turn in

  • v.向里弯曲
  • 网络上交;上床睡觉;交出

第三人称单数:turns in 现在分词:turning in 过去式:turned in

turn inturn in

turn in


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等) 143) turn in 交出,上交 144) turn to 翻到,转向 146) ...


关于turn的短语_百度知道 ... turn around 船只留港 turn in 交上;归还;拐入;告发;[口]上床睡觉 turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 turn in 转身进入;拐入;交出 turn into 进入;使变成,使成为 ...


求动词和介词搭配的短语集合_百度知道 ... 1. turn against 转而反对 2. turn in 交进,上缴,归还 3. turn...into... 变成,转变成 ...


英语语法 介词 ... take part in 参加,参与 turn in 上床睡觉;交还,上交 on account of 由于,因为 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 turn in 转身进入;拐入;交出 turn into 进入;使变成,使成为 ...


关于turn的短语_百度知道 ... turn around 船只留港 turn in 交上;归还;拐入;告发;[口]上床睡觉 turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻 …

A sixth of a turn, followed by a third of a turn, the combined effect is as if I had just rotated it by half a turn in one go. 六分之一圈,接着是三分之一圈,合并后的效果就像我刚刚把它一次旋转了半圈一样。
Of course, the assignment solution that you turn in should reflect your own understanding, and not that of your fellow students. 当然,你交上来的作业答案应该反映出你自己的理解,不是其他同学的理解。
Eventually the chicken learns to turn in the desired directions, and a sequence of these form a dance. 终于,小鸡学会了按训练人的意图转来转去,这样连成一串结果就成了跳舞。
Diao added: "They need a little bit of a turn in luck and things to go for them maybe a touch more than they are right now. " 迪奥补充道:“他们需要一些运气转运,运气离现在的他们只有一线之隔。”
One young person was feverishly writing and the teacher asked her to turn in her paper. 一个少年人挥笔疾书,老师叫她交出答案。
After the verdicts, Susan Lewis, 46, of Great Yarmouth, told of her devastation at having to turn in her own son to the police. 在陪审团的裁决做出以后,来自于GreatYarmouth学院46岁的苏珊·刘易斯讲述了她不得不将儿子向警察局告发所受的毁灭性打击。
Flying allows you to quickly return to previous locations to turn in quests, meet up with friends, shop, visit the bank, and more. 飞行可以让你在任务中迅速返回前一个地点,拜访朋友,光顾商店,银行,等等。
Lund told the court his wife's death was a "tragic accident" and that she had taken a wrong turn in her 4x4 in stormy conditions. 隆德告诉法庭,他的妻子的死是一场“悲剧”,她在暴风雪里开错了四驱车的方向。
Now if you turn in a sentence like this, C expect to get a C on your paper because this is not good American English writing style, right? 如果你们的论文用这样的句子,只能拿到,因为这不是好的美式英语写作风格?
Joe Bryant, one-time head coach of the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks, said he intends to turn in his application Friday. 乔-布莱恩特,曾经是WNBA球队洛杉矶火花队主教练,他可能会在周五递交自己的应聘材料。
But he did not turn in to see her, he merely gave an order that the horse should be given to Voytov if he came while he was away. 但是他没有转到她这里来,他只吩咐了一声他不在的时候可以让沃伊托夫把马牵走。
But he came through that and he showed lots of character to keep his head up and consistently turn in high-quality performances. 但是他熬过来了,并且还显示出了一些持续进步的势头,并一直给出高质量的表现。
His heart would break under her sharp words, and when he was punished for failing to turn in his homework, he felt just miserable! 每次她说出尖刻的话时,他都感到自己的心已经碎了。每次完不成作业被罚的时候,他都感到非常痛苦。
With the cogs beginning to turn in my own mind, I was beginning to recall just why I must have been brought here. 整理了一些思绪,我开始回忆为什么我会被带到这来。
Our heroes Bunny. Found a factory to the bottom of the road, He wanted to turn in the road for each of the bombs off! 我们的英雄兔宝宝,发现了一条通往工厂最底层的路,在路上他要把每层的炸弹都排掉!
I won't come on deck, I think I'll turn in, and unless the wind shifts, I don't want to be disturbed before midnight. I feel a bit seedy. 我不上甲板了,我要上床了。要是风向不转,午夜之前别来叫我。我觉得有点不舒服。
Grandma is the absolute master of the garden, her turn in the garden all day long, and holds the harvest time. 奶奶是园子的绝对主人,她一天到晚在园子里转,并掌握着采摘的时机。
So they showed me getting into a small vehicle, like the little round ones in a theme park that turn in circles and move around. 他们显示要我进入一个小的交通工具,有点像主题公园里有的会转圈并四处移动绕圈的小东西。
I never got such a turn in my life as when I saw him grinning at me with his head on his shoulder as I climbed through the window. 当我爬进窗户一看见他那歪着头狞笑的样子,就把我吓坏了。
Moreover uses a repair company's advantage is free from worry, you turn in the money, other basic did not use the tube. 另外用装修公司的一个好处就是省心,你交上钱,其他的基本不用管了。
Do not allow students to turn in late work for full points at any time because this takes away the incentive to turn in work on time. 不要任何时候都允许学生迟交作业并且给满分,因为这样是纵容学生不按时交作业。
No one's going to say to them, 'You don't have to work extra hard to get that project done; just turn in what you got. ' 那时候可没人会跟他们说,‘你不需要为了完成这个项目而那么辛苦地工作,能做多少就做多少交上来吧。’
Averting a protectionist turn in the policy of every country should be the administration's top priority in trade. 贸易保护主义应是各国政府在贸易问题上最优先考虑的问题。
And then, towards the end of the last century, the tide seemed to turn in favour of the innovation minnows once again. 随后,在上世纪接近尾声时,潮流似乎再次转到有利于创新“小作坊”的方向。
Whirlwind, or around the strand, put up much taller, like the sand is leveled at the turn in the desert, drag careered down. 四处有的是旋风,一股一股的,把黄沙卷起多高,象是平地冒起的大烟,打着转在沙漠上飞跑。
"I write like that in the rough draft(7), but I try to catch the mistakes before I turn in the final draft, " she said. 她说:“打草稿时我喜欢这样写,定稿时我会尽力改正这些错误。”
One reaction of planets in the solar system to the Sun's vast magnetic field is to turn in opposition. 一个反应就是太阳系里的行星对太阳的巨大磁场作出的反应,转换位置。
You know, while you turn in the old gas guzzler, you get a rebate on a new vehicle. 你知道,当你交上旧的油老虎,你的新车就会得到一定的折扣。
To encourage people to turn in their firearms, authorties did not ask gun owners any questions when collecting their weapons. 为了鼓励市民交出枪支,当局在回购枪支的时候没有对枪支所有者提出任何的问题。
jane's worried she won't be able to turn in her paper on time. 简担心她不能及时交她的论文。