be familiar with

  • na.精通;同…相好
  • 网络熟悉;对…熟悉;对…而熟悉

be familiar withbe familiar with

be familiar with


字典中 稔 字的解释 ... (4) 事物积久养成[ accumulate] (6) 熟悉[ be familiar with] (1) 年,年度[ year] ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fall to doing 着手(做)…;开始… be familiar with 对…熟悉 be familiar to 为…所熟悉 ...


求很多固定搭配_百度知道 ... be disappointed with 对(某人)失望 be familiar with 熟悉,精通 be honest with 对(某人)真诚 ...


高考英语作文技巧 ... 46.落后,掉队 fall behind 47.对…而熟悉 be familiar with sth. 50.摸某人的脉 feel one’s pulse ...


英语选修8单词表_百度知道 ... 116. fall to pieces 摔成碎片 117. be familiar with 与……熟悉 118. be famous for 因……出名 ...


高中三年的重要英语短语 ... 593. prevent …from doing 阻止做… 599. be familiar with 对…很熟悉 600. earn one’s living 谋生 ...


熟_百度百科 ... 9. 表示程度深[ deeply] 1. 熟谙[ be good at;be familiar with] 2. 熟菜[ cooked food] ...


Great Scientists教案 ... take back 收回(诺言); be familiar with 某人对…很熟悉 at first sight 乍一见 ...

Every manager should be familiar with how every thing in his or her department works, and be prepared to jump in if needed in a crisis. 每个管理者都应该熟悉自己的部门是怎么运转的,而当出现危机的时候,管理者就应该准备参与其中。
You should be familiar with the page directive already, so the above code should be easy to understand. 您应该已经比较熟悉这页指令了,因此上述代码应该很容易理解。
It does not cover all aspects of Cake, merely enough to enable beginners to understand terminology they may not be familiar with. 它并不包含CakePHP的所有方面,仅仅是帮助初学者能够理解他们还不熟悉的领域。
Must work over its proverbs to be familiar with the language and to understand the culture of a nation. 要全面掌握、熟悉一个民族的语言,了解一个民族的文化,就必须研究它的谚语。
Not that he watched much TV, either, he said, but he thought that she, being from Los Angeles, would be familiar with these things. 他说,他也不太多看电视,但想到既然她来自洛杉矶,应该对这一类事情比较熟悉。
Suffice it to say that anyone wanting to create a database system must be familiar with the concept of normalization. 任何想要创建数据库系统的人们必需熟悉标准化的概念,只要说明这个就够了。
Java programmers looking to call into Scala should also be familiar with traits as a mechanism for using Scala. 希望使用Scala的Java程序员也应熟悉特征,将其作为使用Scala的一种机制。
The operating workers must be familiar with different brands, it's easy to increase the operational error, affect the schedule. 不同口径其接续位置亦不同,作业工必须熟悉不同厂牌口径的操作方式,容易增加作业失误,影响管材拆装时程。
I am aware that while UTAC had been a shareholder of AT2 since day one of AT2, some of you may not be familiar with UTAC group. 我知道,虽然联合科技一直以来都是AT2的股东,但你们当中有些人可能并不熟悉联合科技集团。
You may be familiar with a slightly different variation of that expression, which stems from object-oriented programming. 你能够熟悉一个略微不同的变化,表达,这源于面向对象编程。
Business composition: Be familiar with the key businesses that make up the company and their respective revenue and profit contributions. 业务构成:应该了解一个公司的主要业务构成以及各业务部门的营业额和利润贡献。
Whether you're in an exotic foreign land, town or village, the Expo will definitely be familiar with the matter. 不管你身处异域他乡,还是乡村小镇,对于世博会这事一定不会陌生。
Most people who have been around on the Internet for at least a few years will be familiar with the diet-coke-Mentos volcano. 大部分在网上混了几年的人对可乐—曼坨珠火山可能并不陌生。
Be familiar with PLC, VFD and instrument control system, held at least two years maintenance experience in the field. 熟悉PLC,变频器,自控仪表,有2年以上相关维护工作经验。
The KOP must be familiar with Steven gerrard believes that Steven gerrard is to understand the title of honor, the pursuit. 相信熟悉杰拉德的KOP一定能明白那是杰拉德对冠军的向往,对荣誉的追求。
In this article, I will begin with a JSP file that uses elements you may be familiar with and discuss the pros and cons of such a page. 在本文中,我将以一个JSP文件为起点讨论该网页的优缺点,该文件中使用的元素可能是您所熟悉的。
To be familiar with the language, structure and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations. 能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。
the candidate is able to understand and modify drawings, or has relevant knowledge of drawings, and be familiar with the procedure of. 能看懂、修改图纸,或有图纸相关知识和经验,熟悉采购流程;
After you complete this lesson, you should be familiar with the solution and ready to start working with the solution files. 完成本课的学习后,应该熟悉解决方案,并能使用解决方案文件。
I do not know what you base that on, but I do not think he can be familiar with that report . 我不知道您根据的是什么。不过我不认为他会熟悉那份报告。
Operated just started some not to be familiar with, but was the very easy seat of honor, so long as you have known the flight rule. 操作上刚开始有些不习惯,不过还是很容易上手的,只要你掌握了飞行规律。
Those of you that might be familiar with Mexico -- Michoacan is a very colorful state. 你们中熟悉墨西哥的人应该知道Michoacan是一个色彩丰富的地方。
Beer fans will no doubt be familiar with the calming effect of hops, the female flowers used in beer making. 啤酒迷们无疑对啤酒花镇定的效果是非常熟悉的,其中雌花用于啤酒的制作。
e. g. Some people may know little about basketball , but when it comes to the Litte Giant Yao Ming , they must be familiar with him. 有些人可能吧不知道篮球,但当谈到小巨人姚明时他们一定很熟悉
The employee must be familiar with commonly used components and tools, machining and able to work independently. 必须熟悉常用零件,工具及加工,具备独立工作能力。
HLASM programmers will be familiar with the LOAD macro for loading a module into storage ready to branch to. HLASM程序员很熟悉通过LOAD宏把模块装载到存储中。
Be familiar with mechanical theory and mechanical assembling, be able to read mechanical drawings, and working out manufacturing process. 熟悉机械制造和组装工艺,能对机械图纸进行分析并作出装配工艺流程。
The paper finally advises EGP teachers to be familiar with a few aspects of fundamental professional knowledge in construction engineering. 建议EGP教师必须了解建筑工程专业基本概念性知识的几个主要方面。
For those of you who may not be familiar with fundamental analysis, let me explain. 如果你不了解基本面分析,请让我来解释。
By this course, students will realize the fundamental concept of Calculus and be familiar with the operation of derivation and integration. 教学内容本课程让学生了解微分、积分之基础观念与意义,并训练学生熟悉微分、积分的运算。