台,投入到凉爽,满地露珠的夜的怀抱,又好像你披上了她的外衣。
One unlikely answer may lie in an object that has become something of an emblem of our late capitalist economy: the sea container. 有个貌似不太可能的答案已成为现实,并且像是我们这个后资本主义经济的徽章似的伫立在人们面前。
The time had come for her to lie in. 她生产的时间到了。
Great. And I can lie in the sun and sunbathe in the garden, too. 太好了。我可以睡在太阳下,在花园里享受阳光。
The girl is too weak to be up and around. According to the doctor, she will have to lie in bed for at least one more week. 这女孩太虚弱了,还不能下床走动。照医生的说法,她至少还得卧床一周。
The crisis of modern pedagogy does not lie in its scientificalness, but lies in the fact that regarding itself as the only form of pedagogy. 现代教育学的危机,不是人们通常所认为的——它还不够科学的问题,而在于其把自身确立为教育学的唯一形式。
But witnesses often lie in court. Potential penalties of a fine or jail time do not completely suppress false testimony. 但证人却常常在庭上说谎话,即使会被罚款或入狱,仍不能完全杜绝假见证。
In former times the Sun used to lie in this constellation when it reaches the its point farthest north -- the time of the summer solstice. 在过去,当太阳绕行到它的最北点时会停留在这个星座,也就是每年的夏至。
The only way out for farmers does not lie in farming itself, but in "switching off from the main line" . 解决农民的根本办法不是务农,而是使其“不务正业”。
Do we have to lie in oder to make our partner happy? It is better to lie or to tell the truth in a relationship? 在感情中,我们到底想要得到什么?真实,还是谎言?为了让伴侣快乐,我们一定要撒谎吗?
The chief proof of a man's real greatness lie In his perception of his own smallness. 一个人真正伟大的主要证明在于认识到自己的渺小。
If I wished to surprise him, it was evident this was the spot to lie in wait for him. 假如我想偷袭他,最合适的地点显然就是躲在这儿等候他了。
The glory and life of a swordsman lie in the very sword clenched in his hands. 一个剑客的光芒与生命,往往就在他手里握着的剑上。
Mary was able to lie in the sun by the hotel swimming pool, while Ted went off for long walks in the mountains with a group of hikers. 在那里玛丽可以躺在旅馆的游泳池畔晒太阳,而特德则与一队登山者踏上山林之旅。
Each person contain different personality, just lie in how much problem. 每一个人都有不同的性格,只是在于多少问题。
Colorful stones lie in the black sand. They are the stilled tears of the volcano, yet they are not the sorrowful tears like the black sand. 其实,即便是黑沙滩上,也掺杂着许多五颜六色的石子,那同样是火山凝固的眼泪,不仅仅是悲伤的眼泪。
They lie in wait and creep close enough to attack their victims with a quick spring and a fatal pounce. 它们埋伏着等待,匍匐前行到足够近后,便会向猎物发起致命的攻击,迅速跃起并猛扑过去。
She accepted the scarf from him with a murmur of thanks, and let it lie in her lap. 她接过披肩,轻声道了谢,然后将它摊在腿上。
it used to eat of his meager fare, and drink from his cup, and lie in his bosom. 小羊以前吃他贫乏的食物,甚至从他的杯子里喝水,躺在他的怀里。