ward off

  • v.挡开;架开
  • 网络避开;防止;挡住

第三人称单数:wards off 现在分词:warding off 过去式:warded off

ward offward off

ward off


Why is rice thrown at weddings? ... rationale: 基本原理 ward off: 避开,挡住 blissful: 有福的 ...


大学英语六级词汇真题练习题 ... ) set aside 拔出 ) ward off 防止 ) shrug off 对...满不在乎 ...


关于off,on,down,up的短语_百度知道 ... melt off 熔化,溶解,消失 ward off 挡开,架开,避开,防止… count off 报数,报出数字 ...


Why is rice thrown at weddings? ... rationale: 基本原理 ward off: 避开,挡住 blissful: 有福的 ...


搪_百度百科 ... 2. 同本义[ draw] 3. 抵挡[ keep out;ward off] 5. 骗取,混[ take pertunctorily] ...


印度黑公交轮奸案主谋竟是未成年人 ... accomplice: 共犯,同谋,帮凶 ward off: 避开,避免 mastermind: 出谋划策者 ...


关于off,on,down,up的短语_百度知道 ... melt off 熔化,溶解,消失 ward off 挡开,架开,避开,防止… count off 报数,报出数字 ...


英国独特的六大传统_北外网院_新浪博客 ... 6. stoicism: 坚忍,恬淡寡欲。 18. ward off: 避开,挡开。 21. brewery: 啤酒厂,酿 …

As the year wore on, the claim was repeated but seemed more and more desperate, as if it were a spell to ward off recession. 随着时间的流逝,这一说法不断出现,但显得越来越不顾一切,就如同一道能防止经济衰退的咒语。
Security officers at railroad companies began to ward off rail fans, fearing that they might be a terrorism threat. 铁路公司的保安人员开始驱赶铁道迷,担心他们是一个恐怖主义威胁。
The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。
Then he was down, rolling over and over in the warm sand, crouching with arm up to ward off, trying to cry for mercy. 然后他翻了下去,在暖乎乎的沙滩上滚呀滚呀、蜷曲着身子,双臂举起保护头部,想要大声讨饶。
Mr. Baoding warded off bones to subtly break down cattle. His way reveals the benefit that we ward off obstruct to accomplish tasks. 庖丁避开骨头,巧妙地分解牛体的做法,告诉我们避开障碍以完成任务的好处。
They do have tools to try to ward off deflation, and should use them. However, they may not be able to live up to expectations. 他们有工具试图抵御通缩,也确实应该使用它们。
AIDS, acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is usually a fatal disease which leaves the body unable to ward off infection. 艾滋病――获得性免疫缺损综合症是一种使人体丧失免疫能力的通常致命的疾
A year ago they tore up the rule book to bail out Greece and to ward off market attacks on other fiscal reprobates in the euro area. 一年前,他们违反了规则对希腊进行纾困,以避免其它有债务问题的欧盟国家也受到市场冲击。
Despite Mr. Rubin's remarks, some industry executives report Google has been more active in trying to ward off fragmentation. 尽管鲁宾这样说,但一些行业管理人士称,谷歌一直在更积极地试图阻止Android分散化。
Of the seven staff in Wraps' corporate headquarters, two do nothing but ward off lawsuits from former employees. 在Wraps总部的七名员工中,有两名员工啥也不干,专门处理以前员工对他们的诉讼。
The Syrian army was designed as a static force to ward off an Israeli attack, but it has shown itself to be surprisingly flexible. 叙利亚军方在应对以色列袭击的时候被描述成静态部队,但在这次它却展示了惊人的灵活作战能力。
When fed a low-calorie diet, the body makes more SIRT1, and seems to ward off disease better and live longer. 在低卡路里饮食的情况下,人体会表达更多的SIRT1,这可能是用来预防疾病从而生存的更长。
And it seems the trees' thin, flat leaves may also be able to ward off illness, as they have high levels of compounds called polyphenols. 同时,看来又薄又平的树叶也可以预防疾病,因为它们含有许多多酚类化合物。
With the help of a magical golden staff, they ward off the nymphs that try to seduce them, then hide when Rinaldo and Armida appear. 在一根神奇金杖的帮助下,他们抵制住了少女们的诱惑,接著当里纳尔多和阿米达出现时,他们便藏了起来。
It concluded that maintaining a healthy weight and cutting down on smoking and drinking are far better ways to ward off the disease. 这项研究表明,保持合理的体重,少吸烟喝酒更有助于让人体远离疾病。
Those conditions made it easy for you to meet each other's emotional needs, and tended to ward off Love Busters. 这些基础条件决定了彼此能较容易地满足对方的情绪需要,抵御爱情克星。
And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness. . . is to shine the light of compassion. 而有的时候,唯一避免黑暗的方法就是——同情的闪耀之光。
Many of us jog or swim or hit the gym in an attempt to keep fit, and to help ward off ailments like heart disease and diabetes. 很多人都选择通过慢跑、游泳或是到健身房健身来保持健康,不受诸如心脏病啊,糖尿病啊之类的疾病困扰。
HIV attacks the T-cells of a patient's body which are the cells that help the body ward off germs and infection. HIV病毒专门攻击病人体内那些抵御细菌和传染病入侵的T细胞。
Lots of makeup claims to have sun screens that block harmful rays, but it's probably not enough to ward off skin damage. 很多化妆品都声称有防晒成分阻挡有害射线,但实际上它们远远不够用来防止皮肤损伤。
A positive mental attitude and a cheerful, optimistic attitude are needed to ward off the danger of cancer, experts suggested. 专家提醒人们保持积极向上、乐观开朗的心态,以防止负面情绪累积造成“癌症性格”。
To conquer one diseased condition makes it easier to ward off or to conquer other diseased conditions. 战胜一种病痛可以使我们产生免疫或者有能力去战胜其他病痛。
Whether in order to ward off evil, or praying, red, all with a strong desire to live, will, and pursuit. 不论是为了辟邪、还是祈福,红色,都包含着强烈的生活的愿望、意志和追求。
They help to ward off the anti-aging process by providing the body with nutrients that starve off wrinkles and saggy skin. 通过为饥渴的皱纹和下垂的肌肤提供养分,来抵抗肌肤老化的过程。
Meanwhile , the Bank of Japan slashed rates to ward off an export decline , and stoke up more domestic demand . 美联储已经宣布紧急措施,防止经济进入衰退,同时也有可能会进一步削减贷款利率。
He was too old to react fast enough to ward off a wolf attack and Danni was not as quick to move out due to her pregnancy. 他年纪大了,不能快速反应击退狼的进攻,因为怀孕,丹尼也无法快速行动。
Still other legends exist about St Christopher actually being granted the face of a dog by God, to ward off unwanted female attention. 还有传说圣克里斯托佛其实是被上帝赐予了狗的面孔,以避开自己所不希望的女性的注意。
And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compbuttion. 有时,抵挡黑暗的独一办法就是发出慈祥的光芒。
Infections. As the body ages, the immune system weakens, making it harder for the dog to ward off infections. 受感染机会增加。当身体老化,免疫系统减弱将导致狗狗们更难抵挡疾病的感染。
Ysilla glared at Tyrion and made a peculiar stabbing gesture with three of her fingers. A sign to ward off evil. 伊西拉怒视着提利昂,用三根手指做了个剧烈的动作——一种避开邪魔的手势。