the loneliness

  • 网络孤独;寂寞相伴;跨过寂寞

the lonelinessthe loneliness

the loneliness


Pandora why why 试听 -- SongTaste... ... ment to share 精神分享 The loneliness 孤独 And it's deep 它的深 ...


He’s... ... Imagine 《想像》 演唱者 The loneliness 寂寞相伴 California Dreaming《 加 ...


请问你听过最感人的英文歌是那一首 -... ... And take me through 带领著我 The loneliness 跨过寂寞 And emptiness 越过空虚 ...


Babyface的The... ... koreyoshi 1 级 2010-08-03 The loneliness 是这个孤独 Loneliness n. 寂寞,孤独 ...


谁能告诉我一些好听的歌吗? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 《The Loneliness中文译名孤独的人 《Time of Our Lives》 中文译名荣 …


思念的极限The Loneliness)编辑本段The Loneliness - Babyface 编辑本段思念的极限(The Loneliness) 参考资料 开放分 …

Worst of all, she now began to feel the loneliness of the flat and seek the company of Mrs. Vance, who liked her exceedingly. 最糟糕的是,她现在开始觉得家里寂寞,要找非常喜欢她的万斯太太作伴。
just trying to make conversation. . . just trying to keep the loneliness at bay. . . you know? 只是想使谈话保持在海湾的寂寞…你知道吗?
I would like to bid farewell to loneliness, do not know ushered in the loneliness. 我想告别寂寞,却不知道迎来了孤独。
The loneliness, the heartbreak, the sacrifice you'll face as a woman with a dream on her own. 孤独、心碎以及牺牲,这是有梦想的女人今后必将面对的。——《美国恐怖故事》
The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared. 持有记忆最不好的部分不是痛苦。是寂寞。记忆是需要分享的。
Each night will be to attack the loneliness, with a ferocious mask, let me collapse at the first blow to the fragile heart to crumble. 每个深夜都会侵袭来的寂寞,带着狰狞的面具,让我本就脆弱到不堪一击的心彻底瓦解。
Middle of the night of the loneliness of my one man . . . way to go on the road, and perhaps still have to go on quietly in! ! 中东对我一个人孤独的夜晚…道路要走的道路上,也许还是要继续静静!
BOB WOODWARD'S latest fly-on-the-wall White House potboiler, "Obama's Wars" , is among other things an essay in the loneliness of command. 鲍勃•伍德沃最新的白宫纪实文学——“奥巴马的战争”,除了粗制滥造之外,还是一篇关于奥巴马无人可用的文章。
The loneliness of business that used to only exist at the top tiers has sifted downstairs throughout the corporate ranks. 过去仅仅在公司高层中存在的职场孤独感如今已往下扩散到公司各阶层了。
But the loneliness always torments me to whacked, then fall into a new dream with the more deep groan. 而寂寞总是折磨人至疲惫不堪,又带着更深的叹息浸入新的梦境。
It was apparently the loneliness and confusion of life in Britain that set this student on a path that led to terror. 很明显是伦敦生活的孤独和困惑让这个学生走上了恐怖主义之路。
Come in and crowd out the loneliness, fearfulness, and meaninglessness of my life. 请进入我的里面,把一切孤独,恐惧,无意义的生活挤出去。
Once more think this is a Qing Lian, in the loneliness of the fragrance of its own obligation to remain aloof. 曾,多想是一朵清莲,在寂寞的馨香中独自清高。
A woman cares about most is the home favorite is the husband, fear most is the loneliness, helplessness, no one to speak. 女人最在乎的是家,最爱的是老公,最怕的就是寂寞,无助,无人说话。
Day in and day out, I suffered the loneliness and tried to get rid of it by alcohol. 日复一日,我忍受着孤独寂寞,试图用酒精解脱自己。
I enjoy all the loneliness myself. I tolerate all the loneliness myself. I try to be a mature person. 我独自享受寂寞,独自承受孤单。努力让自己看起来像个大人。
Look, the mouth with a bottle of Nestle Ban Ban Qiao, mother to the baby, with this "little partner" , no longer feel the loneliness. 瞧,那个嘴上挂着的雀巢巧伴伴奶瓶,要妈妈的小宝贝,有了这个“小伙伴”,再也不感到寂寞了。
In the loneliness will not represent the forever loneliness , because in the dark sky will have a light existence. 现在的寂寞不代表永远的寂寞,因为黑暗的天空中会有一丝光线存在。
I am not trying to tell the loneliness what it should do, or what it is; I am watching for it to tell me. 我不试图去断定孤独应该是什么,或者它是什么;我在观察它,等待它告诉我。
There are also few new experiences for you, just the humdrum of daily life and the loneliness of having to get on with it on your own. 你也会拥有一些新的体验--平凡的日常生活、和依靠自己继续进行它的寂寞。
Their sense of solidarity is deepened by the loneliness of being in a foreign country. 他们的团结意识由于深处异国他乡而更加深化了。
But the loneliness and depression of the only-child adolescents always went up during the ages. 而独生子女青少年的孤独感和抑郁情绪则始终处于上升的趋势。
Stream beat the bluestone issued grunt sound, seem to stand the loneliness and financial into being a big band. 溪水捶打着青石发出咕噜咕噜的声响,似乎也不甘寂寞融进了大乐队之中了。
Or we look for a soul mate to chase away the loneliness. Of course a lover would be nice. 或者找个红颜知己是最好的解决寂寞的办法,当然有个情人更不错。
I just had an unlimited no intention to find happiness in a certain corner of the loneliness in the same awake. 就像当初我从无限的快乐中无意发觉了某个角落在苏醒着的孤独一样。
Yes, the book, such as music, music like the book, they accompany me so that I can grow up to face the loneliness, relieved. 是的,书如乐,乐似书,它们陪伴着我,让我可以面对成长的孤独,释然。
When she had gone, I felt frightened by the loneliness to which she had abandoned me. 在她走了以后,我感到寂寞孤单,非常害怕。
But to my mind, the main appeal of the novel is the ordinary loneliness of Crusoe's hear , the loneliness that everyone experiences . 但我看来,小说最吸引人的是鲁滨逊正常孤独的恐惧,是每个人都经历的孤独。
Jesus is at our side today, helping us win the battle against loneliness and despair. And he uses us to dispel the loneliness of others. 耶稣此刻正在我们身旁,帮助我们胜过孤单和失望之苦,祂更使用我们去帮助别人除去孤单。
She tastes like the taste of bitter coffee as inconsistent with the loneliness and age. 她像品味苦咖啡一样品味着与年龄不符的孤寂感。