
  • adj.众所周知的;著名的;出名的;为人所熟知的(或熟悉的、认可的)
  • 网络知名的;人所共知



1.众所周知的;著名的;出名的known about by a lot of people

2.为人所熟知的(或熟悉的、认可的)generally known and accepted


中考英语复习资料_百度知道 ... welcome party 迎新会 well known 出名的;众所周知的 what kind 什么种类(表示询问) ...


初二英语短语下_百度知道 ... right now: 就在这时,现在,此时 well known著名的,众所周知的 square kilometre: 平方千米…


中考英语复习资料_百度知道 ... welcome party 迎新会 well known 出名的;众所周知的 what kind 什么种类(表示询问) ...


《黑暗史诗》详细攻略 _ 游民星空 GamerSky.com ... 6. Local Legend 本地传奇 7. Well Known 知名的 8. Folk Hero 民族英雄 ...


Carácter « 所 » - Dicionário de sinogramas ... 前所未知[ fresh] 人所共知[ well known] 人心所向[ the popular sentiment] ...

Malt Whiskies Scottish Whisky is extremely well known all over the world, with one of the biggest markets being China. 苏格兰的威士忌举世闻名,而其最大的消费市场便是中国。
He was well groomed, well known and savvy, while always remaining something of an enigma. 他总是衣着整齐,身负盛名而又通情达理,却又总有那么一点神秘莫测。
A well-known Royal Academician who noticed a drawing of a fish by a pavement-artist asked the man what sort of fish it was supposed to be. 有位著名的皇家艺术院院士注意到一位马路画家画的一幅关于鱼的画,就问他,他画的可能是哪一种鱼。
The kind of seductive atmosphere of our well-known, like lovers, like an intoxicating, but as fresh as grass. 那种诱人气息是我们熟知的,象恋人一样令人陶醉,却又象青草一样清新。
To ask me what is everyone afraid of me to frighten their children by adults, though are down, but the well-known large. 要问我是啥,人见人害怕,大人用我吓孩子,虽是遗臭万年,但是名气大。
Grant the Associated External Account right to the external account (Account B) or to a well-known SID. 授予外部帐户(帐户B)或常用SID“关联外部帐户”权利。
VIII. By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents for painting. 他引用一位著名艺术家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。
The mission and activities of even the most well known organizations are not always clear to the general public. 即便是最知名的组织,广大公众对其使命和活动并非完全了解。
In addition, the mention of a brother is unusual, indicating that this Jesus must have been a well-known figure. 此外,在铭文中提到某人的兄弟是很不寻常的,此举表示这位耶稣曾是一位知名人物。
Ultimately, if technique or documenting well-known scenic spots is the only concern, one is only a commercial trade photographer. 倘若只着重在技巧或记录知名景点上,最终也只是一名摄影匠。
He said those investors include a government-owned fund based in Tianjin, China, and a relatively well-known foreign investor. 他说,这些投资者包括总部位于天津的一只政府基金和相对知名的几家境外投资者。
It had nothing to compare with the nowadays well-known chocolate, so much so that the conquistadores found it undrinkable. 它无法与当今知名的巧克力相比较,以至于它的征服者发现其难以入口。
Chao's job, however, had less to do with China, yet she was as equally well-known among the Chinese. 赵的工作和中国相关不大,但她同样为中国人所熟知。
A well-known director was one of hot favorites to win an award . But he showed little disappointment after coming away empty-handed. 一位最有希望获奖的知名导演,却空手而回,显得有点失望。
Every one who knows Shakespere must know his most well-known tragedy: Hamlet and that famous line: To be or not to be, that's a question. 任何熟稔莎士比亚的人都必知晓莎翁最有名的悲剧之作《哈姆雷特》,以及那句名言:“生,抑或死,这是一个问题。”
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Flannery O'Connor is at least as well known for her stories as for her novels. 雪丽葛里菲兹:弗兰纳里奥康纳至少也为她的小说为她的故事而闻名。
Abraham Lincoln, as is well known, was one of the greatest of all American presidents. 正如大家所知道的,亚伯拉罕•林肯是最伟大的美国总统之一。
It is often packed with domestic visitors at peak season, but is less well-known to foreign travellers. 每到旅游旺季,国内的游人如织,然而外国游客对西湖却较为陌生。
Presently her ears detected the beginning of a well-known melody and unconsciously she began to play the air of Rigoletto. 过了一会儿,她的耳朵感觉出了一支著名曲调的前奏,于是她几乎是下意识地开始弹奏黎果赖妥的咏叹调。
The adult Rose's life, while less well known, is at least as exciting as the adventures related in any of her mother's books. 罗斯的成年生活,虽然比较不为人所知,也至少和她母亲作品里的冒险故事一样令人激动。
A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure! 当地一个有名的化学家,公然嘲笑王永庆根本不知道塑胶为何物,开办塑胶厂肯定要倾家荡产!
Villagers all admired her excellent weaving skill and started learning from her. She was now well-known as the Weaving Girl. 由于七仙女纺织的技艺非常精湛,村民们纷纷向他学习,于是人们就称她为织女。
ALEXANDER RODCHENKO was a well-known Moscow painter when, at the age of 33 in 1924, he took up photography. 亚历山大.罗申科,一位著名的俄国画家,在1924年,他33岁的时候,开始了摄影创作。
Although it is one of the most popular breeds of dogs in the U. S. It is not as well known as some others. 尽管它是美国最受欢迎的一种狗,但它并没有其它狗出名。
By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self confidence to his talents. 他引用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。
This book is said to have been translated into many languages, so it is well known all over the world. 据说这本书被翻译成很多种语言,在国际上享誉盛名。
As is by now well known, the term 'task' began to come into deliberate use in applied linguistics around the beginning of the 1980's. 众所周知,‘任务’一词大约是从二十世纪八十年代开始被人们在应用语言学的范畴内审慎地使用。
But Gionee did not appear out of nowhere. The company, along with a dozen equally fast-growing domestic peers, is well-known in China. 金立并不是凭空冒出来的。这家公司同十几家同样快速成长的国内同行一样,在中国颇有名气。
By now the facts of his murder are as well known as the latest twists in the soap operas on TV. 如今,他的谋杀案已经像电视台最新上映的肥皂剧那样家喻户晓。
But you can modify the bean just a bit with a more common and well-known assertion. 但您可以使用更常见和熟知的断言对bean进行简单地修改。