
美 [ˈstʌdi]英 ['stʌdi]
  • n.学习;研究;功课;课业
  • v.学习;攻读;审视;端详
  • 网络书房;练习曲;读书

复数:studies 过去式:studied 现在分词:studying

preliminary study,experimental study,initial study,comprehensive study,study hard
study produce,make study,case study,study engineering,study project
carefully study


n. v.

学习activity of learning

1.[u]学习;研究the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or by examining things in the world

2.[pl]功课;课业;学业a particular person's learning activities, for example at a college or university

学科academic subject

3.[uspv](用于某些学科名称)used in the names of some academic subjects

仔细检查detailed examination

4.[u]细致考虑;仔细检查;审视the act of considering or examining sth in detail

5.[c](专题)研究,调查a piece of research that examines a subject or question in detail


7.[c]习作;试作;试画a drawing or painting of sth, especially one done for practice or before doing a larger picture

典型perfect example

9.[sing]~ (in sth)典型;范例a perfect example of sth


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Do men actually clean them at all? A private (and not very scientific) study of male office workers indicates that they do not. 其实,男人们洗西服吗?一项私下对(不是十分科学)对办公室男职员进行的调查表明,他们不洗。
He said the government would study with the Tokyo Electric Power Company a permanent closure of the measures of radioactive substances. 他表示,政府将与东京电力公司一道研究永久封闭放射性物质的措施。
"Somebody needs to come out that's an expert. I would love to see some entomology intern come out and study this, " she said. 她说:“有人需要到户外。这样的人要是专家。我会很希望看见某位昆虫学实习生来对这进行研究”
He said the study had been prompted by the causal link between risky sex and alcohol consumption. 他还说,这项研究的动因是饮酒与危险性关系之间的因果关系。
but how much you learn when you do study. 重要的是你学习时学到多少东西。
While not the focus of this study, other questions about the mental health repercussions of a bad job revolve around the individual. 一些关于坏工作对人们心理健康反响的其他问题(而非这个调查所关注的中心)涌现出来。
Since the choice of animation professionals through years of study, practice, study of this art has been a new awareness. 自从选择动画专业后,通过几年的学习、实践、研究后对这个艺术领域有了全新的认识。
As you work out your individual schedule, attempt to include a minimum of two study hours each day. 做个人日程表时,尽量每天安排至少两个小时学习。
"Jessica, " said her mother, who was also a study in what good clothing can do for age, "push that pin down in your tie -- it's coming up. " “杰西卡,”她母亲说,她的穿着也可以帮助人们研究漂亮的服装能怎样美化上了年纪的人。“把领带夹别牢--快脱出来了。”
Behind the word "string study" there is a very simple method to demonstrate unnecessary paths in the kitchen or other work areas. “绳线研究法这个词”其实指的是一个很简单的REFA计算厨房或其他工作区域中多余路程的方法。
You could take each of these words and make a study of them. They all have much to say to us. 我们若想深入了解每种果子的含意,可逐一研究每个字词的意思,一定对我们带来很多启发。
Dick often helps me with my study, and that's very kind of him. 迪克常帮助我学习,他很热心。
Married people are more likely to survive cancer, whereas those going through a break-up have the worst chance of beating it, a study shows. 已婚者比较可能在罹癌后生还,而经历分手的人,战胜癌症的机率最低,一项研究显示。
This study suggests that OLT is feasible for incurable AE of the liver and that this procedure ensures a good clinical outcome. 这项研究表明:OLT用于难治性滤泡型肝包虫病是可行的,并且可以确保良好的临床结果。
There was also a study done, that not surprisingly, 92 % of the children in Iraq had learning impediment, due to a climate of fear. 这并不奇怪,目前已有研究表明,92%的伊拉克儿童都患有学习障碍,其主要原因是令有令人胆战心惊的氛围。
A bit of me: My hobby is reading fiction books (Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon, Robin Cook), besides study asian culture. 我的一点:我的爱好是读书除了学习亚洲文化小说书籍(阿加莎克里斯蒂,西德尼谢尔顿,库克)。
Compared to that, this water diversion project did not do as comprehensive a preliminary study as the Three Gorges project did. 相比之下,这项调水工程却没有进行三峡项目那么全面的前期研究。
Hence our study of military theory, of strategy and tactics and of army political work brooks not a moment's delay. 因此,研究军事的理论,研究战略和战术,研究军队政治工作,不可或缓。
a . doak barnett was an outstanding expert on china studies and a founder of the study of contemporary china in the united states. 是美国杰出的中国问题专家,美国当代中国学的开创者和奠基人,他毕生致力于当代中国研究。
"We're doing a forensic study and we're trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, " Solangi says. “我们的研究涉及方方面面,并且我们试图把各类线索联结起来。”苏朗极说。
Landscape photography within the realm of HDR, is the study of light and an attempt to bring detail out of high-contrast scenes. 在HDR范畴内,风光摄影就是对光线的研究,并努力将细节从高对比度的场景中挖掘出来。
The study measured the availability of mobile website pages, and how fast and how much data they downloaded. 这次研究测量了手机网站的页面可用性、数据下载速度和数据下载量三个指标。
Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. 每天都要练习,为自己订一个学习计划,决定每周花多少时间来学然后坚持学。
It is one of the purpose of this study is to find out whether such a connection is possible. 这正是本文的目的之一,而本文正是要揭示这样一种连接是否可能存在。
The results of the children's study have been published in a separate article in the American medical journal Pediatrics. 对儿童的研究成果独立发表在美国儿科医学杂志上。
The study also tested how much these changes had been affected by hedonic adaptation (see sustainable happiness post) and variety. 这个研究也检验了享乐适应(看可持续的幸福终点)和变化究竟能带来多大的改变。
I don't have time for a psychological study. What I needed was an answer. Thanks for your help. 我可没时间让你们做心理研究我要的是结果多些你们的帮助
The total number of family names in this country has been the subject of a careful study by Elsdon C. Smith, for his Story of Our Names. 艾尔斯顿C。史密斯在《名字的故事》一书中,仔细地研究了美国姓氏的总数。
Murdoch dropped out of school experience they are not obsessed regrettable, he said he obtained from the dynamic study. 默多克念念不忘辍学经历却并不引以为憾,他说他自己从中得到求学的动力。
She choose give her study up as she began to lose the confidence in her study. 她对学习失去了信心,以至于选择了放弃。