write off

  • na.注销(债款等);报废;提笔就写(文章等);减低资产账面额
  • 网络勾销;取消;冲销

第三人称单数:writes off 现在分词:writing off 过去式:wrote off 过去分词:written off

write offwrite off

write off


大学英语四级常用词组 ... write down 写下;把…描写成 write off 注销;勾销;写信寄出 write out 写出,全部写出 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... write down 写下;把…描写成 write off 注销;勾销;写信寄出 write out 写出,全部写出 ...


BEC中级、高级考试词汇超值下载篇-BEC商务英语 ... work station 工作位置 write off v. 取消 write-off n. 债务的取消 ...


银行业术语-英文 - MBA智库文档 ... on-and off-balance sheet 表内和表外项目 write off 勾销,注销(债款);报废 suspend 暂 …


IAS2007国际会计准则 - MBA智库文档 ... useful life 使用寿命 write off 冲销 self-constructed assets 自建资产 ...


石油英语词汇(W2)|生物化学专业英语词汇 ... write magnetic tape 写入磁带 write off 销帐;冲销 write operation 写入操作 ...


热门商业术语中英文对照 [南方网教育频道] ... cutoff point: 起征点 write off勾销债款 upstart: 暴发户;新贵 ...


会计英语词汇 ... Write down 减记 Write off 转销,注销 Year-end-adjustment 年终调整 ...

When the bank makes a payment for a confirmed deferred payment, it shall write-off the said deferred payment in the system. 银行为经确认的延期付款对外支付时,须在系统中对该笔延期付款办理相应的注销手续。
And with spirit like this you cannot write off their title chances. They are capable of digging out victories even when below their best. 拥有如此的士气,你不能否认他们夺冠的可能。即使他们不在最佳状态,但他们依然可以获得胜利。
Despite all this, it would be a mistake to write off the president. 尽管如此,小觑这位法国现总统将是一种错误。
It is often paid for by the employer or is a tax write-off for business owners or freelancers. 它往往是由雇主或是税务注销的企业家或自由职业者所支付的。
If you think that the value of any of the businesses you have acquired has gone down, you can write off some or all of that Goodwill. 如果你认为你所购买的企业价值下降了,那就可以对商誉的部分或者全部进行减值处理。
Yet it's going to be tough selling a fickle fan base that this season is just a write-off before it even begins. 然而,这将是艰难的销售薄情的球迷基础,这个赛季仅仅是一个注销之前就开始了。
Today when he came into my store, I decided to just give him the computer unconditionally and write off all the money he owed me. 今天他再一次来店里,我决定免除他所余欠费,无条件的把电脑给了他。
On opening the cases we found that 25 sets of video-recorders had been damaged by sea-water, and seem to be a complete write-off. 打开箱子以后,我发现有25台录像机因海水受到损坏,看来似乎已完全报废。
It is no secret that during the financial crisis companies did not write off as much goodwill as they probably should have. 有一点并不是什么秘密,那就是在金融危机期间,企业核销的商誉(goodwill)很可能低于它们应该核销的金额。
The bank hopes urgently that the superior sector would agree that they write off the dead loan . 银行方面迫切希望上面同意他们能够注销呆滞贷款。
'to write off' means that you decide someone or something is unimportant or not to be considered further. 的意思是,你决定某人或某事并不重要,或者说不用进一步考虑了。
The day is a complete write-off and I head off to bed to sulk. 我对这个地方满腔怨恨,这一整天一无所获,我闷闷不乐地上床睡觉。
Having said that, many of these issues could be addressed through a few simple interface tweaks, so don't write off VeohTV just yet. 实际上VeohTV让整个过程太过复杂。刚刚说过的这些问题通过一些简单的界面优化能够改进,因此不要马上关掉VeohTV。
When an asset is reduced, as prepaid insurance was here, it is said that there has been a write-off of part (or all) of the asset. 当财产被减少,如同被预付的保险这里是,据说有是部份(或所有的)注销财产。
The weekend has been a write-off on the sex front, yet Colin and I feel closer and more relaxed than we have in a long time. 这个周末我们算是从性爱前线上撤下来了,但我和科林感觉更亲密也更放松了,这种感觉久违了。
"People who write off London as a capital markets centre - they do it at their peril, " he said. 他说:“那些不再把伦敦看做资本主义市场中心的人们,你们后果自负。”
It also can write off the total value of the systems in the year they are built, an accounting benefit called accelerated depreciation. 谷歌还可以报销今年安装的太阳能系统的成本,这称为加速折旧的会计收益。
Now, having taken a huge write-off on a 2006 acquisition, it has by far the highest leverage of any of the super majors. 但在大幅注销了2006年的一项收购后,它现在已是所有超级石油巨头中负债率最高的公司。
For five years, he would let companies immediately write off against profits the full cost of equipment meant to last three to five years. 在未来五年,他会要求各家公司立即冲减设备的全部成本,不管其利润状况如何,而原本这些成本的冲减是需要三到五年的。
Looked at more broadly, Chinese IPOs have not been a total write-off for foreign banks. 不过,若将视野扩大,外资银行在中国IPO业务上的表现也并非一无是处。
And he wants to sell some of the IMF's stash of gold to pay for the write-off of its loans. 同时他还希望出售IMF的黄金储备用以偿还勾销的贷款。
That way, I would be able to write off virtually all of my income, including ordinary living expenses, and pay nothing to the government. 在这一情况下,我可以使用我的收入去支付我的日常生活开支,而不用给政府一分钱。
It will force the banks to write off another slice of the bad debt, and repay a chunk of it from its own budget. 它将迫使各银行减记部分呆账,另外从自己的预算中偿还一部分债务。
When risks materialise in the form of bad loans that cannot be recovered, the banks have to write off those loans. 在坏帐出现,银行没有可能收回有关贷款时,便要撇销这些贷款。
Not for you, Class of 2000. You are a write_off, so I'll let you slink off to your pathetic $ 200, 000, a-year jobs. 不过不是为你们,2000年的毕业生,你们已被一笔勾销,已经没有任何价值了,你们会去做那可怜的年薪20万美元的工作。
write off He wrote off three cars in a year because of his dreadful driving. 因他的可怕的驾车技术,他一年内报废了三辆车。
Don't let corporations write off the cost of hiring foreign workers as a business expense. 不要允许企业用雇用外国工人的成本当作商业成本来做抵扣。
Delegates expressed their concern that today's global economy is exploitative , and said creditor nations should write off their debts. 代表们担心现在的全球化经济是剥削性的,并说债权国家应勾销他们的债务。
The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life is termed as amortization. 将无形资产的成本在其存续期内系统化地结转到费用叫做摊销。
And I can't imagine a write-off on the scale doing wonders for the U. S. credit rating. 并且我不认为这种规模的抵消会为国的信用评级创造任何奇迹。