
美 [miː]英 [miː]
  • n.肌痛性脑脊髓炎(全写为 myalgic encephalomyelitis,一种慢性疲劳症)
  • 网络我;么;代谢能(metabolizable energy)



人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... tell v. 告诉;讲述 me pron. (I的宾格) soon adv. 不久 ...

汉字编码查询系统 ... HEI 嘿 2657 黑 2658 ME 3520 麽 8765 NE 呢 3656 讷 5811 ...

代谢能(metabolizable energy)

代谢能/消化能平均为0.964±0.005,几乎不受品种和体重的影响.体重(LW)、食入代谢能(ME)和消化氮(DN)量是影响沉积能数量和 …


威翰地产 一站式美国置业顾问 021-68883268 ... (LA) 路易斯安那州 (ME) 缅因州 (MD) 马里兰州 ...


价格总览-中国万网( ... .tv 媒体域名 .me 我的域名 .co 公司域名 ...

韩庚 - 搜搜百科 ... 14、遥远的昔日( Song For You) 1、Me) 4、你是我的奇迹( Miracle) ...

千禧年版本(Millennium Edition)

...软继Windows 2000 和 Windows Millennium Edition (ME)后推出的一款"革命性"的操作系统,微软称之为继Windows 95以后 …

Now, all of a sudden, I realized that it was true what people told me, that I was an attractive woman. 现在,突然之间,我意识到,人们告诉了我的是真话,我是一个有魅力的女人。
They said the interview was just a formality, as they've already given me the job. 他们说面试不过是走走过场,因为他们已经把工作给我了。
Not very well. The girl just yelled at me and said "get off my back" . I think I'm going to have to talk to the apartment company. 我的老天,他们非但没向你道歉,居然还朝着你吼。不过那个女孩说“getoffmyback”是什么意思啊?
White smoke was heard that a person looked at me and said you think you text, she will be very sad, she said she miss you very much. 后来听见白烟说,看着我一个人在你文后说想你的时候,她也会很难过,她说她也很想念你。
To me, it was supposed a fine day. The sunshine in May warmly embraced the earth in her arms. 我以为这是一个晴好的天气,五月的阳光热情的拥抱着大地。
And this whole discussion as if it's some sort of economic burden, is a mystery to me. 而人们为什么会把这一切当做是某种经济负担对我来讲是个不解的谜团。
She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. She said, "If you will just listen to me before doing anything. " 她不想再给他添任何麻烦,她说:“能不能在您采取任何行动前容我说几句话?”
I used to wish to be a teacher of men, and it was a great disappointment to me when I found I could not enter the Church. 我曾经希望做人们的导师,但是当我发现我不能进入教会的时候,我感到了多么大的失望啊。
For me, that meant working in either the oil and gas group of an investment bank or consulting, rather than just joining the main pool. 对我来说,这意味着在投行或咨询行业的油气部门工作,而不仅仅是随大流。
Yes, we are good friends and I'd like us to be better friends so I'm going to ask you: would you like to go out with me? 是的,我们是好朋友并且我想我们要成为更好的朋友,所以,我要问你:你想和我约会吗?
it even occurred to me that some enamoured maidservant had stolen in to keep a tryst with her sweetheart. 我甚至想到,是一个风流的女仆溜进园子来跟她的心上人幽会。
She won't let me take her anywhere, claiming that she just wanted to be with me. 她不准我带她出去,并说只想和我呆在一起。
Show me a genuIne case of platonIc frIendshIp and I shall show you two old or homely faces. 给我看看柏拉图式友爱的实例好了,那我就会给你看看两个老头老太太的脸或是两张大丑脸。
'I said I'll pay $35. 05, and you can say you got the last nickel out of me, ' Mr. Buffett said. 巴菲特说,我说我将付35.05美元,而你可以说你把我最后一枚硬币给榨干了。
It was not until you told me that I knew What he had said at the meeting. 直到你告诉我,直到你告诉我,我才知道他在会上讲了什么。什么。
Now, let me ask you all a question: In which year in history do you think Britain was at the same income level China now is at? 请大家回答我一个问题:英国在历史上是哪年处于中国目前的人均水平?
A year previously when Leo called me up in my dorm and said, "Lee-hom, I just proposed to Stacy" , I was in a state of panic. 在此一年前,有一天哥哥打电话到宿舍告诉我:「力宏,我刚刚向Stacy求婚了。」我顿时慌张起来。
I felt that I was an orphan with no parents to take care of me, and that feeling pushed me to try to learn about what happened. 我觉得我是一个没有父母疼爱照顾的孤儿,这种感觉让我想要弄清楚,到底发生了什么。
He could scarcely pronounce my name but he taught me that it is not how much we give but how much love we put in the giving. 他连我的名字都说不清楚,但他教给我:重要的不在于我们给了多少,而是在我们给的时候有多少爱。
But I knew that such a cancellation would make me too sad to travel, so I ate my usual meal. 但我知道取消晚餐只会让我忧伤得无意出差,所以我一如平常地吃了晚饭。
Please do not bother me with teaching offers. Agency contracts also welcome. 英文教学免谈。也欢迎翻译公司来电。
Still, I wasn't prepared when, rummaging in a closet, I found a case that looked to me like a tiny guitar's. 然而,我还是没有思想准备,那是我在橱子里翻找东西时,发现一只像是装小吉它的盒子。
Today is Friday. Let me contact Steven to ask him to have dinner with us tomorrow evening in the old place. Do you agree? 今天是周五,我跟史蒂文联系一下,明晚请他吃饭,在老地方见,怎么样?
It sounds wonderful. But my capital is less than the requirement. Would you do me a favor to let me enjoy such preferential treatments? 看来很不错啊,我的资金离那个数还差一点儿,帮个忙,让我也能享受那些待遇,行不行?
The candidate stopped the interview to ask me if I had a cigarette . 有个求职者打断了面试,问我有没有烟抽。
If I got this job, I will be very hard to do it, I hope to give me a chance let me go to do it! 假如我取得了这份任务,我将会很努力去做它,我希望能给我一次时机让我去做好它!
If I get opportunities it's up to me to make it difficult to be left out of the side. 只要我获得机会,我就会抓住它,让人很难再把我排除在阵容之外。
Every one of the guys on the team came to me and said, "You've got to play. Can't you break the rule just this one time? " 球队里的每个人都来找我并对我说,“你必须去比赛。你就不能这次破一回规矩吗?”
He wants me to get back to being the old Mac, if not better, and the way I feel now I'm in great shape and I'm ready to roll. 他希望我如果做不到更好,那么也要恢复到以前的水准。而我现在感觉状态很好,已经准备好出发了。
"My wife is constantly telling me to stop looking at her hands or mentally dissecting her forearm, " he says. “我老婆不断地告诉我,别老盯着她的手,或者琢磨她的前臂的解剖学结构,怪吓人的”他说。