
美 [itʃ]英 [iːtʃ]
  • adv.每个
  • adj.
  • pron.
  • 网络各;各自;每一



1.(两个或以上的人或物中)各自,各个,每个used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... price n. 价格 each pron. 每个 anybody pron. 任何人 ...

白面葫芦娃的博客 - lil82 - 网易博客 ... (customs declaration) 报关单 (each) 每个, (with) 具有 ...


人教版小学英语六年级上、下册单词表_百度文库 ... ton 吨 each 各自;每个 squid 鱿鱼 ...




字典中 每 字的解释 ... (3) 每一次[ every time] (1) 各个[ every;each] ◎ 每 each every often per ...


急求4个字母的英文单词带翻译_百度知道 ... diet 饮食 each 每一个 feel 感觉 ...


不定代词_百度百科 ... 7.neither 两者都不 8.each 每个,各自的 9.every 每个,每一的,一切的 ...

As each case of breast cancer is different, every woman should talk with her doctor about her personal risk factors for breast cancer. 鉴于乳腺癌病情的差异性,妇女们应该根据个人的情况,向医生反映可能的致病因素。
As our Christmas Boy grew, he made it clear that only he had the expertise to select and decorate the Christmas tree each year. 随着圣诞男孩的长大,他清楚地向大家表明只有他才有本事选择和装饰一年一度的圣诞树。
One player of each group pulls out a strip of paper and reads the sentence on it silently and does not show it to the other classmates. 小组里的一个人抽出一张纸条并默读上面的句子,不可以把它展现给其他的成员看。
I make it a point to play one of them for at least five minutes each day. 我每天会特地抽空把它们拿出来练习至少五分钟。
Clustered mailbox servers deployed in an SCC require at least two network cards in each node to be supported . 在SCC中部署的群集邮箱服务器要求至少支持每个节点中两张网卡。
Each of these categories is controlled by means of a system of Construction Noise Permits, as described below. 这两类工程噪音均透过签发建筑噪音许可证的制度来管制,详情如下。
When an accident was the cause of death, some people return to the scene each year, perhaps marking it with a cross or flowers, she said. 如果故人是因为意外事故而去世的,那么有些人还会去事发地点举行哀悼活动,比如说在那里画上十字或鲜花图案。
How much time do you spend playing computer games each night? 每天晚上你花多少时间在玩电脑游戏上?
Oil the metal cups in the popover pan and place a tiny bit of butter in the bottom of each cup from the bits you cut up. 给泡芙烤盘的金属杯涂点油,在每只杯底放一小点你刚才切好的黄油块。
This time let see how these two commie brothers showing us how much they 'love' each other . . . and hope the under dog V. 这次让我们瞧瞧两个共党兄弟到底“爱”得有多深。
Since the birth of his daughter last year, he has set aside one hour each evening to be with her and his wife. 不过自从女儿去年出生后,他每天晚上都会留出一个小时,与女儿和妻子在一起。
It is so romantic . It the best time we can know each other . And then I may kiss you make you know how much I love you ! 如此浪漫。这是我们相互了解的最好时间。然后我可以吻你让你知道我多么爱你
Mr King must write to the Treasury each month that inflation exceeds 3pc, and he said he is likely to have to send several more letters. 一旦通胀超过三个百分点,金恩行长就要每月致函给财政部,可能更多的报告。
There is no limit on the number of photos you wish to used in each category, as long as the total does not exceed the stated amount above. 以上每个类别相片数量不限,提交相片数量总和须不超出相簿采用相片总数。
I'll first let them know of your intention. And then I'll make arrangements for you to meet each of them separately. 我将先把您的意图告诉他们,而后将安排您和他们分别会晤。
That way, you can easily track how much you have left for each of these expenses, and when you run out of money, you know it immediately. 这样,你很容易就可以知道你还有多少钱可以花在某项开支上,一旦钱花光了,你也能马上知道。
youth trip to a youth from each of the people through, time will not be eternal to which sub-frame in which seconds. 青春之行由每一个拥有青春的人走完,时间不会永恒地定格在哪分哪秒。
Each unit takes its message -- so negative 120. It rotates to that, checks if it got there and then passes it to its neighbor. 每个单元获取自己的消息——比如负120.它进行旋转,检查是否旋转到位然后把序列传给它的邻居。
To each of us, the process of learning may be full of frustrations and boredom, yet the fruit is often sweet and satisfactory. 对我们每个人而言,学习的过程也许充满挫折和困乏,然而果实经常是甜蜜而令人满足的。
Since the deadline is so tight I cant wait for the psds to be done for you to start work and I need to see your work each day on the server. 由于截止日期是非常紧张,我可以吨的月台幕门等待做你开始工作,我需要在服务器上看到你的工作每一天。
A time, each person at least are aware of several neighbors, people now seem to be too busy, too busy to reach out to one another. 有一个时候,每个人起码都认识几个邻居,可如今人们似乎太忙,无暇相互接触。
At the beginning of such a game, points are doled out to each participant. 在比赛开始时,每个参与者都获得一定的分数。
Reads elements of structures as if each were being read individually, except that there is no padding between elements. 像分别读取每个元素一样读取结构的元素,只是元素之间没有填充。
To commemorate him, at least one member of each Muslim family will be named Mohammed, Ahmed or other derivations of the word. 为纪念他,基本每个家庭里都至少有一个成员唤作穆罕默德,艾罕默德或者其他这个名字的变体。
He thought: In the clockwork of the head, two cogwheels turn opposite each other. On the one, images; on the other, the body's reactions. 他以为:在人脑机件里,有两个朝相反方向转动的齿轮。一个载着想象,另一个载着肉体的反应。
However, each of the children starts with ? : , which means that they get matched, but don't count for reference purposes. 但是,每个子表达式都由?:开头,它表示这两者匹配,但不是为了满足引用目的。
CONCEPT TEST: How much money would you spend on FOOD per person each visit? 概念测试:每来一次在吃这方面的人均消费预算是多少钱?
Take Halloween candy to a community center, have each child wrap a gift for a child who would not otherwise get a Christmas present. 把万圣节的糖带到社区中心,为那些没有礼物的孩子准备一份礼物。
It was good that we finally had it out with each other. Now we can try to solve our problems. 我们终于吵了一架,这是好事,现在我们可以尝试来解决我们的问题了。
Life is a gift, life is happiness, each minute might have been an age of happiness. 生命是上帝赐给我们的,生命就象幸福,每一分钟都可能给你带来无穷无尽的幸福。