
美 [leŋθ]英 [leŋθ]
  • n.长度;(持续)时间的长短;(书或文件等的)篇幅;(电影的)片长
  • 网络全长;衣长;体长


maximum length,full length,same length,average length,great length
determine length,run length,shorten length,limit length




1.[u][c]长;长度the size or measurement of sth from one end to the other


2.[u][c](持续)时间的长短the amount of time that sth lasts

书;电影of book/movie

3.[u][c](书或文件等的)篇幅;(电影的)片长the amount of writing in a book, or a document, etc.; the amount of time that a film/movie lasts


4.有…长度的having the length mentioned

游泳池of swimming pool

5.[c]游泳池长度(一端至另一端的距离)the distance from one end of a swimming pool to the other

赛跑in race

6.[c](马或船的)自身长度the size of a horse or boat from one end to the other, when it is used to measure the distance between two horses or boats taking part in a race

细长的段long thin piece

7.[c]细长的一段(或一节、一根等)a long thin piece of sth


CSS参考手册v4.0.1_web前端开发参考手册系列 ... 其它( Other) 长度( Length) 角度( Angle) ...


全长(length):61cm 胸围(bust):43*2cm 腰围(waist):49*2cm 下摆宽(bottom):65cm 2834PO515蓝色 (Blue) 配色娃娃领双 …


首页-顺势钱潮旗舰店-- 天猫Tmall.com ... MINK 水貂 LENGTH 衣长 Style 风格 ...


体长(length)约20公分,翼长(wing length)约8-9公分。特徵 分布 台湾特有亚种,普遍留鸟(common residents)。


flash脚本语言_百度百科 ... - newline 换行符 - length 返回字符串的长度 - concat 合并多个数组 ...


长字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 长度〖 linearmeasiure;length〗 长短length;distance〗 长队〖 queue〗 ...


高中英语... ... let v. 让,允许,听任;设,假设;出租,租给 length n. 长,长度;一段,一节,程度,范围 lend vt. 把…借给, …

In brief, the best selection would be a pair of socks with good elasticity and above-ankle length. 总之,弹性较好、长度至脚踝以上的袜子是最好的选择。
But, as might have been expected from such an origin , no two people have agreed in the length of their standard. 但是因为来源如此,没有两个民族的标准长度是一致的,这是可想而知的。
The metric ruler is not so convenient to measure something of great length. 翻译用米尺来测量那些很长的东西很不方便。
He had come length of that broad glade, with the island of timber, pointed out by Dick. 他已经到了宽阔的林间空地尽头,这空地就是狄克曾经指点过的,长着密密丛丛树林的那块空地。
Both the larval head capsules width and the length of the body can be the standard of instars separation. 认为苹果蠹蛾幼虫头壳宽度和幼虫体长都可作为分龄标准。
Food production is likely to be severely affected by a decrease in suitable farm land and decrease in the length of growing seasons. 由于合适的耕种地减少以及生长季节的减短,粮食生产有可能严重受到影响。
Let me warn you about this Smith fellow. He seems like a nice, friendly guy. But it's wise to keep him at arm's length. 我要警告你关于这个史密斯家伙,他看上去是个友好可爱的家伙,但是你要与他保持距离。
The phases of a turn typically have different lengths. The length of each phase depends on the steepness of a hill and the shape of a turn. 通常,一个转弯的各个阶段的轨迹长度是不同的,它取决于雪道的陡峭程度以及转弯的形式。
The "stunned" zombie is not allowed to tag a human for a predetermined length of time. “晕厥”的僵尸在预定时间内不能再传染人类。
The hens lay many eggs, as artifical light is set up to run to the length of a spring day, and medicines are routinely added to their feed. 由于将人工光照的时间设定成春天白天的长度,并且定期地将药物加入饲料里,母鸡得以产下更多蛋。
She could not tarry long, for she felt unable to support the character she had assumed for any length of time. 她不能再拖延了,因为她感觉到这样假扮下去,她要露出马脚来了。
The test works by measuring the length of the telomeres and is able to then determine the biological age of a person. 这项检测通过检测染色体端粒的长度,就可以判定一个人的生理年龄。
The length of the name for the solution will cause the path to exceed the maximum path length allowed by the system. 该解决方案的名称太长,这会导致路径超过该系统所允许的最大路径长度。
The length of every four opposite edges are the same. 每相对的四条棱的长度相等。
The calculation of the length of the guide strip for the total guide flow device on a column plate was proposed. 提出了塔板全导流装置导流条长度的计算方法。
However, seniority or length of clinical practice did not improve knowledge or affect attitudes toward CPM. 然而,临床经验中的年资深浅并不影响医师们对癌症疼痛处理的知识与态度。
So the different ways of creating that approximation are if, and the length of the arrows now is going to be proportional to the rate. 所以产生那个近似的不同方法是如果,箭头的长度现在,和速率成正比。
The system can carry data at a rate of 50 gigabytes per second, enough to transfer a full-length HD movie in less than a second. 这套系统每秒具有50G比特的信息传输量,足以在1秒钟内完成一部全光高清电影传输。
Note that you may not wish to do this as the maximum length of a password may be of use to hackers who are trying to guess the password. 注意,您可能不想设置此属性,因为黑客可能会利用密码的最大长度来尝试猜测密码。
Instead of defining the length of an iteration in a RUP project, the workload is always aligned with the 30-day length sprint. 工作总是按照30天的“疾跑”排列下来的,而不是定义一个RUP项目的一次迭代的长度。
Sieve diameter is the length of the side of a square sieve opening through which the given particle will just pass. “筛析粒径”是指一个四方筛孔的边长,某已知的颗粒将恰好通过这筛孔。
Dr Coates and his team measured the ratio of the length of the men's index and ring fingers from photocopies of their right hands. 科茨博士和他的团队从右手的影印中测量这些男士食指和无名指的比例。
Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing a full-length, form-fitting Jacobs dress and four-inch platform shoes. 这时候,她穿着一件几乎长至脚踝、紧身的雅各布斯连衣裙,脚上是一双厚4英寸的松糕鞋。
Indicates that a string should be treated as if it were fixed length. 指示应该将字符串当作固定长度的字符串来处理。
The Arrow was over two tonnes in weight and was the length of two double decker buses. 这个箭头重超两吨,与两辆双层巴士的长度相当。
from Chengdu, Ya'an by the highway, turned muddy by the Shan Tin River Hailuogou up to take a day, a total length of 468 km. 由成都经雅安高速公路,翻泥巴山经田湾河达海螺沟需一天,全长468公里。
Moreover, it was not merely the father's telomere length that correlated with that of his offspring, but also his actual lifespan. 此外,不仅仅是父亲的端粒长度与其子孙后代的端粒长度相关,而且他们与孩子之间的寿命也相关。
climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes. 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵因被用于马六甲白藤的茎干的长度而引人注目。
Ariza is coming off of his first healthy season since his rookie season, and he brought length and a reliable shooting touch to the floor. 上赛季是阿里扎自新秀赛季以来第一个健康的赛季,他为湖人阵容带来高度和稳定的投篮贡献。
Cut out a few leaf shapes from green felt and hot glue a small length of the stem wire to the back of each. 绿色毛毡布切割出叶子的形状,背面粘上一小段铁丝。