known as

  • 网络被称为;被认为是;以…而闻名

known asknown as

known as


英语—医学 ... keep up with[ 跟上] · known as[ 被称为] · lack of[ 缺乏] · ...


介词短语 - 豆丁网 ... knock out 击倒,击昏 known as 被认为是,被称为 L at large 一般,大体上 ...


高频动词词组(配例句) - 英语 考研论坛 ... 215. knock out 击倒,击昏 216. known as 以…而闻名 217. lay aside 把…搁置一 …


BBC news 2011-06-12 加文本|BBC world news ... close to 离…近 known as 以…而闻名; 被认为是,被称为 turn over (使)翻转; …


《变形金刚3:月黑之时》_恒星英语 ... take off 脱去 known as 以…知名;被认为是 look at 评判; 审视 ...


b pillar trim cover@b柱内饰板\4 -... ... Knock-Voltage 爆震电压\10 KNOWN AS 称作\4 KNSW 刀形开关\4 ...

The element of the system that provides the virtualization is commonly known as a virtual machine monitor or hypervisor. 提供虚拟化的系统元素常常被称为虚拟机监视器或管理器(hypervisor)。
Among the most popular are hydrocarbon, GreenEarth and a water-and-detergent method known as wet cleaning. 其中最常用的有碳氢化合物、“绿色地球”以及用水和洗衣粉的湿洗方法。
One particular Chinese emperor in the Ming Dynasty was a great lover of these insects, and became known as the Cricket Emperor. 特别是中国的一个皇帝在明代是一个伟大的爱人这些昆虫,和被称为板球皇帝。
The twenty-first century is likely to be known as the 'Anti-Imperialist Century', marking a growing intolerance of the waning US empire. 二十一世纪很可能将以“反帝国主义者世纪”而载入史册,它将印记对衰落的美帝国的不断高涨的反抗。
During the early nineteen-fifties a remarkable device known as the maser came into being through the efforts of a number of scientists. 在本世纪五十年代初,通过许多科学家的努力,出现了一种引人注目的器件,叫做微波激射器。
Telling a lie as a joke or to fool someone is a harmless type of lie, also known as a jocose lie. 开玩笑或捉弄人般地说谎是无害的谎言,也称为戏虐性的谎言。
The collusion could be in an explicit agreement, or in a more subtle form -- known as tacit coordination or coordinated interaction. 这种串谋可以是一个很明显的协定,也可能是以较为隐蔽的方式。
Computers cache the name-to-IP mapping for a certain period of time, known as the time to live (TTL), to reduce overall response time. 计算机将这个名称缓存到IP映射一段时间,这个时间段称为timetolive(TTL),以减少总响应时间。
The perpetrators are streams of charged particles blasting off the sun in what is known as the solar wind. 造成这一问题的元凶正是被人们熟悉并称之为太阳风的从太阳喷射出的带电粒子流。
A year earlier, the War of Independence, also known as the American Revolution, began. 更早一年,独立战争,也就是美国革命爆发。
and the number of slabs to be rolled, together with other process dependent variables, are known as a rolling program or rolling schedule. 地带层面,冶金组成和石板的数量将推出,加上其他进程因变量,被称为一个滚动计划或滚动计划。
"So far, the GFW [Great Firewall] is lagging behind and still needs improvement, " said the man known as its father. “目前,GFW[防火长城]已经落伍,仍需改善。”GFW之父说。
Often known as the fear index, the VIX tends to rise sharply in times of turmoil, as it did last autumn. 该指数在市场动荡时期往往会急剧上升,去年秋季就是如此。
These telephone calls are about a contract between a large aircraft company and one of its suppliers, also known as a subcontractor. 录音中的电话交谈是在一家大的航空公司和它的供应商之间关于合同的天谈话。
Rogue Squadron engaged Isard in a conflict that became known as the Bacta War, and she was eventually defeated. 侠盗中队在一次被称为“巴克塔战争”的军事冲突中与伊萨德交战,最终战胜了她。
Unlike all other class loaders , the bootstrap class loader (also known as the primordial class loader) cannot be instantiated by Java code. 与其他类装入器不同,引导类装入器(也称作基本(primordial)类装入器)不能由Java代码实例化。
Attempt to deify the man known as the great man who should be the ulterior motives of the person or people with some kind of complex. 企图把人称为伟人神化的人应该是别有用心之人或者有着某种情结的人。
This record-breaking object, known as JKCS041, is observed as it was when the Universe was just one quarter of its current age. 这一破纪录的天体称作JKCS041,它是在宇宙年龄是现在四分之一的时候被观测到的。
The annual food fest known as the holidays is still upon us, but the New Year is also right around the corner. 作为节假日的食品大餐还是要靠我们,但是新年又要到了。
Known as contrast agents, the products are used to improve clarity in medical scans of the heart and other internal organs. 造影剂用于改善心脏和其它内部器官的医学造影成像清晰度。
Strano said the sensors are made up of thin filaments of carbon molecules known as carbon nanotubes. Strano称,传感器是由被称为碳纳米管的薄丝碳分子制成。
Now it became an industry and a circus With a partner, Jarvis sponsored an initiative that would become known as Proposition 13. 现在,它成了一个产业和一个有同伴的马戏团,Jarvis发起了一个将被称作第13号提案的创议。
The maple leaf is the well-known symbol for Canada, and has been used for the organisation since it was known as Trans-Canada Airlines. 枫叶是加拿大的象征,并一直以来它被称为横贯加拿大航空公司组织使用。
The annual economic policy meeting, known as the Economic Work Conference, helps establish policy priorities for the next year. 每年一次的中央经济工作会议帮助确立下一年的政策重点。
The volume of capital directly influences the cost to borrow said capital, otherwise known as the rate of interest. 资本的数量直接影响着上述资本的借贷成本,也即利息率(therateofinterest)。
Investigations resulted in a Chongqing court giving a suspended death sentence to a pork mogul known as the 'butcher of Chongqing. 根据调查,重庆法院判处一个被称为“重庆屠夫”的猪肉商死缓。
On further investigation, Roy M. Huffington Inc (also known as Huffco) turns out to be an independent oil and gas company based in Texas. 经过进一步的调查,我发现罗伊•M.•赫芬顿公司(又名Huffco)实际上是一家总部位于得克萨斯州的独立石油和天然气公司。
that were it a girl she should be known as Jasmine, but all she hoped for was to be delivered of a healthy baby. 怀了孕的妈妈说更偏爱一个宝贝,就是那个名字是茉莉的女孩,但她的所有的希望是能生下一个健健康康的宝贝。
If it is two or more cells thick, it is known as stratified epithelium. 如果是两个或多个单元格厚,它被称为复层上皮。
I'm afraid your school is not as well known as you think! 恐怕你的学校并不像你所想的那么有名。