be about to

  • na.准备
  • 网络即将;正打算;将要

be about tobe about to

be about to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... abound in 盛产,富于,充满 be about to 即将(做) above all 首先,首要,尤其是 ...


考研情感态度词 - 豆丁网 ... be able to 能够,胜任 68 be about to 正打算 69 be accustomed to 习惯于 70 ...


最常用英语短语_百度文库 ... back up 支持,为……撑腰 be about to 准备,将要,正打算 bear in mind 记住,记在心里 ...


2 医学英语¸txt - 豆丁网 ... offer vt. &n. 提供; 贡献 be about to. . . (不久) 就要, 即将 training n. 训练; 培养 ...


unit17 Great women_教案_课件 ... Somehow 以某种方法 Be about to 正要; Find sb. doing 发现某人做某事 ...


快的组词、... ... ◎ 快言快语[ outspoken] ◎ 快要[ be about to;be going to;be on the verge of] ◎ 快意[ be blissfully happy] ...


高考英语听力习语必备 ... at somebody’s service 愿意为某人效劳 be about to 就要做 be absent from school 缺课,没上学 ...


人教版新课标高中英语必修3-4要点综述 ... Neither…nor 既不…也不… 1. be about to 即将做某事 I wonder if/whether… 不知您 …

They were keen to see Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, who seems to be about to announce that he will run for president. 他们迫切希望见到现德克萨斯州州长里克·佩里,他将在这次集会上宣布参加总统竞选的决定。
No matter my home darling eats and drink what can seem to be about to spit come, how should notice to do without cough really? 我家宝宝不管吃喝什么就会好像快要吐出来,实在没有咳嗽该注意怎么办?。
Stalking seems to be becoming more common; but now the criminal-justice system, which has been slow to respond, might be about to catch up. 缠扰行为似乎变得越来越普遍;虽说现在为止刑事司法系统对这种恶行的反应仍有些迟钝,不过可能马上就会得到改善。
Just as there are signs of a nascent US recovery, Washington may be about to douse whatever anaemic growth prospects are on offer. 正当美国经济初露复苏苗头之际,华盛顿可能给本已十分低迷的经济增长前景再浇上一盆冷水。
Feel when to oneself take a look, be about to take a rest, be just the opposite to what one wished otherwise. 觉得自己走神时就要休息一下,不然适得其反。
And then one step up the long tail of the article page make keywords baidu after come, be about to the corresponding maintenance. 紧接着上一步长尾百度关键词的文章页面做出来了之后,就要对其进行相应的维护。
"We may be about to turn the corner and see a reversal, with liquidity becoming less available, " he says. “我们可能即将迎来拐点,目睹一次逆转,资金将变得不那么容易获得。”
If everything had gone to plan Estelle would be about to embark on a flight from her Beijing home to England for her honeymoon. 如果一切按照按计划进行,28岁的品牌经理Estelle原本即将从北京飞往英国度蜜月。
But I feel very sad at the moment that a player I held up as high as the King himself, may be about to leave this famous club. 但我仍然为一位在我心目中可以和国王并肩的球员想要离开球队的决定感到难过,仅此而已。
The Italian press has speculated for months that Clooney might be about to propose marriage to her. 意大利媒体近几个月来一直在猜测,克鲁尼可能马上将向她求婚。
It has been one of the most influential theories about exchange rates in the age of globalisation and it may be about to go up in smoke. 在全球化时代,这一直是最具影响力的汇率理论之一,但它可能很快将化为乌有。
Meanwhile, two of the world's major central banks may be about to cut key interest rates in an attempt to boost the economy. 与此同时,世界两家主要中央银行可能即将降低基本利率,以期推动陷于困境的全球经济。
Should you be about to put the finishing touches to a creative project, it could bring you a lot more acclaim than you were expecting. 你应该即将要给一个创造性的计划填上最后一笔,它能给你带来非常多的喝彩,超过你过去一直所期望的。
Next time a man smiles at you be on your guard - you could be about to make yourself submissive. 下次一个男人要是对你微笑,可要当心了——也许你马上就会屈服了。
Helicopters of a different sort could be about to drop huge amounts of currency in a parallel effort to cool Japan's overheated yen. 另一种“直升机”可能即将注入巨额货币,为过热的日元降温。
All of this has observers wondering whether inflation might be about to take off again, as it did in early 2008. 所有的这些使得观察家们怀疑是否又将会发生像2008年初一样的通货膨胀。
Indeed, if politicians had paid greater heed to the exchanges, they would have noticed that food prices may be about to turn. 如果政客们稍稍有点耐心,那么食品价格的逆转的事实应该不难发现。
But as the Great Recession rages on and the plight of the long-term unemployed becomes more desperate, that may be about to change. 但是经济大萧条狂潮和长期失业的境遇使人越趋绝望,状况可能要发生改变。
To database watch, be about to decide watch name is to use complex number or odd number form at the beginning from the project. 对数据库表来说,从项目一开始就要确定表名是采用复数还是单数形式。
clear to what be about to be faced with probably dish of crisis, partner is summed up distressedly when accepting a reporter to interview. 对于或许即将面临的清盘危机,有股东在接受记者采访时痛心地总结。
In the tiger year be about to go hare year forthcoming during, the Party Central Committee, the State Council held economic job meeting. 在虎年即将过去兔年即将来临之际,党中央、国务院召开了经济工作会议。
It is right only the boat undertakes whitewashing afresh, be about to cost more than 100 thousand dollar. 单单是对船进行一次重新粉刷,就要花费超过10万美元。
This may be about to change, if Alok Sutradhar of Ohio State University has his way. 如果来自俄亥俄州州大学的AlokSutradhar的研究方法能够得到实现,上述情况就会有所改变。
It is therefore no small matter that this glory may be about to end . 因为一件不小的荒唐事,这一切的荣耀也许将走向它的尽头。
But the star may well be about to crash to earth, in his home state at least. 不过这颗星星恐怕很快就要坠落了,至少在他的家乡州是这样的。
I start using it let me from the lips have been so delicate and charming be about to drip! 我从开始用它就让我的双唇一直这么娇艳欲滴!
Which kinds of affection in life is worth to cherish most? Be brought up to be about to lose the friend beside and dear one? 生命中哪种情感是最值得珍惜的?是不是长大了就要失去身边的朋友和亲人呢?
Some economists now wonder if the current wave might also be about to break. 现在,一些经济学家在怀疑,本轮全球化浪潮是否也即将破灭?
The crow listened to very happy, be its opening mouth be about to sing a song of time, the meat is from the mouth in dropped to come out. 乌鸦听了非常高兴,当它张嘴正要唱歌的时候,肉从嘴里掉了出来。
Indeed, having sprinted to catch up, the challengers may be about to discover that the real race has only just begun. 事实上,通过冲刺式的迎头赶上之后,挑战者们可能会发现,真正的比赛才刚刚开始。