burst out

  • na.冒出;现出;突然发作;突然发生
  • 网络突然……起来;迸发;爆发

第三人称单数:bursts out 现在分词:bursting out

burst outburst out

burst out


成人本科学位英语考试词组表 - 豆丁网 ... burst on 突然出现, 到来 burst out 突然起来, 大声喊叫 be used to 习惯于 ...


常用英语动词短语_百度文库 ... pick out 选出 burst out 迸发 carry out 执行 ...


高一英语必修一Unit 4 reading知识点讲解(1) ... 3. jump ou of 跳出 4. burst out 爆发 2 come out of 出来 ...


高考中译英试题解读分析(二) - 豆丁网 ... burst into 爆发出;闯人 burst out 突然发作 care for 关心,喜欢 ...


巧记善辨动词和动词词组 ... break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚 burst out 迸发,爆发,突然发出,大声叫喊 call out 大声 …


Toefl 词组... ... carry out 贯彻, 执行; 进行(实验、测试等) burst out 突然说出; 突然(哭、笑、叫)起来 give off 发散, 放出 ...


高二精选单选 快!!!!!_百度知道 ... burst out 大声喊叫,突然发生 burst up 爆炸,失败,垮台 ...


英语培训-搭配和短语_ ... break out 突然发生;爆发;逃走 burst out 突然发生;冲出 cancel out 相互抵消 ...

Hearing that he would be punished by law, Wen burst out crying, alleging that he did not kill his wife with vice. 文裕章听到法院要追究自己的刑事责任,当即嚎啕大哭,声称自己并非故意害其妻。
He told me that she had burst out into a flood of tears there. 他告诉我说,谈到那个地方她就放声大哭了起来。
Rocky: Hey, I got my own set of problems to worry about. Besides, this birdcage can't be that hard to burst out of. In fact, watch me. 罗基:嗨,我自己也有烦恼。再说了,要从这鸡笼出去也没什么难的。就瞧我的吧。
All of a sudden a man burst out of the building, and made off down the road. 突然,一个人从大楼里冲出来,沿着大路逃跑。
Just as Elijah finished his prayer and everyone stood silently watching, fire burst out of the alter and everything was covered in flames. 正如以利亚完成了他的祈祷,大家默默地看着,火迸发的改变,一切都在大火覆盖。
As I pulled into the driveway, my husband burst out the door and came up to me. 当我把车开到车道上后,我的丈夫从家门冲出,来到我跟前。
He just waits, stares. MACON (the words burst out of him) If I draw on you you'll kill me. (他脱口而出)如果我瞄准你,你会杀了我。
His tears burst out of his eyes , and he rushed out of the room to ask for a help. 他顿时泪水夺眶而出,冲出门外寻求帮助。
The strict army man wasn't one for joking, but when he realised what he'd said he burst out laughing. 她严厉的父亲是一位不苟言笑的军人,但当他意识到自己刚才所说的话时,也忍不住笑起来。
Whereupon he burst out into a long story in German and English, so mixed up that I could not quite understand exactly what he said. 于是他滔滔不绝地讲起一个故事,故事很长,英、德混杂的语言让我不能完全理解他的话,只听了个大概。
Because costars did not make arrangements beforehand, we burst out laughing in ad lib of a partner, and made NG a lot. 因为合演时没有事先预演排练,我们和夥伴们会在表演时突然笑出来,也搞出了很多NG。
They burst out laughing. "You'd never get your husband through the door, let alone balance him on a spindly chair, " snorts Anna. 她们大笑起来,安娜说“你本来不该让你的丈夫进门,更不要说在长椅上倚门陪他了。”
You know what I think? I think you love me, too. Like you're just filled with it. Think it's just waiting to burst out of you. 知道我怎么想吗?我认为你也爱我,就好象你充满着爱。想象一下那爱爆发的感觉。
Liu, using a new start technique, burst out of the blocks in Shanghai, powering his way to the finish line in a time of 13. 07 seconds. 刘翔在上海采用上栏新技术,冲出障碍,一路奋力前进,以13.07秒的成绩达到终点。
Mr. Lever burst out, the sweat breaking on the backs of his hands and on his bald head. 利弗先生脱口骂了出来,手背和秃顶上已是汗水涔涔。
If you really think about what God has done in your life, you won't be able to help yourself - a song will just burst out of you. 如果你真的想过上帝在你的生活中为你所做的事情,你将不再只依靠自己的力量---仅仅一首歌就会是你感到解脱。
I was once in the midst of a heated battle when one of my team mates let out a huge fart, causing me to burst out into rapturous laughter. 曾经在比赛中与对手打的难分难舍,队友放了个很大声的屁,让我当场笑场。
It was fatal. The eyes of the two girls met. And immediately Lasaraleen sat up in the litter and burst out at the top of her voice. 这下可糟啦。两个少女的眼光碰到一起,拉斯阿拉莉恩立刻从轿子里坐了起来,拉开嗓门儿大声叫道。
Squeals of delight pealed through the throng of children and adults as I burst out of the door. 欢乐声在小孩子和大人中环绕冲出了病房。
The youngest child said, `I wish poor, poor Tess wasn't gone away to be a lady! ' and, lowering the corners of his lips, burst out crying. 最小的那个孩子说:“我真希望可怜的、可怜的苔丝没有离开家,没有去做贵夫人!”说完了,他把嘴角一咧,就大哭起来。
It is so easy to burst out in strong words or to talk to other people about our tragic situation and to indulge in self-pity. 激起我们言语激烈,或是不断向人诉苦,或是沉溺于自怜当中,实在是太容易了。
In the meanwhile, his son took a bite of his brioche , spit it out, and, suddenly burst out crying. 这时儿子咬了口蛋糕,又吐出来,忽然哭了起来。
Her grief, which she had hitherto tried to restrain, now burst out in a violent fit of hysterical sobbing. 她一直努力克制着悲哀,现在突然地放声大哭起来。
"A bad Easter and a bad year to you, and may you die by the sword! " she burst out. “让你复活节不得好过,这个年头不得好过,还得死在刀下!”她破口大骂。
When Esau heard his father's words, he burst out with a loud and bitter cry and said to his father, "Bless me-me too, my father! " 以扫听了他父亲的话,就放声痛哭,说:“我父啊,求你也为我祝福!”
Kevin: The dog was dead on the scene and it was flattened. . . I saw the bloody organs burst out in front of me. . . 那只狗当场死了,它被压扁…我看到了血腥的器官在我前面爆出来…
On hearing the death of her mother, the girl burst out crying. 听到母亲去世的消息,这个女孩大哭起来。
See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. 看哪,耶和华的忿怒好象暴风已经发出;是扫灭的暴风,必转到恶人的头上。
Leonard, raj and I are going to burst out the door and run away. 莱纳德拉杰和我一起冲出大门逃跑
He hesitated under Henry's direct gaze, looked around at the other diners, and all at once burst out in a howl of abuse at the waiter. 在享利的逼视下,他迟疑起来,望望周围就餐的人,随后立刻朝侍者大发雷霆。