
美 [ˈɪnfoʊ]英 [ˈɪnfəʊ]
  • n.信息;资讯;消息;信息的
  • 网络资讯(information);信息类;一般信息





2.信息的;消息的;资讯的connected with information


如家宾馆-的博客 - 如家宾馆 - 网易博客 ... tools 工具 info 信息 power menu 电源菜单 ...


亚太资讯中文网 ... 全球 Global 资讯 Info 城市 City ...


域名申请|国际域名申请查询|中文域名申请注册 ... .TW( 台湾) .INFO( 信息类) .IO( 输入/输出) ...


log4j配置,属性详解 - zghbwjl的日志 - 网易博客 ... Logger.debug 调试信息 Logger.info 一般信息 Logger.warn 警告信息 ...


新手入门 Linux日志简介-Linux频道-中国IT实验室 ... LOG_WARNING-- 警告信息 LOG_INFO-- 情报信息 LOG_KERN-- 内核产 …


1、信息面板INFO) 信息面板(INFO) 信息面板显示编辑中各种对象的信息,如图 2 所示,如类型、大小、位置(坐标) …


教案:计算机网络_周文华_专业带头人... ... REC 消遣娱乐单位 INFO 提供信息服务的单位 INT 国际组织 ...


价格总览-中国万网(www.net.cn) ... .biz 商务域名 .info 信息域名 .name 名字域名 ...

Something of info: - The bellboys will accompany to us until our room of the hotel and he will give us (service? ) Whenever we need it. 服务生会把我们一直呆到旅店的房间,如果我们需要他会为我们提供(服务)。
Pay attention each month to your "upgrade info. " Page. There you can see when you upgraded, by how much, and when they will expire. 每个月注意你的“提升资讯”页。在那里你能看到你何时提升,提升了多少和提升何时到期。
Typically, this would be inserted into a database to save a lot of data entry. + Dynamic exchange of up-to-date info between users. 通常人们通过向数据库中插入这些数据来保存大量数据,用户之间可动态交换最新的信息。
If anyone else has any info on their searching system and if it's fundamentally possible to do this or not, please let me know. 如果其他任何人有关于他们的配队系统,还有如果这在基础上是否能做到,请告诉我。
The quiz must be able to be graded once submitted and the user info along with quiz scores must be stored in a database. 测验必须能够提出并进行分级一次测验成绩的同时,必须的用户信息存储在数据库中。
Urban traffic info cards are available at the Front Desk, you can put down the plate number of the taxi you take on the card. 酒店总服务台上放有市区路线提醒卡,您在选择出租车,可以将车号记录在提醒卡上。
But I was curious about this dude. So I searched the internet to get more info about him. 但是我对这个家伙很有好奇心,就搜索网络,寻找关于他得消息和资料。
Not the sort of in-depth info we'd get in an IPO prospectus, but still much more than most other privately-held firms disclose. 这些报告披露的信息虽然不像IPO招股书那样深度,但比其他大多数非上市公司仍要详尽。
Watched this as a kid. It's even better than I remembered. Oh, and for more info you can try wikipedia. 当初看这个电影的时候还是个孩子,它甚至比我记忆中的更好。哦,你可以在维基找到更多有关的资讯。
Japan is now determined to make up for its lag on the info highway and give the U. S. some competition. 如今,在发展资讯高速公路上落后的日本下定决心迎头赶上,并与美国一较长短。
I found this web site with cool Rockets info and how much NBA players make, it helps put each players performance in perspective. 我发现这个网站有火箭队重要资料以及每个球员的年薪,它能够让我们纵深地分析球员的表演。
Oddly enough, despite the youth-skewed demographics, they seek out parenting info more than users of any other network. 奇怪的是,虽然他们的年龄都比较年轻,但是他们对生育类的信息需求要比其他社交网络的用户大。
Getting a solid recap of the panel has proven difficult, so if any new info's come out that we've missed, we'll be sure to let you know. 捕捉完整充实的重述内容是有点困难的,所以如果有任何已经透露的消息我们遗漏了,我们肯定会让大家知道。
From the info above. U seem to be a little bit pleased, it is gud to c ur highly attractive smile again. 从上面的消息看来,你似乎有点高兴,恢复了你非常有魅力的笑容
As each point on the surface is being shaded the Sampler Info node determines the Facing Ratio value for that point. 在被着色表面上的每一个点上,采样信息节点决定这个点的分形比率。
'We are receiving emissaries who are telling us that he's ready to go, ' Mr. Juppe said in an interview Tuesday with France Info radio. 朱佩周二接受法国FranceInfo电台采访时说,我们接待的使团告诉我们,卡扎菲准备下台。
Since roads are generally dreadful, advances in communications, with mobile banking and telephonic agro-info, have been a huge boon. 由于非洲的道路状况十分差劲,非洲国家对通讯业进行了提升,手机银行和电话农业信息得到了长足的进步。
It's going to be very easy for that person to get all your personal info. 这将是很容易的人,可以将您的个人信息。
Writing on his blog at markselby. info, Selby said: "The Crucible is the home of snooker, with all those years of tradition. " 塞尔比在自己的博客上写道:“克鲁斯堡是斯诺克的家乡,已经有了这么多年的传统。”
I decided to check the info, and sure enough. . . the title of the filthy establishment was right there for all to see! 我决定看一下上面的信息,然后足够的确信了…那个肮脏的机构就在那里让所有人看!
This thought process takes just a few milliseconds, so there's plenty of time for the Xbox to take the info and use it to control the game. 整个思考过程,仅需几微妙。Xbox有充裕的时间采集信息,从而控制游戏。
I'd really like to see the details of the economics of this spelled out and may try to winnow it out of the info on Sen. Obama's web site. 我真的想要知道这些建议背后的经济学原理,有可能的话我会去奥巴马的网站上去查阅相关的信息来搞明白。
Just for your info, the Peking Duck seems to be having a promotion at only $30. So remember to ask the server if the promotion is still on. 还有,找食趣要和你们分享好东西,北京烤鸭好像在搞促销,$30一只烤鸭。记得和侍应生确认喔。
The only page I found was a Chinese site selling tickets, but there is not one Korean blog or news site that I could find with info. 只有一页,我发现是一个中文网站销售门票,但没有一个韩国的博客或新闻网站,我可以找到这信息。
As another follow up of the interview, we would like to ask for info from you of your company. 作为另一个后续的面试,我们要求您您公司的信息。
Enable this to turn the color channels into a format suitable for real-time normal mapping. For more info, see Normal Maps, below. 启用此项将转变颜色通道成一个适合于实时法线贴图的格式。欲了解更多信息,请参阅法线贴图,如下。
In code listing 11, the WHEN clause checks to determine whether or not the XML document INFO is not validated against the EMPLOYEE schema. 在清单11的代码中,WHEN子句检查确定XML文档INFO是否根据EMPLOYEE模式进行了验证。
The original info flyers that were passed out to the press, with the preview versions said multiplayer would be in it. 原来的广告单,还有演示版都说游戏里有多人模式。
It may seem boring and like an intimidating amount of info to take in, but the devil is in the details. 那也许很枯燥,而且你必须吸收一大堆恐吓信息。但是魔鬼就藏在那些细节里。
This app allows you to take a picture of whatever you are looking at and instantly receive info about it on your Android phone. 这一应用允许你在拍下任何所见的图片时,马上可以在你的Android手机上收到相关信息。