kill time

  • v.消磨时间
  • 网络打发时间;浪费时间;消磨时光

kill timekill time

kill time


九年级英语上册重点短语归纳总结 - 豆丁网 ... from time to time 偶尔 20. kill time 消磨时间 21. go off 响起 22. ...


光影快客的博客 - 光影快客 - 网易博客 ... keep an eye on 提高警惕 kill time 打发时间 lazy bones 懒骨头 ...


Just Gor For It!!! - 乃牛 - 网易博客 ... 86,in the works 正在准备阶段 88,kill time 浪费时间 1,a change of pace 节奏变换 ...


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... take one’s time 不着急,慢慢干 kill time 消磨时光 say goodbye to sb. 与某人告别 ...


time的用法 ... keep good time (钟、表等)走得准 kill time 消磨时间,消遣,打发时间 last time 上一次 ...


时间是一个人最宝贵的财富,可是还是有“杀死时间kill time)”的短语。让人诧异  若问时间有多重要,请看一年有多重要,去 …

She did not read simply to kill time, but the Bengali books which she read filled her whole mind. 她读书并不只是消遣,许多她读过的孟加拉语撰写的书籍充斥着她的思想。
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. 貌似你蹉跎岁月对于永恒无关痛痒。
You're a bored housewife trying to kill time between spin class and driving your kid to soccer practice. 你不过是个无聊的家庭妇女,一会儿健身一会儿送孩子上足球课,来这儿纯粹是消磨时间
Third, some just take advantage of it to kill time, avoid boredom with much time at their own disposals , have someone keep company, etc. 第三,一些利用它消磨时间,避免乏味以时刻在他们自己的处置,让某人保留公司等等。
Oh, I had a few dates with silly boys once in a while, just to kill time. 哦,我也曾和一些傻孩子有过几次约会,那只是为了消磨时光。
Some students are trying to kill time while others feel pressed for time. 有些学生在设法消磨时间,而另一些学生却总是觉得时间紧迫。
They don't need efficiency, they come online to kill time, to be entertained, to talk with friends, not to do work. 他们不需要效率,上网只是为了消磨时间、与朋友聊天而不是为了工作。
She gave the king a story every time just to kill time when she spoke of the highlights of the king had no choice but do not kill her. 她给国王讲故事,每次要杀掉她的时候刚好讲到精彩的部分,国王只好不杀她。
But more often, in hunger and thirst it is not the case, the leopard is always using a only cat only has the laid-back way to kill time. 但是更多时候,在它不饥不渴的情况下,豹子总是用一种只有猫科动物才具有的悠闲方式来消磨时光。
To kill time, he read the one book he could get his hands on, Dan Brown's "Deception Point. " 为了打发时间,他阅读唯一一本手头有的书,丹·布朗的小说《骗局》。
Coffee bars are nice place to kill time. With a few bucks, you can fully enjoy the balmy spring day and the luxury of mid-class life. 咖啡厅是消磨时间的好地方,花上几块钱,就可以充分的感知春日的和煦和中产阶级的生活情调。
We can always tell when our friends are being honest and helpful with us and not just trying to kill time or make a good impression. 我们总是可以看得出来我们的朋友是否对我们诚实以待并拔刀相助,而不是只想消磨时间或留下好印象。
It was exactly the same as what happened for England. I tried to kill time to see the game out. 这和在英格兰队发生的事极其近似,我尝试推延时间来让比赛结束。
The train ride will be long, so you'd better bring a book to help kill time. 搭火车会很久,你最好带本书打发时间。
What a despairing town! It seems to be of no possibility to find a coffee shop to kill time. 多么让人失望的小镇!看来连个咖啡馆打发时间也是不可能的。
People use their smartphones while they are commuting, waiting for an appointment and sometimes just to kill time indoors on a rainy day. 用户往往喜欢在上下班途中、约会等人、雨天独处一室的时候,通过智能手机消磨时间。
He read Greek and Latin all day long to kill time. 他整天靠读拉丁和希腊语打发日子。
If you took this job to get a paycheck and kill time until something better came along, then you probably never will love it. 当你取得这份工作然后拿了薪水,顺理成章地打发时间的时候,突然出现一个东西你也许会爱上它。
with market research and social activities with his clients during the daytime; after work, he likes to kill time in a bar alone. 他是个生意人,白天不停地做市场调查,和客户应酬,而下了班以后,他喜欢一个人去泡吧。
I finished the bible stories I brought with me and the newspaper and the magazine and ended up playing games on my cell phone to kill time. 我读了自己带的圣经故事,报纸,杂志,最后我只好往手机游戏消磨时光。
These commonly used words whether "live" or "kill time" often recalled us those bad habits made by the "philosophers" . “度日”“消磨光阴”这些常用语令人想起那些“哲人”习气。
But mum thought otherwise. I was dragged out of the line and we had to go somewhere else to kill time. 不过我的阿姨有一点感冒,所以我们还是决定不看了,到其他地方杀时间。
It's an excellent game to kill time whenever you're on travel or wait for your kids' lessons. 绝对是喜欢动脑筋的朋友打发旅途时光或等孩子放学的好玩艺儿。
Waiting time to be quiet, not by talking to kill time, it would disturb someone else. 在等待时要安静,不要通过谈话来消磨时间,这样会打扰别人工作。
Our life is nothing more than our time . To kill time is therefore a form of suicide . 时间就是生命,所以浪费时间就是变相自杀。
We find that we have a lot more time to spare if we cut down on many of the unnecessary activities we used to do just to kill time. 只要我们减少那些打发时间的不必要活动,就会发现可以省下许多时间。
Nothing to do but to get down into the street again, walk, hang around, sit on benches, kill time. 除了再上街去没有什么事可做,步行、四处转悠、坐在长椅上消磨时间。
"[What do you think], " I asked An Jia, "If someone has already eaten his fill, what can he possibly [do to] kill time" 我问安佳,“如果一个人吃饱了饭[没事干],他怎么消磨时间最好?”
Sorry to keep you waiting, but then if you want it sweet and nice; you will have to kill time. 很抱歉让你等这么久,但是现在如果你想要它变甜和香,你需要去消磨时间。
We wandered about the garden to kill time. 我们在花园漫步来消磨时光。