satisfied with

  • v.满足于
  • 网络满意;满意某事;与…分开的

satisfied withsatisfied with

satisfied with


七下英语词组(速求)_百度知道 ... 去散步 To go for a walk 对 满意 Satisfied with 上课迟到 Late for class ...


Adjective ... different from 不同/有别於 satisfied with 满意某事 disappointed with 感失望 ...


2012年学位英语必备复习资料... ... 65. responsible for/to 响应的 67. satisfied with 与…分开的 77. thirsty for 对…渴望的 ...


2012期末:深圳牛津版... ... 13. be pleased/ satisfied with 对某事感到满意 3. tell/ ask sb. to do sth. 告诉/要求某人做某事 ...


strict中文 ... 严格责任赔偿 strict liability... satisfied with 满意于, strict with 对…严格, ...


帮我将呢几句译做中文,谢... ... 有你在我身边, you by my side makes me, 心满意足, satisfied with, 手牵手, we can overcome, ...


容易混淆的Verb - 部落格 -... ... be interested in 感有兴趣的是 satisfied with 感的开心的是 surprised at 感到惊讶的是 ...

I even spoke to the manager and he did not seem to care that I was far from satisfied with my room. 我甚至去找经理反映问题,但他看上去根本不在乎我对这房间抱有多大不满。
I was ready to hand pick is not satisfied with the look of the apple, I hesitate: the event that this is a bitter apple how to do? 我正准备伸手去摘那个看起来令人不太满意的苹果时,我犹豫了:万一这又是一个苦涩的苹果怎么办呢?
'Hello Rainbow! ' he said, 'The annual report is ready! How long it is! I read through it several times and I was very satisfied with it. ' “喂,彩虹!”他说道:“年度报告做好了!真长啊!我通读了好几遍,感觉很满意!”
If one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a people's court. 当事人一方也可以直接向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决不服的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
Many schools have been satisfied with just a simple static information to release campus site. 很多学校都已不满足于建立一个简单的仅仅能够发布信息的静态校园网站。
Finally he got down on his hands and knees and crawled to the front door thoroughly satisfied with his day's work. 最后他干脆用手和膝盖爬到家门口,对自己一天的工作感到十分满意。
to cut up, I finally completed a relatively satisfied with their hair, dress and then I put it a bit, my God! 我终于完成削减相对满意自己的头发,穿着,然后我把这一点,我的上帝!
How much of our church budget goes to support agencies that are not satisfied with merely speaking out against abortion? 我们从教会的财政中,拨出多少来支援那些不仅用说话,而且还用实际行动来反对堕胎的机构?
As demonstrations increased in frequency and maturity, ASDI continued to be satisfied with the work we were doing. 当演示的频率和成熟度增加时,ASDI对我们所做的工作继续保持满意。
We are sorry to tell you that our management was not satisfied with the forecast provided by you at the last meeting. 我们很抱歉告诉你,我们的管理层对你们上次会议提供的预测不满意。
The president is satisfied with a second-rate American economy produced by his third-rate policies, " said Pawlenty. " I am not. 他说:“总统对用他的三流政策产生出的二流美国经济感到满意。我不满意。”
She had acquired too much of London breeding to be perfectly satisfied with her cousin's rustic and national dress. 她染上了许多伦敦人的习气,对她表妹土里土气的衣着不十分满意。
Bader said the U. S. side is satisfied with the sound communication and cooperation between both sides. 贝德表示,美中双方沟通与合作良好,美方对此感到满意。
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. 人口中所结的果子,必充满肚腹。他嘴所出的,必使他饱足。
There are many ways to ask your customers whether or not they are satisfied with your company, your products, and the service they received. 有许多不同的方法可以问你的客户对你们的公司、你们的产品、以及他们所得到的服务是否满意。
No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more. 如果一个人有能力使用更多、享受更多,他不应该只满足于这一点点财富。
She was proud to show me around her temporary room, and I think this was her way of expressing that she was satisfied with our hospitality. 她很自豪地向我展示了这间刚刚成为她的下榻地不久的房间,我想她是在以这种方式来向我表示她对我们的招待很满意。
Mary was satisfied with the Parsonage as a present home, and Henry equally ready to lengthen his visit. 玛丽乐意目前以牧师住宅为家,亨利同样愿意继续客居下去。
Ms. Schneider is leaving because officials haven't been satisfied with her performance, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士称,施耐德离开是因为高管们对她的表现不满。
I would like to tell you that my clients are very satisfied with the last delivery of your slippers. 我想告诉你,的客户对你方的最后一批拖鞋非常满意。
Qi's wife added that she was very satisfied with all that had been done for them. 齐承斌的妻子补充说,对人们为他们所做的一切,她心存感激。
Looking at it in another light, does contentment mean being satisfied with less than our best efforts at something? 从另一个角度看,知足是否指我们满足于未尽全力的事情?
If I am satisfied with you, and you are satisfied with me, I have numerous additional books that I need illustrated. 如果我很满意你,你对我满意,我有很多,我需要说明的其他书籍。
We are satisfied with his work and his attitude and we are hoping for the best of him in our next matches. 我们对他的表现和态度感到满意,希望在下场比赛他会有最好的状态。
The rest of your interests may not need that much attention. They might be perfectly satisfied with an occasional trip to the playground. 你其他的兴趣爱好可能不需要过多关注。它们也许刚好满足你临时去趟运动场的需求。
no longer satisfied with the opposite sex, do not wish to be bound, like and different from women. 对异性不满足,不希望被束缚,喜欢和不同的女人来往。
And when they were satisfied with food, they began to lighten the ship, throwing out the wheat into the sea. 他们吃饱了,就把麦子抛在海里,叫船轻一点。
Joe Cole too can be reasonably satisfied with his efforts, while there was no sign David Beckham's trans-Atlantic trip had taken any toll. 乔。科尔的攻门也相当地令人满意,而大卫。贝克汉姆的跨大西洋之旅也没有带来任何负面的表现。
After years of continuous development, we have accumulated numerous field experience, I believe we must be satisfied with your partner. 经过多年的不断发展,我们已积累了无数的现场经验,相信我们一定是您满意的合作伙伴。
A spokesman for BSkyB said the company stood by its statement earlier this month that it was satisfied with the current board arrangements. 天空广播公司发言人说,公司坚持本月早些时候一份声明中的内容,对目前的董事会安排表示满意。