
美 [hoʊst]英 [həʊst]
  • n.主人;许多;无数;大量
  • v.款待;当主人;主办(宴会等);主持节目
  • 网络主机;宿主;主持人

复数:hosts 现在分词:hosting 过去式:hosted

host summit,host dinner


n. v.

1.[c]主人a person who invites guests to a meal, a party, etc. or who has people staying at their house

2.[c]东道主;主办国(或城市、机构)a country, a city or an organization that holds and arranges a special event

3.[c](电视或广播的)节目主持人a person who introduces a television or radio show, and talks to guests

5.[c]~ of sb/sth许多;大量a large number of people or things

6.[c](计算机网络的)主机,服务机the main computer in a network that controls or supplies information to other computers that are connected to it


...防火墙设置,在例外中添加端口9090 此时可以通过主机(host)上的浏览器查看:


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Hostess 女主人 Host 主人 Musician 音乐家 ...




上海嘉定广播电视台|http://www.jdtv.sh.cn ... 精品栏目 Fine column 主持人 Host 影视剧 TV drama ...


色的东道主(Host),人们不是听你说什么,而是看你做什么。热闹的音乐热中的舞蹈(Dance)忻悦的球迷,我是个苦恼人,不识 …


Python 的数据库操作-Python-第七城市 ... password 密码(可选) host 主机名(可选) database 数据库名(可选) ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... as well 也;又;还 host vt. 做东;主办;招待 n.主人 responsibility n. 责任;职责 ...

any other country in which the company operates is known as a host country. 该公司从事经营所在的其他国家成为东道国。
Make sure that you know your needs before you start looking for your web host . 在开始寻找虚拟主机之前要确保你知道需要多少空间和容量。
Known as the network checker, this plug-in performs network socket open operations to any host or port specified in the properties file. 作为网络检查程序,该插件针对在属性文件中指定的任意主机或端口执行网络套接字打开操作。
The simplest form of a TCP port scan is to open a connection to all ports on a host. TCP端口扫描的最简单形式是打开一个到主机所有端口的连接。
"China is not acting as a responsible Olympics host when it blurs so much of the actual terrorism risk, " he said. 他说道:“中国让真正的恐怖主义风险变得如此模糊不清,这不是一个负责任的奥运会东道主的所作所为。”
When I brought the bad news to my host Mother, who had been taking care of me, she did not look upset for a second. 当我把这个坏消息告诉我的房东妈妈时,她一直都很照顾我,她看起来没有任何失望。
It is possible that the remote host does not support secure connections, or the proxy is not satisfied with the host security credentials. 有可能远端计算机不支持安全连接,或者代理对主机的安全凭据不认可。
Even when a microbe succeeds at leaping from one species to another, the new host is often a dead end. 即使病菌从一个物种传染到另一物种,新的病菌携带者基本不会继续传染给别人了。
THE HOST: And I suppose it becomes visible not really to us the user but to somebody who might steal it, to a thief. 主持人:我想我们用户会看不见它,但是对于那些可能偷手机的小偷就能看见它了。
Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo is about to visit China tomorrow. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will host talks with him. 新加坡外长杨荣文将于明天访问中国,杨洁篪外长将同他举行会谈。
Therefore I would like to ask your opinion about deciding the Hsinchu City in Chinese Taipei to be a host city for this meeting. 有关决定将中华台北新竹市作为此次会议所在地一事,我想咨询您的意见。
Two, the site use space quality not beautiful, not host access speed slow is often appear isn't open to now like! 站点使用得空间主机质量不佳,不是访问速度慢就是时常出现打不开得现像!
This term is usually used during software development, to distinguish the embedded system from the host with which it communicates. 这个术语常常在软件开发期间使用,用来区别与嵌入式系统通讯的主机。
Some people coming here must be able to find from the photo on the top of this page that the host of this blog is a man being old enough. 朋友们肯定可以从照片上发现,此博客的博主应当是一个相当有点年纪的人了。
Two friends can be better than a host. In the end, Ron and Hermione were enough to sustain Harry through the hardest parts of his journey. 两个朋友有时胜过一帮。在故事的最后,罗恩和赫敏俩人就足够陪伴哈利挺过最艰难的旅程了。
Leavitt also said the new FDA offices will help increase inspections and help the host country improve its own food and drug safety. 也说新的食品药物管理局机构将帮助增加检查和帮助东道国提高自身的食品和药物安全。
You might have to replace the word "localhost" in the URL with the IP address of your host machine. 这里可能需要用您主机的IP地址替换URL中的“localhost”。
If you had not chosen a web install, the other option is to download the repository zip files to your local host and install from there. 如果不选择web安装,另一种方法是把存储库zip文件下载到本地主机上并从本地主机开始安装。
Host: Less than half a year. And our guests are the girls, who probably started to watch MTV as viewers. Or not? H不到半年。我们的观众仅仅是那些有可能坐在电视机前看MTV频道的女孩子们吗?
See there is a horse before the door only, say to her: "You tell me host, rained outside, I wait for him in corridor. " 只见门前站着一匹马,对她说:“你告诉我主人一声,外面下雨了,我在楼道里等他。”[color=Silver]更多笑话尽在“唧唧地”中文搞笑专家!
The national pavilion of the host country has always been a cynosure. 东道国的国家馆历来备受关注。
That Toxo-infected rats approach cats has long been a well-known example of a parasite manipulating the behavior of its mammalian host. 弓形体原虫感染的老鼠与猫“亲近”的现象一直被当做寄生虫操纵宿主行为的典型例子。
Classes allow you to open a connection to a host and port, then set some options for the connection before actually connecting to the host. 类都允许您打开到主机和端口的连接,然后在真正连接到主机之前为该连接设置一些选项。
The host always does a good job of having the experts explain any more complicated ideas, so it's fairly easy to follow along. 主持人总是能很好地引导专家将复杂的观点解释清楚,所以很容易跟得上。
Enron itself, along with a host of other firms, collapsed in 2004 because accounting standards had not been enforced adequately. 安然公司和其他许多公司因为没有充分执行会计标准在2004年倒闭。
Generally, when the egg is ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is eliminated through the host's excretory system. 一般的,当蛋准备孵蛋,这段折断,而未被通过主人的排泄系统。
Another test is to see whether the configuration file denies access to a particular host. 另一项测试是看看配置文件是否拒绝访问某一主机。
He retraced the junks' routes around the globe and found shoreside marker stones, carved in a host of Asian languages, all over the world. 他重新寻访船队在世界各地走过的路并发现了港岸边的标记石,上面依然还有当时所刻的大量亚洲文字,这种情形遍布全世界。
The conference, as the identity of its host would seem to imply, was heavily focused on the power of technology to combat radicalism. 此次会议的定位正如主办方所表示的那样,重点关注的是技术在与激进主义作斗争时所起的作用。
A: Jack, do say good-bye for me to the host . I've got to run. 杰克,一定要代我向评价告别呀!我得抓紧点儿了。