may as well

  • na.“may well”的变体
  • 网络不妨;最好;还不如

may as wellmay as well

may as well


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as a matter of fact 事实上;其实 may as well 最好,不妨 by all means 尽一切办法;一定 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as a matter of fact 事实上;其实 may as well 最好,不妨 by all means 尽一切办法;一定 ...


never mind什么意思 ... by mistake 错误地 ... may as well 还不如,不妨 never mind 不要紧;不用担心 ...


2011年高考英语必背短语 - 豆丁网 ... as to 至 于 , 关 于 may as well 还 是 … 的 好 aside from ( 美 ) 除 … 以 外 ...


英语四级作文常用短语-四级考试-教育联展网 ... make way 让路让出地方 may as well 还不如不妨 never mind 不要紧;不用担心 ...


新东方词汇笔记非... ... hardly more than 不足,不到。 may as well 还是,到不如。 start and run a company 创立并经营一家 …


... ( Slush )02 洋葱(Onion)03 也好(May As Well)04 宁愿怎样(What About)05 蝙蝠(Bat)06 一代艳星(Coquette)07 我喝香水大(I …

Remember if you're spending most of your waking life in your office space, you may as well make it a nice place to be! 记住如果你花费大多数醒着的时间在办公室工作,那么你最好把它变成一个好待的地方。
I shall tell him straight out that if he is not able to do it well, he may as well pack up. 我将坦率地告诉他,要是他不能做好那件事,还是不做的好。
But now that the government owns most of the company, it may as well try to make it viable. 但是现在这棵树大部分归政府所有了,政府当然会竭尽所能救活它。
He won't stand for it. He'll have you out on Tuesday, so that you may as well make up for your mind to it. 那个让他受不了。他打算在星期二把你赶出去,所以你还是作一点准备的好。
I may as well have been a photographer for National Geographic. 我觉得我还应该成为《国家地理》的摄影师。
This is going to be awkward, but someone has to tell you, so it may as well be me: you're kind of a loser. 这将是件很难堪的事情,但必须得有人告诉你,所以还是我来说吧:你可能是个杯具。
There are two cheap hotels, but failing either of these, you may as well go back to where you were before. 有两家便宜的旅馆,若都不行的话,不妨还是回你从前住的地方去吧。
We may as well go back to the place in the wood. We've given it a good long rest. 我们能回到树林里那地方哩,好长时间没去啦。
We shall never get that fellow to see the error of his ways; we may as well give him up as a bad job. 我们绝不会使那个家伙认识到自己的错误,我们还是不去管他算了。
I may as well add here some particulars of the little fellow who excited all this surprise and enjoyment. 我最好在这儿说明,小家伙让所有人感到吃惊和兴奋。
You may as well go and have a talk with him about the matter. 关于这件事,你不妨跟他谈一谈。
One may as well not know a thing at all than know it but imperfectly. 与其一知半解,不如全然不知。
You spend most of your life waiting for something anyway, so you may as well get it out of the way while your bored. 无论什么时候,你都在花费你一生大量的时间在等待一些事情,因此你也可以通过上面的方式来摆脱无聊的时候。
For me to love you now, Would be the sweetest thing, 't would make me sing, Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind. 此时若让我来爱你,那将会是多么的甜蜜,我会为此而高声歌唱。啊,可那就有如想要捕捉风一样。
If you think the price of the coat is too high, you may as well buy a cheaper one. 如果你认为这件外衣价格太高,你不妨买一件便宜的外衣。
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. 伟大的人物根本就不会关心世俗的眼光。他也许倒更关心自己落在墙上的影子。
To feel you all around me, And to take your hand, along the sand, Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind. 感觉你环绕着我的周围,牵着你的手,沿着沙滩漫步。啊,可那就有如想要捕捉风一样。
Since I'm trying to make this a comprehensive guide, I may as well document some of my mistakes too. 因为我现在正在做这个完整的指南,我最好也举出一些我犯的错误。
To feel you all around and to take your hand along the sand, I may as well try and catch the wind. 感觉到了,你周围,并沿着沙,你的手,我可以试试,赶上风。
"I know I'm not going to win the Oscar, so for the Baftas I may as well go for it, " she said. 她说,“我知道我没可能获得奥斯卡,所以对于Bafta,我要好好争取。”
Chef wanted me to inform you that, as you never leave a tip, you may as well know that he never washes his hands. 厨师想让我告诉你因为你从不留小费,你最好知道他从不洗手。
And, lastly(I may as well confess it, as the denial of it would be believed by nobody), I shall perhaps not a little gratify my own vanity. 最后,我这样做,可能还会极大地满足我的虚荣心(我还是承认这一点好,否认是没有用的,谁也不会相信)。
There she perched, and she said to the old Fox, down below, ``You may as well go home, for you can't get me. '' 她对下面的老狐狸说:“你最好还是回你的老窝,你抓不到我的。”
We may as well stow these things away and go up to town to see about our guns. 我们还是把这些东西收拾好,进城看看枪去吧。
When was this? You may as well come out with it. 这事是何时发生的?你索性全讲了吧!
I shall have to pay the bill some time, so I may as well pay it now. 我将来反正得付这笔钱,所以我还是现在付了为好。
Is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. 没有什么事情可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。
Since there are only a few representatives from some countries, may as well limit the scale of the rich countries' delegations. 既然一些国家的代表太少,不妨限制富国的代表团规模,从数量上求得适当的公平。
Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind. 啊,我这不过是试图抓住风罢了。
If I've got to go somewhere, I may as well go to Birmingham. 如果我非得到什么地方去的话,我还是去伯明翰的好。