
美 [test]英 [test]
  • v.试验;测试;检测;测验
  • n.试验;检测;考试;测验
  • 网络检验;考验;睾酮(testosterone)

复数:tests 过去式:tested 现在分词:testing

pass test,take test,test method,do test,fail test
preliminary test,standard test,real test,acid test,final test
thoroughly test,carefully test


n. v.

知识;能力of knowledge/ability

1.测验;考查an examination of sb's knowledge or ability, consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to perform

健康of health

2.(医疗上的)检查,化验,检验a medical examination to discover what is wrong with you or to check the condition of your health

机器、产品等of machine/product, etc.

3.试验;测试an experiment to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it

实力等of strength, etc.

4.检验;考验a situation or an event that shows how good, strong, etc. sb/sth is


put sb/sth to the test

使受考验;使受检验to put sb/sth in a situation which will show what their or its true qualities are

stand the test of time

经得起时间的考验to prove to be good, popular, etc. over a long period of time


首页_第1页_OpenLib_专业UI前端资源网站 ... Server - 服务端编程 Test - 测试 [ Image slideshow - 图片相册 ] ...


试_百度百科 ... ⑹初次使用[ first use] ⑻试验[ test] ⑽考查;考试[ examination;examine] ...


七年级英语单词表 ... visit 拜访;访问 test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 ...


科学哲学_百度百科 ... heuristic 启发法 test 检验 hypothesis 假说 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... visit 拜访;访问 test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 ...


安检部门必会的英语常用语都有那些_百度知道 ... CIF 到岸价 test 检测 report 报告 ...


考_百度百科 ... ◎考试[ examination;test;exam] ◎考验[ ordeal;trial;test] ◎考证[ textual criticism;textual research] ...


睾酮TesT) 病生和临床意义: 睾酮是雄性激素中活性最强的一种激素,其主要功能 是促进男性第二特征的发育和维持正常 …

Finland's teens score extraordinarily high on an international test. American educators are trying to figure out why. 芬兰青少年在国际学生测试中成绩突出,美国教育家想问问为什么。
Strain in the brain gives it a fatigue test which helps evaluate your mental stamina and capacity. 用脑过度是对你的精神耐力及智能进行评估的疲劳试验。
When it did, I first gave it a test run to see that everything was working proberly. 光盘到手后,我没有急着卸载重装,而是决定先试装一下看能不能通过。
You'll use each of the above functions in the next section as you formulate the form that you'll create to test the XForms PHP library. 在下一节中,您将使用上面的各个函数设置用于测试XFormsPHP库的表单(稍后创建)。
This has also been a test of China, though in a way the country seems not to understand. 这也考验着中国,虽然在某种程度上,这个国家似乎对此并不理解。
You've been selected to be part of an elite group to help test Hellgate: London, the highly-anticipated Action-RPG from Flagship Studios! 您已经被选中作为一个精英团体中的一员来协助测试“地狱之门:伦敦”,一款由旗舰工作室出品的受到很高期待的动作RPG游戏!
Darfur ex-girlfriend although she said the test results are negative, but she asked Alomar to her mental anguish caused by compensation. 前女友达尔称虽然她的检查结果是阴性的,不过她要求阿洛玛对她所造成的精神损失进行赔偿。
The problem is, at this point, we have no way to see what our test results are. 此时我们面临的问题是没有办法看到测试结果。
I tried to test him a little bit, see if he could go left, go right, that sort of thing. 我试了试他,看他能不能左突右冲,就这么试他。
At the beginning of the test, the fish did not know where to go, and they chose randomly. 测试开始时,鱼不知道往哪里游,它们随机选择。
The mother of the child wanted to test how lucky the Silver Shilling was, to see if the Silver Shilling was the true 'lucky amulet'. 孩子的母亲想看看这枚银先令能不能带来好运气,看看这枚银先令是不是真正的“幸运符”。
There was no better time to test for ethical conduct than during such a dire economic crisis and the scramble to survive. 在如此严重的经济危机与力求生存之际,正是测试个人职业道德的最佳时机。更详细。
Back to the point, if I meet someone who's really attractive, she scores points. She's passed the first test. 回到重点,如果我遇到了一位确实很吸引我的姑娘,她有很多优点。她过了第一关。
The test result shows that this algorithm can be used for traffic warning to a certain extent to reduce traffic accidents. 测试表明,本文所提算法能够在一定程度上对交通事故进行提前预警,对于减少和避免交通事故发生具有重要意义。
But a routine blood test revealed the Londoner had a problem with four tiny glands in her neck, which needed to be removed. 但一项例行血检显示,问题出在她脖子上的应该切除四个小腺体。
Obama, sad to say, failed the farm bill test. McCain may have found a theme for a nation that has lost faith in its own institutions. 令人悲哀的是,奥巴马在农业议案的考验面前败下阵来。麦凯恩或许已经为这个对其自身的机构丧失信心的国家找到了一个主题。
The next test is the midweek round against high-flying Catania, who are pushing for a place in the top four. 下一场比赛是在周中对阵有雄心壮志的卡塔尼亚,他们在四强中占有一个席位。
Also, if you do not wish to use the same number of containers in test that are in production, shorten the list and use fewer containers. 同样,如果您不希望在测试中使用与生产中相同数目的容器,就缩短列表并使用较少容器。
What they asked me to do is always taking several test before they make a recipe for you. 他们只会让你先去做一大堆的检查,然后简单地开个药方给你。
Those things that do not show up in the test scores-personality, ability, courage or humanity are completely ignored. 考分反映不出的那些东西——个性、能力、勇气或人道——完全被忽视。
There is so much emphasis on grammar, however, there doesn't seem to be much room for communication. It feels like a test. 我们在课堂上,经常过多地强调语法,没有多少进行交流的余地。
In he leave of the half month , I still will make it a rule of remind of him , always feel this is give one of my test . 在他离开的半个月里,我还是会习惯的想起他,总觉的这是给我的一个考验。
CONCEPT TEST: How much money would you spend on FOOD per person each visit? 概念测试:每来一次在吃这方面的人均消费预算是多少钱?
The test shows that this device can enable a stable, reliable operation of the system and is easy to operate and maintain. 试验表明,该自动控制装置能够使系统运行稳定、可靠,且操作和维护方便、简单。
One night, to test her out, we accompanied her to a place that she suggested. 一天晚上,为了查明她究竟更喜欢什么,我们陪她来到一个她提出要去的窑子。
If you take her to the woodshed every time she flunks a test, it's very possible that you'll destroy this promising child. 如果她每次测验不及格,你们都要惩罚她,你们很可能毁了这个很有前途的孩子了。
You need to test your knowledge out in the world before you can start teaching others what you know. 在你能够开始教别人你所知的东西前需要在社会中去实践你的知识。
That might have seemed like a practical solution then but imagine how much code it would take to test an interaction like this. 那看上去像是一个实用的解决方案,但是你想像一下测试这样的交互行为,会写多少代码。
North Korea's shock October test may have been an attempt to produce a smaller warhead to put on a missile. 北朝鲜10月突击试爆,也许就在试图生产一种小型核弹头,安装在导弹头上。
As you might recall, DbUnit facilitates working with databases by effectively managing their data within the context of a test scenario. 您可能回想起,DbUnit通过有效地管理测试场景中的数据简化了使用数据库的工作。