
美 [ʃeɪp]英 [ʃeɪp]
  • n.形状;外形;状况;样子
  • v.塑造;使成为…形状(或样子);决定…的形成;影响…的发展
  • abbr.(=Supreme Headquarters; Allied Powers in Europe)(北大西洋公约组织的)欧洲盟军最高司令部
  • 网络形态;造型;图形

复数:shapes 现在分词:shaping 过去式:shaped

take shape,change shape,shape future,shape character,alter shape
different shape,original shape,definite shape,final shape,huge shape


n. v.

1.[c][u]形状;外形;样子;呈…形状的事物the form of the outer edges or surfaces of sth; an example of sth that has a particular form

2.[c]模糊的影子a person or thing that is difficult to see clearly

3.[u]状况;情况the physical condition of sb/sth

4.[u]性质;特点the particular qualities or characteristics of sth


get (yourself) into shape

强身健体to take exercise, eat healthy food, etc. in order to become physically fit

get/knock/lick sb into shape

把某人培养成材(或训练出来)to train sb so that they do a particular job, task, etc. well

get/knock/lick sth into shape

把某事物整顿好;使某事物条理化(或更趋完善)to make sth more acceptable, organized or successful

give shape to sth

表达,阐释(观点、计划等)to express or explain a particular idea, plan, etc.

in any (way,) shape or form

任何形式of any type

out of shape

变形的;走样的not having the normal shape

the shape of things to come

未来的状况the way things are likely to develop in the future

take shape

成形;有了模样to develop and become more complete or organized


  钻石的形状SHAPE)是指其正确轮廓亦即腰围层的形状,如:圆形、橄榄形、方形…等。钻石的切磨(CUT)它是钻石4C的 …


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... human 人类 shape 外形 huge 巨大的 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... remarkable a. 显著的; 非凡的 shape vt. 形成, 塑造 industrialist n. 工业家, 实业家 ...


形_百度百科 ... 形势逼人【 the situation is getting better and better】 形态【 form;shape;pattern】 形象【 image;form;figure】 ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... shadow map 阴影贴图 阴影贴图 shape造型 Sharpness 尖锐度 鲜明度 ...


广州版小学三年级_百度文库 ... they're=they are 他们是 shape 形状;图形 circle 圆 ...


电子工程专业词汇S ... shallow water cable 浅海电缆 shape 形式 shape factor 形状因子 ...

You could say that I ordered takeout with such frequency that my dialing finger practically started to evolve into the shape of a phone key. 可以说,频繁按动叫外卖的电话号码,我的手指也快变成电话的按键了。
A recent Reuters Institute report on the "Power of the Commentariat" is in no doubt that opinion writers shape politics. 路透研究所(ReutersInstitute)最近一份关于“评论家的影响力”报告说明,无疑是那些评论员影响了政治。
Color helps them judge distance and shape. Thus they are able to catch bugs in the air or to light on branches. 色彩帮助它们判断距离和形状,这样它们才能在空中抓到虫子或者在树枝上落下。
The gardener communes with nature, can sow and reap, shape the garden as he or she sees fit, relax or simply enjoy the beauty of it. 花匠与日然交谈,可以播种收获,设计他或她认为合适的花园,放松心情或只是欣赏它的美观。
She and her husband joined a gym a year ago looking to get in shape and get out of the house. 一年前,她和他的丈夫加入了健身房来寻找状态并搬出了家。
The gap on the front end of the steel plate is in a rectangular shape. 所述的钢板前端的缺口为长方形。
The unique shape allows the product to be completely portable, as it tucks into a beach bag or swim trunks pocket with ease. 独特的形状使产品完全便携,因为它成为一个高质量沙滩袋或泳裤口袋,操作非常简便。
My high school boyfriend spanked me with a coat hanger that he'd twisted into a paddle shape. 我的高中男友用衣架扭出了桨的形状来抽我。
The church is in the shape of a Greek cross, its width coinciding with that of the three Byzantine naves . 教堂以希腊的十字记号体现,它的宽度与三个拜占庭的中殿一样。
Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall. 这种结构使得刚性的工作作为一个整体,并保持它的形状时,挂在墙上。
I saw the body emerging out of the ground as one shape, and as you can see the edge between the leg and the ground is totally lost. 在我眼中人物和地面是一块大型,人物腿部和其接触的地面调子太接近,边缘完全消失。
Picture perfect: To plate, each winter melon ball is laid with the flat side down in the shape of a cluster of grapes. 完美构图:装盘时,每个冬瓜球都要平面朝下放置,摆成一串葡萄的形状。
He said, "I might as well try to clip my own nose into shape with scissors. The book bleeds" (2). 他说,“就像我试着拿剪刀修剪自己的鼻子一样,书也会流血”。
She honestly felt that her husband was the only one in the world entitled to be president, even in the shape he was in. 她由衷地认为,即使处于这种情形,她的丈夫也是世界上唯一有资格当总统的人。
It had been two years since I'd last seen him and he was in bad shape. 距离我上一次见到他,已经过去了两年,老爸的身体情况很糟糕。
"She was a glamor girl, " Gregg said. "The arched eyebrows, the beautiful lips, the shape of the face -- that's her. " “她是个充满魅力的女孩,”Gregg说“那弧形的眉毛、漂亮的嘴唇和脸型——那就是她。”
Though his own boots were in fair shape, Inman made a late-night foray onto the field simply to see what the day's effort had accomplished. 英曼自己的靴子还不错,参加这场夜袭,他只是想看看这一天的战果。
if you enjoy staying in shape and helping others , there has never been a better time to become a certified fitness trainer ( cft ) . 如果你仅仅保持自己的身体健壮来指导他们,将不会有时间或机会成为合格的健身私人教练。
The addition of the STED doughnut reduced the spot area by ninefold, but, owing to its cylindrical shape, did not squeeze the spot axially. 在受激发射损耗减少甜甜圈此外九倍的名胜区,但由于其圆柱形状,并没有当场轴向挤压。
so fabric is slightly sheer and you can see shape of your hand behind fabric when you hold it up to the light. 面料有些透明,当你手持面料放在灯光下时,可以透过面料看到你的手。
I just bought a bunch of apples, put them in a bowl, and drew them for a week or so to simplify the shape. 我就买了一堆苹果,把它们放到果盘里,对着它们画了一星期草图,如此来简化外形设计。
Keen observers of this island may be able to make out the faint shape of a ship. 该岛的观察者也许能辨认出船只淡淡的形状。
She was fond of working with neutral colors and soft easy-to-wear jersey fabrics that were simple in shape and cut. 她是中性的颜色和柔软易于穿球衣的面料是在形状和切割喜欢简单的工作。
One is the right sort of cells. The other is a framework on which to grow those cells so that they take up the right shape. 一个是正确的细胞,另一个是框架,它能让细胞生长从而它们能长出正确的形状。
But, he never justified himself by a hint tending that way, or tried to bend the past out of its eternal shape. 不过他并没有表示出他的这种看法,也没有表示对已经铸成事实的往事有什么懊悔屈服。
It has a span of4260 feet. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. 桥的跨度有4,260英尺。桥梁很长,所以它的设计师不得不考虑地球的形状。
After the Dissolution, it was realised that its circular shape made it a perfect venue for cock fighting. 在解散寺院之后,鸽棚的环形结构为斗鸡提供了绝佳的场所。
Digital publishing as a force to be reckoned began to take shape with the Commander of the potential of traditional publishing. 数字出版作为一支不可忽视的力量开始形成与传统出版的争锋之势。
Bruce Lyon, a physical trainer, is in great physical shape. However, all his strength and energy seems to melt away when spring arrives. 布鲁斯里昂,一个体能教练,是伟大的体型。然而,他所有的力量和能量似乎融化了当春天到来。英语堂欢迎大家到来
He was still as in shape as he was in high school, and Johannah liked that he took such good care of himself. 他仍然在形状,他在高中,约翰纳喜欢他花了这么好好照顾自己。