meet with

  • na.碰见;遭遇;偶然发现;达到
  • 网络遇见;遇到;碰到

第三人称单数:meets with 现在分词:meeting with 过去式:met with

meet withmeet with

meet with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... meet up with 偶尔碰见 meet with (偶尔)遇见;碰到 from memory 凭记忆 ...


初中英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... meet the needs of 迎合……的需要 meet with 遭遇 more than 多于 ...


邀_百度百科 ... ⑵ 同本义[ await the arrival of] ⑷ 逢,遇到[ meet with] ⑹ 阻拦;截击[ intercept] ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... meet up with 偶尔碰见 meet with (偶尔)遇见;碰到 from memory 凭记忆 ...


整理牛津高中英语的词组 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 35. hunt for 打猎;搜捕 36. meet with 遇见,碰见 37. belong to 属于 ...


高二英语选修七unit1单词表_百度知道 ... exit n. 出口;离开;退场 meet with 遇到;经历;会晤 approval n. 赞成;认可 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... meet the requirements 符合要求;满足条件 meet with 符合;偶然遇见;遭受 add in 添加;把…包括 …


会组词是什么_百度知道 ... 会集[ gather;assemble;bring together] 会见[ meet with] 会剿[ joint suppress] ...

ROK President Lee Myung-bak said he is willing to meet with DPRK leader Kim Jong Il to help the denuclearization of Korean peninsula. 李明博周一说,他愿意与朝鲜领导人金正日会谈,帮助实现朝鲜半岛无核化。
Venus, your ruler, will meet with Jupiter on February 16, a once-a-year event that will produce a major day to circle in gold. 金星,你的守护星,将会与木星在16号相遇,一个一年仅一次的大事件会带来绝对值得圈点的一天。
Clinton came for more than a week, which gave him the latitude to do a variety of things and to meet with more people. 阿克尔罗德说,克林顿当时访华时间超过一周,他有时间做很多事情,会见更多的人。
Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing will meet with him on the sideline of the meeting. 会议期间,李肇星外长将与他会面。
To seek work with a famous company, you must get ready to meet with fierce competition and challenges from all sides. 在有声望的大公司求职,你必须做好准备迎接激烈的竞争以及来自各方面的挑战。
Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place . 我来查一下他是否安排了其他人代替他跟您见面。
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to explore how I might bring added value on your organization. 我希望能有机会与您见面,谈谈我会怎样为贵组织创造价值。
We would like to have some of our people meet with you and find out more about what you are thinking. 我们想和你们见见,想要了解你们的想法。
We also meet with career services, who, in about thirty minutes, ensured that we weren't lulled into a false sense of complacency. 我们也与职业服务会谈,在约三十分钟的时间内向我们保证我们肯定不会沉醉与自满之中。
We are interested in the figures that you produce and would like to meet with you to discuss business. 我们有兴趣,请有生产的人物想见见你洽谈业务。
re in New York for a few more days. You will address the U. N. tomorrow. Would you meet with their families if they asked to meet with you? 你是否,你还要纽约呆上数天,你将于明天向联合国发表讲演。如果徒步者的家人要求会见你,你是否会见他们?
Many of the indigenous leaders he was planning to meet with had never heard of him before, much less seen his movie. 这些土著首领中有很多以前从来没有听说过他,看过他电影的就更少了。
So I come today. Hebei, I come. (smile) So glad to be here today to meet with you and the netizens. 所以今天我来了,河北,我来了。(笑)所以很高兴今天能够在这里跟大家见面,跟网友们见见。
We had hoped that you might help us answer that very question, considering your knowledge in symbology and your plans to meet with him. 我们也希望您能用您的符号学专长来为我们解答这个难题,加之你还原打算和他会面。
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. 如果有机会和您讨论一下贵公司的需要,我将不胜感激。
For much of the interview, Hu, who was scheduled to meet with US President Obama this week, appeared to reach out to US. 从采访的大部分内容里,我们不难看出本周即将会晤欧巴马总统的胡总理极力想要拉近与美国之间的距离。
Sources close to Lindsay say it was her idea to meet with Michael, while her mother and Michael's ex-wife Dina was in New York. 而根据知情人士的话说,与父亲的会面时林赛-罗汉自己的意思,而她的母亲,迈克尔的前妻――蒂娜当时人在纽约。
You back in May of this year in Tianjin, as the work of things, we were unable to Tianjin meet with you, I was very sorry. 今年五月你们回天津,因为工作的事情,所以未能到天津与你们相聚,我很是遗憾。
Meet with your manager at least once a year (every 3 or 6 months is even better) to talk about your job and your performance. 见你的经理,至少每年一次(每3个月或半年就更好了),谈谈你的工作和你的表现。
The company of the prophets said to Elisha, 'Look, the place where we meet with you is too small for us. 先知门徒对以利沙说,看哪,我们同你所住的地方过于窄小
Angry police confronted Mr. Correa and fired tear gas at him when he tried to meet with them. 愤怒的警察与科雷亚总统对峙,并在总统试图会见他们时发射催泪弹。
McChrystal had been in London for a speech and was directed to meet with the president in Copenhagen. 当时因作演讲而在伦敦的麦克里斯托尔奉命前来哥本哈根与总统会面。
We were a little surprised, for this was a newly-liberated area, and we had not expected to meet with such kindness from the villagers. 我们都有点惊讶。这是一个新的解放区,村民这样友善是出乎我们原来的想象的。
Though the general manager knew that he would meet with a lot of difficulties, he set himself to work with a will. 尽管总经理知道他会碰到许多困难,他还是坚定不移地开始了他的工作。
They notified me on the next day, "For the sake of letting you back to work, we will arrange a doctor to meet with you" . 第二天通知我,为了恢复工作,需要带我去一家他们安排的医院做一次鉴定。
Clinton's visit to Malaysia is part of her 13-day trip to meet with leaders of at least eight East Asian and Pacific nations. 马来西亚是克林顿国务部长为期13天的出访行程中的一站,她此行要会晤至少八个东亚与太平洋国家的领导人。
General Zachary Taylor commanded the American force. He sent one of his officers across the river to meet with Mexican officials. 扎伽利.泰勒将军领导着美国这支军队,他派遣他的军官渡过格兰备河去会见墨西哥官员。
Most pediatricians will meet with you before your baby is born to orient you to the practice and answer questions. 许多儿科医师会在婴儿出生之前见下你来确定你练习的方向并回答你的问题。
One day, a massive man carrying a railroad spike walked into the governor's office and said he needed to meet with me all alone. 一天,一个长得伟健的人拿着一颗铁路上的道钉走进了州长办公室,说是需要单独与我谈谈。
In June, Shafii told the New York Times that he had not been able to meet with the two men since taking up their case in late 2009. 6月,沙非曾告诉《纽约时报》,自从2009年接手这个案子之后他还没能和自己的委托人见过面。