
美 [ˌɑr pi ˈem]英 [ˌɑː(r) piː ˈem]
  • abbr.每分钟转数
  • 网络转速;最高转速;额定转速




转速转速rpm) 1400-4000 东风标致3008搭载的是标致雪铁龙连续六年获得“最佳发动机”的1.6THP涡轮增压直喷发动机,这 …


地膜牵引卷取最高转速 (rpm) film-speed tration coiling maximum120 120 120 120 100 80 80 农膜牵引卷取最高转速(r/min) plast…


转数(rPm)2900 电源 380V 3N 50HZ 不锈钢钎焊板式换热器 压力降(Kpa) ≤35 污垢系数m2℃/Km 0.086 不锈钢钎焊板式换热器


主机额定转速(rpm):600 锅炉数量: 1;1 锅炉设计压力(Mpa): .8;1 锅炉受热面积(m2): 36;165 锅炉建造厂: 江阴市三杰实业有限公 …

每分钟转数(revolutions per minute)

每分钟转数 (Rpm): 正常: 最大:12 载荷数据 13 载荷状况与性质 A B C 14 17 平行与传动轴的轴向载荷 KN 19 垂直与传动 …


速度Rpm)2 开启时间 (s) 10 工作温度 (℃最小/最大) -20÷+50 过热保护 (℃) - 工作度 (%) 80 尺寸 (mm)


主轴转速Rpm):0-1000rpm无级调速(T8120e*20) 200.275.360/480.720.960 进给速度: 0-180mm/Min(无级调速) 电机 …

快速原型制造(Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing)

快速原型制造RPM)是利用CAD 技术、数控技术、材料科学等集成从而实现零件从设计到三维实体原型制造一体化的系统技 …

At this point, you may want to create APT or RPM packages to be used for configuring your clients. 此时,您可能会想要创建APT或RPM包用来配置您的客户端。
Do not exceed the speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) rating of any grinding wheel or disk. 不可超过任何砂轮片或转盘的每分钟转数(RPM)额定值。
An ignition disable device may be used to turn off the engine at closing RPM in lieu of closing the throttle manually. 点火禁用设备可能被用来关闭发动机转速在闭幕代替手动关闭油门。
In terms of performance gains, the increment of horsepower depends on your car's air intake system while revs are smoother at higher rpm. 从性能的增加,增加马力取决于你的车的进气系统,而在较高转速是光滑每分钟转速。
But with its larger budget and fully-scripted format, RPM Miami serves as an experiment of sorts for the limits of bilingual broadcasting. 不过预算更多且全脚本演出的《RPMMiami》,在某种程度上可看作是一次探索双语播出极限所在的实验。
Mechanical systems capture braking energy and use it to turn a small flywheel which can spin at up to 80, 000 rpm. 机械系统从刹车中捕获能量,并用来旋转一个转速可以高达80,000rpm的小飞轮。
It is possible to modify the RPM binary, the operating system, or the RPM database so that the changes will not be detected. 它是可以修改的RPM二进制,操作系统,或在RPM数据库,以便更改不会被检测出来。
This brief introduction merely scratches the surface of what's possible with RPM. 这篇简短介绍文章只触及了RPM的用途的表面。
So users can increase the minimum RPM speed of the fans to release and dissipate more heat and thus cool down the system. 这样用户就可以提高最低rpm的速度球迷释放和散失更多的热量,从而冷却系统。
If you're using a very old distribution or one that does not support RPMs, you may have to compile DMX from scratch. 如果正在使用一个非常古老的发布版,或者使用不支持RPM的发布版,可能必须从头开始编译DMX。
I always self-build applications on my systems rather than using one of the available binary or RPM distributions. 我总是在自己的系统亲自动手构建应用程序,而不去使用可用的二进制文件或RPM发行版本。
A nearly flat torque curve begins at a low 1, 400 rpm, meaning turbo lag is all-but-quelled. 近持平扭矩曲线始于1400转速低,这意味着涡轮滞后是所有,但是,平息。
By default, none of these fields are selected in the RPM Custom fields dialog box. 默认情况下,在RPMCustom字段的对话框并没有选择这些字段。
The project can't redistribute the Sun JDK as RPMs, but you'll find instructions and RPM spec files for building them yourself. 项目不能把SunJDK作为RPM重新进行发布,但是您可能找到自行构建RPM的指南和RPM规范文件。
Keeping well away from the propeller, adjust the engine to maximum rpm with the mixture adjustment screw marked with an "H" . 跟螺旋桨保持距离,推油门全开。转进标记“H”螺丝求取最高转速。
Before you can actually use this configuration file, you need to create an RPM out of it. 在您可以实际使用此配置文件之前,需要先利用它来创建RPM。
The motor driven screw mechanism pushes wet soybeans into the grinder. Feed can be adjusted by changing rpm of the motor. 由电机带动螺旋机构推动湿豆进入磨浆机中,通过调节电机转速调节湿豆供应量。
Whereas a smaller turbo spins freer with little inertia at lower RPM but are unable to provide enough air at higher RPM. 而一个较小的涡轮旋转惯性低自由与小转速,但不能提供足够的空气在更高的转速。
You may find it helpful to bump the release number each time you build an RPM, even if for your own use, to keep attempts separate. 您会发现每次构建一个RPM时就增加版本编号对于将每次修改尝试都分开很有用,即使是供您自己使用。
It is an interactive, automated update program that can be used for maintaining systems using RPM. 这是一个交互式、自动化的更新程序,可用于维护使用RPM的系统。
KWiFiManager comes distributed as an RPM package; however, there are a few prerequisites for installation. KWiFiManager以RPM程序包的形式发行;不过,有一些安装的先决条件。
For instance, there's a need for the user to install software, allow them to run RPM or APT as root without switching to the root user. 例如,用户需要安装软件了,可允许他们以root用户身份运行RPM或APT,但不用转换为root用户。
Introduced the application of RPM (Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing) technology through the example of designing battery front cover. 通过电池前盖的设计实例简单介绍了RPM技术的应用。
The name RPM refers to two things: a software package file format, and software packaged in this format. RPM的名称是指两件事:一个软件包文件格式,软件采用这种格式。
In automotive use they really are not the best choice because of the very wide RPM ranges used in normal operation. 汽车被使用他们真的最好的选择不被因为非常宽的RPM范围使用在里正常的操作。
Verify that NFS-related RPMs are installed on your system, as shown in Listing 1. 验证您的系统上已经安装好了与NFS有关的RPM包,如清单1所示。
DeltaRPMs, the RPM equivalent of a patch file, can incrementally update RPM-installed software without needing the original package. DeltaRPMs的转速相当于一个补丁文件,可以逐步更新RPM的安装的软件,而无需原包装。
A substitute for this program, in case you are not building an RPM, is to simply compile each jar file in your program to a shared library. 假如你没有在构建RPM,那么一个替代方案就是直接将程序中的jar文件编译到共享库中。
NH-C12P is able to offer a great performance while keeping the noise level low with the included fan even at the highest RPM. NH-C12P能在保持时提供一次大的表演甚至在最高的RPM的与被包括风扇低的噪声电平。
Popularity of the RPM and CNC technology can accelerate the development of the up-to-date woodworking machinery technology. 通过RPM和CNC技术的普及,可以促进木工机械新技术的发展。